

HangZhou/ BinJiang 2022
Fenghua Zhenji Studio&Art Space
Our relationship with time is always full of chance, randomness, and irreversibility. Like an endless river, time easily carries people's love, tears, all memories, and pain, surging forward in a rush. Looking back, I saw that I had reached old age. Collecting for a period of time is essentially impossible, but the modern techniques of shaping space can replicate the shadow of time. When all the elements of material, color, light and shadow, and atmosphere are properly pieced together, there is a chance to unfold in front of us, which is different from the current time and space experience. The experience of beauty is naturally generated as a result.
We hope to integrate antiques and contemporary art in this art space, integrate Eastern and Western cultures, and discover those truly eternal and passed down things. It is something that gradually fades with use and time, but becomes even more charming with the exposure of light. Through such a space, more people can be guided to experience how art can be integrated into their lives. Artworks from different periods will eventually merge here, forming different atmospheres. I hope that these ancient things can be re understood in such a container, and the values hidden in old objects can be awakened and utilized again. This container contains an infinite continuation of space, containing some details to capture people's wandering gaze and the atmosphere they experience when entering the space.
This was originally a regular sloping roof office space with a floor height of 4.2 meters. Due to the original building structure, there was a 220mm height difference on the ground. We focus on the usage function of the space itself and divide the large space into six functional areas in a step-by-step manner: entrance hall, reception area, large exhibition hall, small exhibition hall, employee office area, and office. And utilizing a 4.2m floor height, a two-story storage space is set up locally, while ensuring the height of the space while also considering practicality.
For a space that includes photography functions, "light" is the most important, breaking the original closed boundaries of the space and creating interaction and integration with external sunlight, air, and landscape. In the large space opposite the entrance, french window with a height of 3.5 meters are designed to maximize the introduction of external natural light into the interior; In the small exhibition hall section of the elevated area, we will partially retreat the space, leaving a portion of gray space as the balcony area, and install small segmented solid wood doors and windows. Over time, different light and shadow effects will be generated, so that there will be sharp, hazy, or mottled different lights throughout the entire exhibition hall to match the scene and texture required for shooting.
In terms of materials, we use Earth tone micro cement that can reflect light changes well on the wall, French brown sand stone floor, teak floor, bookcase, etc. By getting close to the earth and touching beautiful wood in this way, we can enhance the storytelling and atmosphere of ancient things. The space is divided by solid walls and soft curtains. The four meter high hall and the 3.5 meter high french window form an array layout, creating a strong shock.
Design Director/Cookie Yang
設計總監/ 张英琦
Chief Director/Linc Zhang
項目地址/ 杭州
Location / HangZhou
Area /173㎡
竣工時間/ 2022年06月
Completion Time / June 2022
施工 /余恩建筑工程工作室
Construction / Y U N Team
攝影/ Lucy
Photography/ Lucy