

“书山(Book mountain)”位于杭州市余杭高级中学,余杭高级中学是浙江省一级重点中学、浙江省绿色学校。本项目受余杭高级中学及新华书店集团委托,希望在中学的教学楼中内植入由新华书店提供的图书与文化交流的场所,可供在校师生阅读、小坐、分享与讲习之处。
“Book Mountain” is a school bookstore located in YuHang Senior High School, Hangzhou. Yuhang Senior High School is the First Class middle school in Zhejiang Province and a Provincial green campus. Commissioned by Yuhang Senior High School and Xinhua Bookstore Group, we hope to create a place for books and cultural socializing in the teaching building, where teachers and students can read, share and study.
被我们称为“书山”的书店,位于余杭高级中学新教学楼的一楼,总建筑面积 1153.2 平方米,原有空间是一个纵深向的矩形,建筑结构形式是作为几个相连教室设计的:南侧为连廊,北侧为大开间的教室。由于这个空间位于建筑的一层,南北都与楼宇外部庭园相连,整个环境平坦开阔,绿植盎然,内部空间与外部院落环境的连接展现出颇有活力的场景。
The bookstore, which we call “Book Mountain”, is located on the first floor of the new teaching building of Yuhang Senior High School, with a total construction area of 1153.2 square meters. The original space is a deep rectangle, and the building structure is designed as several connected classrooms: the south side is a corridor, and the north side is a large classroom. As this space is located on the first floor of the building, the north and south are connected to the external garden of the building. The whole environment is flat, open and full of greenery. The interior space and the external courtyard environment show a very dynamic connection.
▼学校庭院中进入书店的游廊入口,veranda entrance to the bookstore from school courtyard
▼学校庭院回望书店,仿若一个发光的温室,the bookstore like a glowing greenhouse viewing from courtyard
▼内部体量生成过程, interiorvolume generation process
The bookstore not only provides books, but also has a tea drinking bar, reading space, and a variety of literature, handicrafts, and stationery supplies displayed in the store, which has become the main place for students’ extracurricular activities. We hope that in this knowledge garden on the campus, the school can express its expectations and care for students. It is different from other impetuous commercial spaces to provide a better growth environment for students who are growing up and being enlightened. The campus bookstore plays an important role with a friendly mission. We hope that this small interior space can not only provide students with the function of daily activities, but also give students some inspiration on creation and creativity. Different from most campus bookstores, this project shows different spatial imagination and design thinking related to traditional Chinese context. At the same time, it is also hoped that the formal characteristics of the space itself and its potential semantic meaning can convey some metaphors about the process of life growth and knowledge construction.
▼“书山”自身优美的屋面弧线,elegant roof curve of the “Book Mountain”
▼屋面开洞细部,detail of the opening on the roof
“书山(Book Mountain)”是一个很有中国意含的隐喻。中国有句古语:“书山有路勤为径”,读书求学的路径,就像人生的自我探索,是曲折的。中国还有句古话:曲境通幽。幽明也是中国文化中非常重要的美学观念与境界。
“书山(Book Mountain)”书店在空间设计策略上,可以被看作是一件充满室内的一座连续体空间装置。“书山(Book Mountain)”中“山(Mountain)”的形式是一种抽象的传统东⽅屋构,借鉴了中国建筑语汇中的坡屋面的形式,以四个相互平移错峰的木构屋架组合而成,基础单元以每个单元 800mm*800mm 单元原木框架叠置而成,以⾦⽊结合的组装填充,成为了一个结构严谨且造型优美的框架结构,只要在合适的高度加上层板,变成了文人的“书房”,书籍、器物陈置其间,即可成为功能与形式共生的完美结构, 空开的单元与放置物品的单元在整体统一的构图秩序中,虚实相间,引人探索。
▼“书山”总体空间结构,drawing of overall structure
As a space design strategy, “Book Mountain” bookstore can be regarded as a continuous space installation filled in the whole interior space. In terms of form construction, we use four wooden roof frames which are translated into different peaks. The base unit is made of 800mm*800mm pine wood frame. In the space of each unit, flat shelf can be added at any time to the unit frame for displaying books, handicrafts, learning stationery, etc. In the overall unified composition order, the space opening unit and the placing unit alternate between virtual (empty frames) and real (with object), inviting exploration. “Book Mountain” is a metaphor with Chinese meaning. As an old Chinese saying goes, “A mountain of books is paved with diligence.” The path of reading and learning, just like the self-exploration of life, is tortuous. There is also an old Chinese saying: a winding path leads to tranquility. Tranquil and owl-light is also a very important aesthetic concept and realm in Chinese culture.
▼“书山”内部:布满书籍的游廊,inside the “Book Mountain”: corridor full of books
▼“书山”内部:承载书的结构架,inside the “Book Mountain”: structural shelve on which display the books
▼“书山”内部,”Book Mountain” interior
Above the roof truss, the light white soft film forms a soft and bright space, so that the light can be sprinkled in every corner of the space through this layer of medium. In the evening and dusk, the light of the interior reveals light from the film cloth of the wooden roof, and you can vaguely see the beautiful internal structure and readers through it, which is another scene. In “Book Mountain”, we try our best to keep the structure in the most realistic state. There is no bookshelf in the space. The structure itself is the bookshelf. The structure itself is both “Function” and “Significance”. “Book Mountain” is both “bookshelf” and “roof frame”.
▼屋架、悬亭、游廊组成的室内园林,an indoorgarden composed of roof structure, hanging pavilion and veranda
▼“书山”上悬空的游廊,suspended veranda
Walking in the bookstore, feels like walking in a Chinese garden. Hills, roof truss, little pavilions, path and verandahs are all typical elements of traditional gardens. The name of the project, “Book Mountain”, is itself a name with great garden significance.
“Mountain” plays an extremely important role in traditional gardens. “Mountain” is a microcosm of the world and a condensation of ancient people’s understanding and reflection on the world. We took the shape of a mountain to create an indoor garden where people can stay here peacefully. Although there is no stack of stones in the garden, the stack is a book, but it is still a mountain.
▼可静心阅读、静心思考的室内文园,an indoor garden where people can stay here peacefully
▼阅读区一瞥,glimpse at reading area
The path of the whole space is tortuous. The “pavilion” hovering on the left and right of the wooden frame roof breaks the continuous and homogeneous structure order properly, and the space becomes orderly and energetic. People seem to be in a fairy-tale garden, in the book mountain stack stone situation, the books just next beside of you within reach, mild light and pine wood reflects a beautiful and warm atmosphere, let a person peaceful and quiet, heart joy.
▼屋架的弧度与人身体的关系,从高于头顶到腰部以下,the curve of the roof in relation to the human body, from above the head to below the waist
The structure of “Book Mountain” itself is also a spiritual metaphor. The construction of the roof beams with layers of accumulation represents the meaning of growth, as well as the accumulation and construction of knowledge, and finally forms the “building”. It conveys the accumulation of knowledge that we have known for thousands of years. If we identify books as the source of wisdom and cognition, the intuitive feeling created by the roof of the “book mountain” is exactly the mentality of studying hard and accumulating accumulation that we should acquire in our growth. This is also a kind of intellectual attitude in the creation, which I hope the students can understand in this space, and the expectation of students’ growth and success.
▼“书山”内部概览,overview of the “Book Mountain” interior
Students can walk in the “Book Mountain”. The translucent soft film separates the noise of the external environment. Sunlight and tree shadows shine on the semi-permeable soft film, which is the fusion of time and nature. Take a book, slowly step out of the “roof” of the bookshelves, find a quiet place, come to a light open space, sit down by the window, the view is bright, facing the lush courtyard.
“A mountain of books is paved with diligent roads.” In the bookstore, the verandah path twists and turns, from the verandah into the terrace pavilion, adjacent to the roof seats, watching the students walking through this book garden, tasting a cup of coffee or tea, opening a book, preparing lessons or reading, can bring you a certain sense of joy and pride.
▼木构架内书籍的摆放与陈列,the display of the books on the frame shelves
▼书店内温馨的阅读角落,a cozy reading corner
“Book Mountain” integrates with the surrounding environment of the campus as a whole. We unify all the elements in an understanding of “environment”. “Book Mountain” is a landscape garden blending inside and outside, which no longer has obvious boundaries. Verandas and paths cross to guide people from one place to another.
▼室内一角,corner of the room
建筑面积:612 平方米