
2020/11/28 19:59:00
项目地点 | 福州 项目名称 | 金辉溪溪里 项目面积 | 160㎡ 设计团队 | 福建安定空间设计有限公司
“家”是心之所在地,是一个又一个的细节,处处留心,皆是感动。父母对子女无私的爱,三代人的传递便是“爱的延续”。 "Home" is the place where the heart is located. Its one detail after another. Its moving to pay attention everywhere. Parents unselfish love for their children, the transmission of the three generations is "the continuation of love". 以巧克力为主色调烘托沉稳格调,并以咖色突出诠释高级质感,打造惊艳视觉效果,天然米白色渲染温馨氛围,打造出大气非凡的韵味。 With chocolate as the main color to set off a calm style, and with coffee color to highlight the interpretation of advanced texture, to create a stunning visual effect, Natural Beige rendering warm atmosphere, to create an atmosphere of extraordinary charm.
▲整个空间结合巧克力的可塑性与丝滑感,以流线型的方式来呈现吊顶,将客厅餐厅整体化。采用巧克力棒整列的方式来统一客餐厅,将客厅餐厅整体化呈开放式的格局。利用奢石进行层次的分割及档次的提升,灯光作为辅助元素,把现代感立体加强。 The whole space combines the plasticity and silkiness of chocolate to present the ceiling in a streamlined way and integrate the living room and dining room. Adopt the whole row of chocolate bars to unify the guest dining room, and make the living room dining room an open pattern. Use extravagant stone for level segmentation and upgrading, lighting as an auxiliary element to strengthen the modern sense of three-dimensional.
▲隐藏玄关后方的储物柜,以浅咖色硬包包裹其他墙面,使空间更加温馨。同时还采用了从吊顶连贯至玄关背景墙的L形灯带照亮空间,并且似有似无地分割出去往楼梯厅与客餐厅的动线。 Hide the lockers at the back of the porch and wrap other walls with light coffee hard bags to make the space more warm. At the same time, the L-shaped light belt from the ceiling to the background wall of the porch is also used to illuminate the space, and the moving line to the staircase hall and the guest dining room is seemingly separated.
▲选择方形楼梯,与巧克力块结合,加强楼梯的体块感,利用下打灯的方式强调楼梯的层次感,类似巧克力块一般咖色石材结构的温润质感和色调让人放松,透出的温度刚好让家人之间感觉到温暖。 Choose the square stair, combine with chocolate block, strengthen the body block sense of the stair, and use the way of lighting to emphasize the level sense of the stair. The warm texture and color of the general coffee stone structure similar to chocolate block make people relax, and the temperature just makes families feel warm.
▲利用巧克力的多色系,以立体构成的逻辑进行材质的阵列与穿插。考虑到房主母亲喜欢大理石,便选择以大理石为材质的装饰挂件来打破并联系原本的空间构成。 By using the multi-color system of chocolate, the material array and interleaving are carried out with the three-dimensional logic. Considering that the owners mother likes marble, she chooses the decorative pendant made of marble to break the original space structure.
▲空间本身存在着明显的过道,划分出了两个区域,以构成的逻辑在背景墙中用两种材质划分区域,利用中间的带有融合寓意的装饰画联系原本分开的两个区域,同时也象征着两个个体,爱的融合。 There is an obvious corridor in the space itself, which is divided into two areas. In the background wall, two materials are used to divide the areas with the logic of composition. The decorative paintings with fusion implication in the middle are used to connect the two areas originally separated, and also symbolize the fusion of two individuals and love.
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