东京 BELLUSTAR 酒店 | 日式奢华与现代设计的完美融合

2023/05/23 17:59:11
日本生活方式品牌Karimoku向大众自豪地展示了其第九个案例研究 —— BELLUSTAR东京酒店,它位于东京市中心著名的东京歌舞伎町塔,是一家泛太平洋酒店。品牌发起人Keiji Ashizawa Design和Norm Architects亲自操刀项目的室内设计,为这座豪华酒店中的不同空间定制了不同的室内风格,这些空间包括:三家餐厅,一家水疗中心以及五间独特的顶层套房,所有空间中都配置了Karimoku系列的家居作品。
The Japanese lifestyle brand Karimoku is proud to present its 9th case study, the furnishing of the new hotel BELLUSTAR TOKYO, A Pan Pacific Hotel, at the Tokyu Kabukicho Tower in central Tokyo. Brand initiators Keiji Ashizawa Design and Norm Architects have developed a bespoke interior design concept for the various spaces at the luxurious hotel, including three restaurants, a spa as well as five unique penthouse suites, all of which have been fitted out with items from the Karimoku collections. Additionally, new items have been designed by Keiji Ashizawa Design and Norm Architects specifically for the project, from which a selection of pieces will be added to the Karimoku collection.
▼项目概览,overall of the project
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BELLUSTAR东京酒店的设计完美融合了日本传统文化和现代舒适生活的设计理念,旨在为客人们提供最好的日式酒店体验,周到的室内美学、柔和的色调和精致的纹理唤起和平与宁静的感觉,伴随着精致巧妙的空间装饰,高品质的家具以及对细节的关注,进一步为人们营造出宾至如归的舒适感受。本研究案例再一次体现出Karimoku品牌的基本哲学理念:在给定的建筑框架基础上创造出连贯的室内设计概念,并在其中融合品牌旗下的独特定制家具。新酒店项目BELLUSTAR TOKYO的落成,标志着Karimoku品牌在定制零售空间、酒店和私人住宅等项目实践中的进一步进展。
The concept of BELLUSTAR TOKYO perfectly blends traditional Japanese culture and contemporary comfort. Offering guests the finest in Japanese- style hospitality, the spaces evoke a sense of peace and serenity thanks to the thoughtful interior aesthetic of soft hues and delicate textures accompanied by a subtle decor, soft furnishings, and attention to detail. This new case study by Karimoku once again exemplifies the holistic approach that constitutes the philosophy of Karimoku: Developing a coherent interior design concept as well as bespoke items of furniture based on a given architectural framework. The new hotel project BELLUSTAR TOKYO marks the 9th case study by Karimoku, following the completion of bespoke retail, hospitality as well as private housing projects.
▼项目中展示了一系列Karimoku品牌系列定制家具,The project showcases a collection of custom-made furniture of Karimoku
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坐落在东京天际线上,新宿的新地标内,BELLUSTAR东京泛太平洋酒店的五间顶层公寓,为东京歌舞伎町塔创造出一处“以人为本”的奢华隐居避难所。项目由Keiji Ashizawa Design和Norm Architects共同设计,并采用了一系列Karimoku品牌的定制家具作品。这座隐蔽的豪华酒店将客人置于距地面200米的高空,让人们的视线能够从繁忙的大都市一直延伸到壮阔的富士山。上到45层的那一刻,人们将立即被美丽宁静的空间氛围所包围,外界带来的压力与烦恼也在此刻烟消云散了。除了五套豪华公寓外,顶层空间中还设有三家餐厅,其中一家餐厅采用了三层通高的形式,在这里,人们可以欣赏到令人惊叹的景色,此外,酒店中还设有水疗中心,为人们提供了体验日本四季和丰富风土的机会。五套顶层公寓的设计呈现出现代和古典之间的完美融合,每间套房都享有壮丽的景观视野,为人们创造出高品质的休闲体验,让人在繁忙的都市生活中得到片刻喘息。
Perched atop the great Tokyo skyline, within the new landmark of Shinjuku, the 5-room penthouses at the new BELLUSTAR TOKYO, a Pan Pacific Hotel, is a secluded refuge of human- centric luxury at the Tokyu Kabukicho Tower. Collaboratively designed by Keiji Ashizawa Design and Norm Architects and furnished by Karimoku Furniture, the secluded luxury guesthouse elevates guests 200 meters above ground level for unbroken views of the megapolis all the way to Mount Fuji. Ascending to the 45th floor, one is instantly enveloped in a world of captivating beauty and tranquility as the stress of the outside world melts away. The grand penthouse space features three restaurants, one of which is 3 levels tall with stunning views, a spa where one can experience the 4 seasons and bounty of Japan’s soil, as well as 5 unique penthouse suites. Offering a perfect harmony between the modern and the ancient, each suite is designed to provide the ultimate leisure experience with breathtaking views of the bustling city that surround the hotel.
▼东京市中心全景视野,panoramic view of Tokyo
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BELLUSTAR餐厅由建筑师Keiji Ashizawa设计,高达13米的天花板为室内引入了令人惊叹的外部景观,东京天际线在这里一览无余。餐厅的布置极为优雅,采用了Foster + Partners为Karimoku品牌设计的极简主义定制家具,其有机形式和对木材肌理的呈现,与空间中的木材和石材等天然材料相互呼应、相得益彰。宏伟的落地窗将窗外的城市景观化作一副生动的艺术作品,将人们从都市生活的焦虑与烦躁中解脱出来。餐厅中仅设置了36个座位,空间感觉既亲密又宏伟。BELLUSTAR餐厅中具有私密的角落,也有供人们与亲友团聚的公共空间,此外,Norm Architects还根据该空间的氛围为Karimoku特别设计了一款定制座椅。这款温馨舒适的座椅充分考虑到人们的使用需求,让人们在欣赏东京天际线的壮丽景色以及与身边人交流的场景中无缝切换。
Designed by Keiji Ashizawa, the restaurant “Restaurant Bellustar ” boasts a stunning 13-meter-high ceiling and with an unbroken view of the Tokyo skyline. The space is elegantly furnished with minimalist bespoke designs from Foster + Partners for Karimoku, whose organic forms and appreciation of the material wood are in line with the use of natural materials like wood and stone throughout the space. This can be seen as an antidote to the city that serve as artworks through the grand windows. With just 36 seats, the space feels both intimate and grand. Working with a layout that offers both intimacy as well as togetherness for the Restaurant Bellustar, Norm Architects developed a bespoke Lounge Chair for Karimoku. The warm and welcoming chair allows visitors to effortlessly look towards the striking view of the Tokyo skyline and then to the person sitting next to them – all in one smooth movement.
▼BELLUSTAR餐厅概览,overall of the Restaurant Bellustar
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▼三层通高用餐空间,dining area boasts a stunning 13-meter-high ceiling
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▼由Norm Architects特别设计的定制座椅,Lounge Chair specially designed by Norm Architects
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Bar Bellustar is dedicated to offering guests an unforgettable experience of the highest quality and skill. Designed with equal respect for shadows and light, the dark color palette for the furniture items from Karimoku create a balanced palette that corresponds to the colors of the wooden furnishings, floor, walls and textiles. The rich materials and beautifully simple details of the space make for a stay that is both relaxing and extraordinary, despite being in the middle of Tokyo.
▼酒吧概览,overall of the Bar Bellustar
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▼大面积的落地窗,large area of floor-to-ceiling windows
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▼酒吧座位区,seating area of the bar
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In addition to the main restaurant, the penthouse area boasts 2 intimate restaurants: a Sushi and a Teppanyaki venue. Designed to feel like small hidden and intimate traditional city restaurants but transformed into contemporary places hovering above Tokyo, the 2 restaurants have their own character and material palette. At the sushi restaurant, the space is bathed in the soft glow of Hinoki wood, while the Teppanyaki “Tenyu” Restaurant feels even more intimate and moody with its dark brick walls adorned in intricate patterns.
▼寿司店入口,entrance of the Sushi venue
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▼寿司店室内,interior of the Sushi venue
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▼铁板烧店入口,entrance of the Teppanyaki venue
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▼铁板烧店室内空间,interior of the Teppanyaki venue
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横跨天空的五套顶层公寓的灵感来自于日本的四季,并以“Kacho Fuugetsu”一词的不同元素命名,分别对应了“花”、“鸟”、“风”和“月”。日本传统文化融入到室内设计的美学中,而7米宽的落地窗则将东京的全景展现在人们的眼前。所有顶层公寓都配备了由Keiji Ashizawa、Norm Architects和Norman Foster设计的Karimoku家具系列,自然、温暖、舒适的室内空间辅以充满设计美感的定制家具,让这里的美好时光凝聚为永恒。通过颜色、材料、墙面、织物和艺术品的微小变化,每个房间都彰显出自己独特的性格,而从酒店的一个区域漫步到另一个区域的过程,则像是一次自然流畅的探索之旅。
The 5 penthouses stretching across the skyscape are inspired by the four seasons in Japan and named after a different element of the term “Kacho Fuugetsu” – Flowers, Birds, Wind, and Moon. Traditional Japanese culture is woven into the interior aesthetic, while windows 7 meters wide offer an amazing panorama of Tokyo spread out before you. All penthouses are furnished with Karimoku furniture collections designed by Keiji Ashizawa, Norm Architects and Norman Foster, actualizing the timeless spaces by adding pleasant furniture and the natural warmth and comfort of the house. With small changes in colors, materials, wall coverings, fabrics and artworks, each room is given its own unique features, while moving from one area of the hotel to another feels like a seamless and natural journey.
▼顶层公寓享有绝佳的城市景观视野,the penthouse has excellent views of the city
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In the “kaze” (wind) suite, large windows stretch from the floor to the ceiling, providing a panoramic view of downtown Tokyo below. The Kaze suite is characterized by the simple yet elegant design that emphasizes the beauty of the surrounding sky and landscape by incorporating natural oak wood for the furnishings and furniture items by Karimoku and carefully considered empty spaces.
▼“风”之套房客厅,living room of the“kaze” (wind) suite
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▼“风”之套房餐厅,dining room of the“kaze” (wind) suite
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▼“风”之套房走廊,hallway of the“kaze” (wind) suite
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▼“风”之套房卧室,bedroom of the“kaze” (wind) suite
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在朝向东方的“月”之套房中,明亮的空间氛围与暗木色调的家具形成鲜明的对比,从而在光和影之间创造出和谐的平衡。“鸟”之套房是一套面积达186平方米的公寓式套房,二层通高空间的设计使客厅和餐厅变得令人难以置信的宽敞舒适,由Keiji Ashizawa设计的A-DT02餐桌则成为了这个温馨公寓空间的中心。
Facing east, the “tsuki” (moon) suite overflows with bright spaciousness that is contrasted by the use of dark wood tones, thereby offering a harmonious balance between light and shadow. The “Tori” (bird) suite is a 186 sqm maisonette format room, featuring incredibly spacious living and dining rooms with atrium cutaways. The dining table A-DT02 designed by Keiji Ashizawa becomes the centre piece for this welcoming space.
▼“鸟”之套房客厅,living room of the “Tori” (bird) suite
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▼“鸟”之套房餐厅,dining room of the “Tori” (bird) suite
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▼“鸟”之套房卧室,bedroom of the “Tori” (bird) suite
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▼“月”之套房客厅,living room of the “tsuki” (moon) suite
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▼“月”之套房厨房,kitchen of the “tsuki” (moon) suite
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▼“月”之套房卧室,bedroom of the “tsuki” (moon) suite
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东京 BELLUSTAR 酒店 | 日式奢华与现代设计的完美融合-81
▼“月”之套房浴室,bathroom of the “tsuki” (moon) suite
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The northwest maisonette corner suite called “hana” (flower) combines Japanese and Scandinavian design principles and aesthetics. A shared belief in the use of natural materials and a muted color palette lies as the foundation of the space, characterized by the focus on tactile materials and the use of items from the Karimoku collections in dark, smoked oak.
▼“花”之套房客厅,living room of the “hana” (flower) suite
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▼“花”之套房餐厅与厨房,kitchen-dining of the “hana” (flower) suite
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“天空”套房则反映出“天宫Tenku”的意义,该公寓的建筑面积为277平方米,是五套顶层公寓中最大的一套。落地窗占据了公寓朝东的整个立面,窗前则摆放了由Keiji Ashizawa设计的极简主义A-B01长凳,人们可以在这里欣赏到壮丽的东京城市全景。
The “sora” (sky) suite reflects the meaning of the celestial “Tenku” skyscape, boasting the largest floor space among all five penthouses with its 277 sqm. The entire room spans across eastern facing windows, in front of which the minimalist bench A-B01 designed by Keiji Ashizawa has been installed to enjoy the magnificent city views.
▼“天空”套房客厅,living room of the “sora” (sky) suite
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▼由Keiji Ashizawa设计的极简主义A-B01长凳,
the minimalist bench A-B01 designed by Keiji Ashizawa
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▼“天空”套房厨房,kitchen of the “sora” (sky) suite
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▼“天空”套房浴室,bathroom of the “sora” (sky) suite
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顶层休息室为5套顶层公寓的住户提供了舒适的公共空间。该空间的设计,得意于Karimoku品牌与才华横溢的设计师Yumi Nakata的密切合作,这位设计师从日本工匠那里精心挑选了一系列手工艺作品,进而对Karimoku优雅的家具系列进行了补充。充满美感的家具、独特的陈设,和有趣的艺术品,共同为休息室营造出一种宛如私人公寓的亲密氛围。
The PENTHOUSE Lounge serves as a comfortable communal space for the residents of the 5 penthouse suites. Working closely with the talented stylist Yumi Nakata, who has handpicked pieces from an array of Japanese craftsmen, the space is now layered with elegant furniture from the Karimoku collections, unique objects, and interesting art pieces to create an atmosphere that resembles a private apartment.
▼顶层休息室,the PENTHOUSE Lounge
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▼日落景观,the sunset view
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▼光影效果,light and shadow
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Located on the topmost floor of the Kabukicho Tower, the SPA sunya is available to hotel guests and outsiders alike. The 4 private treatment rooms as well as the spa lounge are designed as a secluded escape from the hustle and bustle of the city below.
▼SUNYA水疗中心,the SPA sunya
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▼私人理疗室,private treatment room
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Interior Architecture
Lead Architects:
Keiji Ashizawa Design :
Keiji Ashizawa, Founder And Architect
Mariko Irie, Architect
Kenjii Kawami , Architekt
Yuichiro Takei, Architect
Norm Architects :
Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen, Founding Partner & Architect
Peter Eland, Partner & Architect
Frederick Werner, Partner & Designer
Bellustar Penthouse (5 Penthouses) :
Keiji Ashizawa Design And Norm Architects
Bellustar Restaurant & Bar : Keiji Ashizawa Design
Spa Sunya : Keiji Ashizawa Design
Ffe: Keiji Ashizawa Design And Norm Architects
Lighting Design :
Izumi Okayasu Lighting Design Office
Yumi Nakata
Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen, Norm Architects
Nacása & Partners Inc.
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