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新康花园私人会所丨中国上海丨NONG STUDIO

2023/06/06 17:07:08
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此次私人会所项目的设计灵感取自于新康花园悠久又浪漫的历史。新康花园始建于 1916 年,整体建筑为西班牙式花园洋房,1937 年为庆祝英王乔治六世加冕典礼,曾命名为欢乐庭院(Jubilee Court)。得益于海纳百川、博采众长的属性,这片住宅以海派风格的美学继承了 ArtDeco 文化的正统性,又将上海新奇百出的社会特性展现无遗。因此,试图将装饰艺术风格、新艺术与更早些的维也纳分离派风格在这空间内进行一次融合与碰撞,并结合海派文化,用一种当代的手法加以诠释,与此同时,在尽可能多的保留原建筑室内装饰与格局的前提下进行整体翻新与再设计。
The private club is inspired by the long and romantic history of Xinkang Garden, which originally established in 1916 that mainly comprised of green Spanish-style garden house, and in order to celebrate the coronation of King George VI in 1937, it was renamed Jubilee Court. We attempts to integrate the Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Viennese Secession style in the space to create a collision with the Shanghai-style culture in modern approaches. In the meantime, the renovation and refurbishment have been conducted while preserving the interior decoration and pattern of the original building as much as possible.
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The entrance narrates the beginning of the story: straight-run stairs directly to the second floor when the door opens.
We keep the original doorframe and decoration of staircase, as well as the primitive floor terrazzo and wood structure.
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室内风格以黑白金为主色调,设计灵感来源于维也纳分离派风格对于植物以及几何图形的大胆应用,采用法国国宝级壁纸品牌帝嘉丽(de Gournay),同时邀请法国南部艺术家,历时半年为空间复刻 1900 年代由维克多·霍塔(Victor Horta )设计的新艺术运动(Art Nouveau)水晶吊灯,海派美学在古与今的交融中得以彰显。
Black, white and gold as its main colors has been adopted inside, inspired by the bold application of plants motif and geometric pattern by the Viennese Secession Movement. France handmade wallpaper brand, de Gournay, has been applied, as well as artists from Southern France were invited to spend half a year reproducing the Art Nouveau bronzecrystal chandelier originally designed by Victor Horta in the 1900s, highlighting the Shanghai aesthetics amid the integration between the ancient and present.
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In the living room, we retains the original marble fireplace, parquet teak flooring and plaster moldings, and use black oak and brass door casing and decoration.
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Every piece of furniture in the living room plays a distinct role with other furniture to orchestrate a sitcom.
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其中有我们设计、全手工制作的 Art Deco 地毯,孔雀绿丝绒材质的意大利经典 Lady chair,1920 年代 Art Deco 老挂毯。
Comprising of the fully handmade Art Deco carpet that we designed, the Italian classic Lady chair made of malachite green velvet, and the Art Deco classic tapestry made in the 1920s.
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维也纳分离派大师麦金托什(Charles Rennie Mackintosh )设计的 312 Willow Trone-Armchair。
The 312 Willow Trone-Armchair designed by the Viennese Secession master Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
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Art Nouveau 新艺术运动的酒柜,以及法国艺术家 PHILIPPE ANTHONIOZ 打造全手工石膏吊灯等等,在这里,新与旧、古与今肆意碰撞。
The wine cabinet made in the Art Nouveau and fully handmade plaster chandelier designed by the French artist Philippe Anthonioz. An unconstrained collision of old and new, ancient and preset can be found here.
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在茶室空间内,并没有按照传统中式茶室的方式展开,而是用了更为兼容并蓄的海派理念去呈现,墙面上一副金色的中国艺术家的作品《墨痕》霸道地横亘在整个画幅中,配以玫红色二十年代 Art Deco 地毯以及老红木清代官帽椅,中西古今隔空对话。
The tea lounge space unfold itself in a mix and match approach instead of more traditional Chinese tearoom. A goldwork of Chinese painting by a Chinese artist---Moheng---highlight the entire space, as well as rose red old Art Deco carpet of the 1920s and the Qing-style mahogany official hat armchairs, giving rise to a dialog between East and west.
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Two bathrooms is inspired by old Shanghaimaterials and elements– fully hand-polished terrazzo floor and basins, as well as tailor-made cement tiles and bespoke kitchen white glazed tiles.
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“...上海是那样的充满异国情调,与中国的其他地方那么不同,她完全可以成为一个文化的实验室,以试验一个崭新的中国文明是否可能。”——Heinrich Fruehauf《中国现当代文学的城市异国风》。而在此次新康花园私人会所项目里,我们正希望打造一个文化的容器,去承载崭新的当代海派美学。
In his Urban Exoticism in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Heinrich Fruehauf said that “Shanghai is a city full of exotic oddities so different from other places in China. She can be considered as a laboratory of cultures to experiment whether an entirely new Chinese civilization is possible”. In this work, we hope to create a container of cultures that can carry with it entirely new Shanghai-style aesthetics in contemporary approach.
▼ 细节 Detiles
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新康花园私人会所丨中国上海丨NONG STUDIO-50
art deco 装饰主义吊灯
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完工时间 / Completion year: 2022.4
建筑面积 / Area : 200 sqm
项目地址 / Address: 上海市徐汇区新康花园 / Ezra Court, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
摄影师 / Photographer:黑弄 / Heinong
主创建筑师 / Chef designer:汪昶行 / Chasing Wang, 朱勤跃 / Neal Zhu
设计团队 / Design Team:刘敏,张帆,郑雪珍 / Dafu, Kung Wang,Fan Zhang
软装设计 / FF&E Consultant:NONG STUDIO
灯光设计 / Lighting Consultant:杨飞 / Fager Yang
客户 / Client:私人 / Private
主要材料 / Main materials:樱桃木拼花地板,黑白条纹地毯,红色陶土砖,手绘顶面壁画,帝佳丽壁纸,水磨石,复古釉面砖,定制地砖,黑白马赛克,墨绿色烤漆板,仿古镜
Cherry wood parquet floor, black and white stripes rug, red clay tiles, hand printed ceiling, de Gournay wallpaper, terrazzo, Vintage glazed tile, bespoke floor tiles, black and white marble mosque, dark green lacquer, old mirror.
家具品牌:Cassina, De sede, Artifort Holland, ligne roset, Varier, yiji, Kartell, Time & style, Norhor, IKEA, HAY
灯具品牌:Sofar Paris, Luceplan, philippe-anthonioz
壁纸品牌:De gournay
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地址:上海黄浦区南苏州路 1247 号 2 楼
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