among the bamboos design
竹 间 设 计
among the bamboos design
among the bamboos design
本案项目位于北京国瑞一号院,规模达 1200 平方米。
一层 · 诗意地栖居
{ the ground floor }
among the bamboos design
The upper floor is a multi-functional experience space with bedrooms, a tea room, a fitness area and a cloakroom according to the owner’s habits and interests.
The bedroom has an overall clean and spacious atmosphere.
The soft light and flowing lines make it a relaxing place to be in.
A pot of hot tea and a couple of pages of a book make for a relaxing and beautiful day.
· 多元需求
{ the underground floor }
among the bamboos design 沿楼梯下至负一层,黑与白的空间色调舒展在眼前。设计师将空间设计综合策展视角,放大宋代磁州窑白底黑花的特点,空间与藏品的关系一目了然。
Following the staircase down to the underground floor, the main tone of the underground floor is black and white. The designer has integrated a curatorial perspective into the design of the space, amplifying the feature of the Song Dynasty’s Cizhou kilns, and the relationship between the space and the collection is clear at a glance.
among the bamboos design
As you walk around, the lines and collections guide your thoughts, and the aesthetic sensibilities of the owner emerge as you stop and go.
Watch a performance of black and white and feel the accumulation of time in the objects.
At the end of the tour, the door to the private room is opened to a palette of red and green that makes you feel like you are somewhere else. The designer has drawn inspiration from the red and green colours of the Yuan dynasty’s Cizhou kilns, which are contrasted with the black and white that surrounds the exhibiton area, bursting into life in a striking visual landscape.
| 项目信息
| 项目名称 | 北京国瑞一号院会所
| 项目地址 | 北京东城区国瑞一号院
| 项目规模 | 1200㎡
| 设计公司 | 天津竹间美学环境艺术设计有限公司
| 设计总监 | 韩 帅
| 主案设计师 | 赵 朕
| 施工图设计 | 袁 萌
| 软装设计师 | 庞 璐
| 效果图设计 | 杨勇 晏艳
| 天津竹间美学环境艺术设计有限公司
Tianjin Among The Bamboos Environmental Art Design Co., Ltd.
竹间设计 /designzhujian
| 商务洽谈 |
© 竹间设计 Among The Bamboos Design 以上图片均为竹间设计项目宣传所用 天津市 | 河西区 | 珠江道 |59-G8
G8, No. 59, Zhujiang Road, Hexi District, Tianjin