微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司

2023/01/12 12:00:00
微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司-0
©100architects WINDING BREEZE | 微风拂动 Sharjah | UAE | 阿拉伯联合酋长国 | 沙迦
“微风拂动”是佰筑设计团队针对 Corniche 海滩部分改造所提出的创造性设计方案。沿海 9.5 公里长的 Corniche 海滨改造近日在阿联酋正式开土动工。
微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司-3
Winding Breeze is 100 Architect’s creative design response for the design of a large portion of Beach Corniche, a 9,5 km. corniche recently inaugurated in the UAE.
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客户旨在增加一系列高品质的公共设施,以提升游客在公共空间的体验。赋予 Corniche 海滩一系列引人注目的功能性活动,包括运动、休闲、游乐娱乐、海滩设施以及餐饮和零售模块。总而言之,这是一个公共空间激活项目,旨在为当地社区和游客创造一个时尚的户外生活方式中心和聚集点,同时项目紧靠位于 Corniche 海滩正在建造中的一家国际酒店。
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The client was aiming at adding a cluster of high-quality public amenities to enhance the visitor’s experience in the public realm, equipping the beach corniche with eye-catching and functional activities, including sports, leisure areas, play & entertainment, beach facilities as well as F&B & retail units. All in all, a public space activation project that aims to create a trendy outdoor lifestyle hub and gathering point for the local community as well as for visitors, right next to an international Hotel currently under construction at the Beach Corniche.
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微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司-11
The conceptual proposal intends a bold architecturalization of that unique feeling of the sea breeze caressing the skin when arriving at a bespoke tourist destination on holidays. A memorable moment turned into architecture. That is Winding Breeze. A place to reconnect with nature, to feel human. A place to slow down and breath, to connect with others. A place to walk, to skywalk, and enjoy the goodness of UAE’s climate, enhancing outdoor lifestyle facilities.
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微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司-15
We have focused our efforts in creating a plastic gesture that could become both, an urban and a natural landmark in the entire UAE and beyond. An eye-catching way of activating the city coastline to attract locals, international visitors, nature & sport lovers, etc.
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微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司-19
The breeze loops break the existing never-ending rectilinear beach promenade into smaller human-scale sections, encouraging visitors to slow down and enjoy memorable experiences, indulging in leisure spaces, lush nature, and a wide variety of sport facilities allocated in the pocket plazas created by those loops, all accompanied by a shaded retail and F&B area as an architectural buffer to the busy road.
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微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司-23
Each of the pocket plazas formed by the revolving path becomes a platform hosting specific functions and features that encourage dynamics of social interaction through leisure and play.
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微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司-27
The abstract expression of the wind is represented by a swirling pedestrian path that elevates in order to create a microclimate underneath, hosting a shaded park and resulting on a beach skywalk that offers great views both, over the beach and the city, as well as facilitating a pedestrian connection to the urban settlement across the road that currently separates it from the coast.
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微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司-31
Altogether, the intervention enhances and stimulates visually and functionally the experience of visitors in all senses, turning this section of the Beach into one of the main catalyzers of social life in Sharjah, through a very colorful and stimulating community hub for neighbors and tourists of Sharjah alike.
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微风拂动 · 阿联酋沙迦海滩的创新设计丨佰筑建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司-38
设计团队:Marcial Jesús,Javier González,Mónica Páez,Lara Broglio, Michelle,龚勋,蒋静璇,赵芳波,张忠进& 刘耘彤,沈春香
项目管理团队:范江涛,& 江清霞
面积:15000 m2
Design team:Marcial Jesús, Javier González, Mónica Páez, Lara Broglio, Keith Gong, Cosima Jiang, Ponyo Zhao,Jango Zhang & Yuntong Liu,Michelle Shen
Location:Sharjah (UAE)
Size:15000 m2
Status:Concept Design
At 100, we believe that working in the public space is a privilege. We are driven by the passion of exploring the possibilities of the public spaces of tomorrow.
We design architectural objects meant for public use, creating stimulating & surprising human scale landmarks, unexpected urban environments which encourage the occurrence of social interactions.
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