

极氪中心 | 厦门海上世界店ZEEKR Center Xiamen
2022年9月极氪品牌第200家门店——极氪中心厦门海上世界店落地开业,项目位于厦门本岛西岸,海沧大桥南侧。工作室一如既往地从这座城市的文化底蕴出发,将自然风光与人文融入品牌体验,将精心的设计与思考成果呈现在极氪中心。In September 2022, the 200th ZEEKR store - ZEEKR Center Xiamen Sea World Store landed and opened. The project is on the west coast of Xiamen Island, south of Haicang Bridge. Our studio starts from the culture of the city like always, integrates the natural scenery and humanity into the brand experience, and presents the achievement of careful design and consideration.
© 直角建筑摄影
作为福建首家极氪中心,极氪中心厦门海上世界不仅成为用户了解品牌和体验产品的空间,更是开放、潮流的社交中心。 As the first ZEEKR Center in Fujian, ZEEKR Center Xiamen Sea World is not only a space for clients to understand the brand and experience products but also a welcome and trendy social community.
© 直角建筑摄影
门店超过400平,将7个功能空间巧妙地排列融合:展示区联通室内与室外入口。开放的展示空间融入品牌独有的折线元素,细腻的缎面不锈钢的墙面带来精致金属质感与科技感,搭配不同灰度的水磨石与之呼应。The store covers more than 400 square meters, including seven functional spaces that are cleverly arranged and integrated: ZEEKR Hall connects the indoor and outdoor entrances. The brand's unique broken line elements formed the contour line of the display space. The delicate satin stainless steel walls bring exquisite metal texture and technological sense, which match with terrazzo in different grays.
© 直角建筑摄影
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用户体验区设置日常模式与沙龙模式,包含的极氪逸舍、极氪营地与自在空间可自由变换,适应不同场合的使用。屋顶黑色镜面不锈钢与灯带裁剪出现代感的空间氛围。功能性会议室、茶室、办公区则精巧地融入空间一侧,兼顾功能组合与空间体验。在闽茶文化的厦门,我们为第一家店设置了专有的茶室,唤起每一个人对厦门的文化记忆。ZEEKR Pub is set up in a general mode and a salon mode, including ZEEKR Lounge, ZEEKR Camp, and Free Zone, which can be freely switched to different occasions. Black mirrored stainless steel and light strips on the ceiling create a contemporary atmosphere. In addition, the meeting room, tearoom, and office areas are placed on one side of the space, which is a great combination of functions and experiences. The Fujian tea culture is significant in Xiamen, we set up a dedicated tearoom for the first store to evoke everyone's cultural memory of Xiamen.
© 直角建筑摄影
业主:浙江极氪智能科技有限公司项目地点:厦门,中国项目规模:430 平方米完工时间:2022年9月设计团队:李永康、董鑫、刘云轩、谭晓庆Client: Zhejiang ZEEKR Technology Co., Ltd.Project Location: Xiamen, ChinaProject Scale: 430 ㎡Completion time: September, 2021Design Team: LI Yongkang, DONG Xin, LIU Yunxuan, TAN Xiaoqing.