

Saturday 19th
December DESIGN® APERITIF is back, and this time we are going big, with a full afternoon of activities, guest speakers, signature drinks and a live DJ music performance!
We are taking you guys in
Nantou City
, we will take over the Bamboo Pavilion by vietnamese architect Von Trong Nghia, and we are hosting 5 international speakers on the topic of Regenerating Shenzhen, sharing with us some of their latest works around here!
We even organised two free architecture tours of Nantou City, recently refurbished by Vanke in collaboration with several local architects. They will start at 4.30 and 5.15 pm respectively, first comes first served!
At 6pm we will start the
2 hours marathon with our speakers
until about 8pm, when we will leave the stage to Ectoplazm with his mesmerizing
live music and laser performance!
Our friends from DripLab will serving signature cocktails and some food!
Definitely an event not to miss!
DESIGN® APERITIF又回来了,这一次我们将大张旗鼓地进行一个下午的活动:将会有嘉宾演讲、经典饮料和现场DJ音乐表演等着你们。
4.30 - 5.00 pm 1st Nantou Tour 第一场南头古城导赏
5.15 - 5.45 pm 2nd Nantou Tour 第二场南头古城导赏
6.00 - 6.20 pm
Freddy Curiél / LAPIS BUREAU 深圳市雷小贝设计有限公司
introduction on curating the city 城市规划导论>>
6.20 - 6.40 pm
Liu Lei / SZ Design Centre 刘磊/深圳设计中心
<<curatorial practice of Zhongkang road 中康路的策展实践>>
6.40 - 7.00 pm
Anson Chan / ReLifestyling 陈焯宾 / 构筑生活
Nantou City : the past and the future 南头古城的前世与今生>>
7.00 - 7.20 pm
Steven Smit / MVRDV Asia
IF Factory conversion IF创意工厂>>
7.20 - 7.40 pm
Danping Chen / CM DESIGN 陈丹平/CM设计
CM design in Nantou 厘米制造与南头古城>>
7.40 - 8.00 pm
Ai Deng / SENSING STUDIO 艾登/感测再生工作室
city regeneration through sensing technology 城市的感测再生>>
8.00 - 8.20 pm
Ole Bouman / DESIGN SOCIETY 设计协会
conclusions on curating the city 关于策划城市的结论>>
8.30 - 10.30 pm
Live DJ / ECTOPLAZM 现场DJ/Ecotplazm
synth-wave electro music and laser performance 合成器波的电子音乐和激光表演>>
Signature cocktails and food on spot brought to you by DRIPLAB!
Design® Aperitif
” is a night dedicated to the creative community in Shenzhen, originated in Mambo, a local bar in Shuiwei area, and now occasionally popping-out in other creative venues around Shenzhen. It is an initiative created by
Lapis Bureau
design studio, supported by
(Italian Design Association) and
(a media channel about design).
Ever since its first casual happening in 2019, it attracted a very variegated and trasversal audience, sharing the common interest of curiosity, creativity and networking.
The format is based on inviting some guest speakers from the local creative community telling their stories about their Shenzhen experience and works, a networking session while streaming video interviews and design vlogs by TheSignR, and a give-away session of design-oriented books.
”Designer Aperitif” has had a large spontaneous attendance since the very beginning and a constantly growing audience of between 50-80 people lately.
During the pandemic of 2020 it has not been possible to regularly host it on a monthly basis (usually the first or last wednesday of the month) and until now it got to its 10th edition.
Design® Aperitif
“Designer Aperitif”从一开始就有大量的设计师及民众自发出席参加,随着活动的不断举办,近期观众人数不断增加,平均人数达到50-80人。
在2020年的疫情期间,使得“Designer Aperitif”不可能每月定期举办一次(通常是一个月的第一个或最后一个星期三),截止目前,已经成功举办10场活动了。