

“Yan” means beauty and leisure; “Yu” means freedom and ideal.
——超睿里子设计主理人 陈超&司睿
Yan Yu is the name of the hostess in this case, a fashion designer/person in charge of Xishishafang/housewife/pet lover,yet these tags are not enough to sum up her characteristics. For us, she is rather a gentle and lovely life idealist who is talented at discovering beauty.
2016 年春节,父亲病重,嬿羽从繁华都市回归田园故乡。于此期间,她在泉港老家重修了有着半个世纪年岁的老宅,创立了自己的夕拾山房工作室,而后选择留在这片打小深爱着的故土扎根。
During the Spring Festival of 2016, Yan Yu’s father was seriously ill, so she returned to the countryside to take care of him. Meanwhile, she rebuilt the half-century old house in her hometown in Quangang and founded her own Xishishanfang Studio. After that, she chose to stay in her beloved hometown.
as she said: “I’vemeticulouslydesigned everydetailinShanfang.Apart fromto the accumulationinthe house, thereisalsoablue sky and white clouds, andI likethis broad perspective.”I believeXishishanfangis a sincere gift to herselfandto her hometown. She injects her love and understanding of life into this ancient village with a history ofover500 years, and shareswith tourists and friends her dedication and love for cotton and linen clothing, her seriousness and pursuit of natural ingredients, and her tolerance and respect for animals.
适逢孩子到了上学的年纪,嬿羽选择在离泉港老家 50 分钟车程的聚龙小镇度假村内购置了一套 150 平米的住宅。度假村的空气质量优异,风景如画,生活、教育方方面面都配备齐全,十分宜居,既方便孩子上学,也能满足她生活于山水天地间的小小心愿。
When it was time for her child to go to school, Yan Yu bought a 150-square-meter house in Julong Town Resort, a 50-minute drive from Quangang. With excellent air quality, beautiful scenery, and complete life and education facilities, the resort is very livable. In this way, it’s not only convenient for her child to go to school, but also can satisfy her small wish to live in a scenic environment.
We’ve made slight adjustments to the relatively complete functional layout on the premise of meeting the living needs of Yan Yu’s family, and designed naturally around the beautiful scenery outside.
The shoe cabinet at the entrance is processed with bevel cut penetration, which deepens the effect of visual extension and adds flexibility while retaining functionality.
At the same time, we also apply this processing mode in many scenarios, such as the concrete counter and the sofa setting wall. We weaken all the structures and modeling in the house, so that the storage and each partition of the compartment complement each other, which is combined with the dining room storage cabinet and connects the room aisle and the cabinet on the sofa setting wall, which are overall considered in design. We have processed every indoor rigid partition with visual penetration, and the moving figures of people and objects vivify the space. In addition, we connect the sunlight room and living room with a fan vault, to let the sunshine in more gently.
Meanwhile, all storage cabinet doors are of the same color as the wall, which naturally extends the visual focus from the inside to the scenery outside.
本案选用美国邓恩色彩体系 DEC772 Navajo White(纳瓦霍白)作为大面积墙面色,这是全屋的主色调,灵感取自女主人温婉、淡泊、独立清醒的个性。
公区及卧室的天花选用 DET637 Seagull Wail(海鸥哀号),结合造型增加色彩的层次感,浓淡相依,优雅迷人。
In this case, DEC772 Navajo White in Dunn-Edward’s color system is used for the large-area walls, which is the dominant tone of the entire house, and is inspired by the gentle, stoical, independent and sober personality of the hostess. Inclusiveness is also the key to the warm theme of this house. DET637 Seagull Wail is used for the ceilings in the public area and bedrooms, which adds the layering of colors together with the modeling, making the elegant and charming.
工作室的天花选用 DET518 Botanical Garden(植物园),复古别致的橄榄绿为这个小空间增添了不少的独立个性。DET518 Botanical Garden is used for the ceiling of the studio, which presents retro and chic olive green and adds a lot of independent personality to this small space.
儿童房选用 DE5810 Crashing Waves(海浪)作为床头背景的点缀,这是应小朋友点名要的“冷静”、“太空”做的有趣决定。
In the children’s room, DE5810 Crashing Waves is used to embellish the bedside background, which is an interesting decision made in response to the “calmness” and “space” requested by the child.
主卧床头背景选用 DEC778 Boxwood(黄杨木),莫兰迪色系的永恒舒适搭配嬿羽喜爱的樱桃木实木双人床,与得天独厚的外部自然风景遥相呼应……DEC778 Boxwood is used for the bedside background of the master bedroom, whose timeless comfort is matched with the cherry wood double bed, echoing the unique natural scenery outside...
▲ ProjectDrawings|项目图纸
▲ Process|过程
1988 摄影工坊
司睿&陈超 摄于嬿羽家
Project Name | 项目名称:YanYu| 嬿·羽
Project location | 项目区位:Quanzhou | 泉州
Project area | 项目面积:150㎡
Project completion | 完成时间:2022.09
Design department | 设计机构:CR·IN Design Studio | 超睿里子设计工作室
Design director | 设计主理人:Vincent Ryan | 陈超 司睿
Construction | 施工单位:GuangHai Engineering|广海工程
Photography Agency | 摄影机构:1988 Studio | 1988 摄影工坊