蔚来救生塔丨美国丨William Lane Architect

2022/04/26 23:30:00
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“勾勾手设计网”!刘老师说 Liu said 1995 年,在安德鲁飓风摧毁海岸后,设计公司 william lane architect 在迈阿密留下了自己的印记,设计了五座充满活力的救生塔。点缀着迈阿密海滩,它们很快成为表达城市复兴和文化重生的标志性形象。
Design firm William Lane Architect left its mark on Miami in 1995 with the design of five vibrant lifeguard towers after Hurricane Andrew devastated the coast. Dotting Miami beach, they quickly became iconic images expressing the urban’s revitalization and cultural rebirth.
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将近 20 年后,工作室再次受邀设计 36 座救生塔,遍布佛罗里达最受欢迎的海岸线。以其引人注目的调色板,不规则的形状,以及装饰派艺术风格的美学,这些建筑与迷人的蓝色海洋背景形成鲜明的对比。
Almost twenty years later, the studio was invited again to design 36 lifeguard towers spreading across the most beloved shoreline in Florida. With their eye-catching color palette, irregular shapes, and art deco-inspired aesthetics, the structures stand out coming in contrast with the mesmerizing blue color of the ocean as a backdrop.
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从南点公园的迈阿密海滩,走到 86 街,不可能忽视生动活泼的救生塔。William lane 建筑事务所组建了 6 个新的原型,来取代现有的 36 个。结果看到了建筑和艺术的结合点,绝对承载了建筑师的设计签名。
Walking from the tip of Miami Beach at South Point Park to 86th Street, it’s impossible to overlook the vivid and dynamic lifeguard towers. William Lane Architect formed six new prototypes to replace the 36 existing ones. The result sees a junction point of architecture and art, definitely bearing the architect’s design signature.
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超过 40 种以粉色、黄色、绿色、橙色和紫色为主题的活泼而丰富多彩的图案,使它们的存在在远处可见,以其活泼的音调吸引着路人。运用明亮丰富的色彩反映热带动物,结合木材,塔表达了迈阿密海滩的身份和文化。
Over 40 playful and colorful schemes in pinks, yellows, greens, oranges, and purples, make their presence visible from afar, attracting passers-by with their playful pitch. Applying a bright rich color palette reflecting tropical fauna, in combination with wood, the towers express the identity and culture of Miami beach.
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我从现有的蔚来花园、常州项目、桔子小镇、大新文创园、高明商业街项目、正在上马的屋面商业项目中,提出城市商业(商):蔚来房屋、乡村文旅(旅):景墅建筑 IP、新农村住宿(宿):微住宅三种分类作为我们农村地产的核心产品类目,在后面的文章中,我会慢慢地用这 3 个分类来介绍产品,请大家留意了!
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