

Z + Studio
Z + Studio
▼ 品牌速写,Brand sketch
爱美丽,喜欢小孩,有品位,成就了店主“晓雯”的 Z+Studio 品牌之路,拥有一家美容馆的她,想给自己的用户更多关于美的事物,2018年的夏天,决定在美容馆其中一间商铺的一层,加入 女性、儿童 服装品类的集合品牌,我们工作室一同与之定位:Z+ Studio women&kids 美学馆。
In the summer of 2018, she decided to add a collection brand of women's and children's clothing to the first floor of one of the shops in the beauty salon. Our studio positioned her as Z + Studio women & children's clothing brand. Aesthetics Museum.
▼ 门店外观,Tthe external view of the restaurant
不爱浮夸,却钟爱品质,拆除了原有门面的装饰结构,将入门向内推移,产生纵深感,潜意识化设计引导用户进入,整体门面仅使用 银灰外墙涂料 + 钛金 装饰。并保留“晓雯”主创的美容馆 “周公子” 的店招,以下挂的形式增加了 "Z+Studio"店招。并在入口侧面设计了“Z+”大型钛金背光装置。
Do not like exaggeration, but love quality, dismantling the original decorative structure of the facade, will be introduced to the interior, generate a sense of depth, subconscious design to guide users into the whole facade only using silver ash exterior wall paint + titanium and gold decoration. And retain "Xiaowen" the main creation of the beauty salon "Prince Zhou" shop, the following hanging form increased the "Z + Studio" shop. A "Z+" large titanium-gold backlight device was designed on the side of the entrance.
▼ 门厅视角,The visual angle of the entrance hall
The first vision of the entrance is the "metal car" with brand tone, which is specially designed for the shop. As a display platform for the matching of the clothes in the entrance, it overthrows the tradition of putting only a flat table, and specially customizes a metal car in the form of "coffee peddler cart" on the Western Street as the prototype for the brand, unique.
▼ 内厅区域,Internal region
大理石地砖、钛金道具、石膏线条、铅色涂料 组合了店内元素。
Marble floor tiles, titanium and gold props, gypsum lines and lead paint combine the elements in the shop.
▼ 立面细节,Facade details
▼ 镇店神兽,Summon the beast
集 招财、威武 于一体的
“Z+ Studio” 镇店神兽。
Yes, this is the "Z + Studio" Town store beast, which is a collection of money and power.
▼ 结构图,Original structure
▼ 平面图,Plan
项目名称:《 Z + Studio 》
项目地址:中国 浙江 宁波 岷山路
主案设计 : 王凯利 Wang Kaili
无中生有设计 创始人
设计仓 联合创始人
Wachat / Wangkaili
Tel / 15888518436
Address / 中国浙江宁波北仑新锋商务楼305-307室