

French romance is well known, luxurious and elegant, complex and noble. When romantic feelings and sophistication are released at home, ordinary life becomes a visual feast. "
- 客厅做挑高和轴对称的空间设计,汇通上下两层,彰显出恢宏的豪宅气度,定制的水晶灯层层叠叠,原木勾勒出法式护墙的优雅精致。考究的红樱桃底擦色搭配简约利落的描金线条,将法式的优雅与浪漫表现的呼之欲出。
The living room is designed with high ceilings and axisymmetric space, connecting the upper and lower floors, highlighting the grandeur of the mansion, with custom crystal lamps layered on top of each other, and logs outlining the elegance and sophistication of the French parapet. The delicate red cherry base and simple gold lines bring out the elegance and romance of France.
Large log parapets and light-colored marble envelop the entire wall, and the use of log background cabinets makes it a perfect combination of practicality and decoration. The floating platform extending from the entrance of the living room, standing on the second floor, you can enjoy the view of the first floor, giving the space a perfect sensory experience.
- 厨房是最具烟火气息的地方,当治愈系的原木被运用于厨房,带着天然的纹理与色调,为厨房增添自然舒适的氛围,每一处纹理,都蕴含着自然的刻度,当它与厨房邂逅,碰撞出别样的生活趣味,让人在厨房尽情感受烹饪的愉悦。
The kitchen is the most pyrotechnic place. When the healing log is used in the kitchen, with natural textures and tones, it adds a natural and comfortable atmosphere to the kitchen. Each texture contains a natural scale. When it meets the kitchen, it collides with a different kind of life interest, letting people feel the joy of cooking in the kitchen.
Delicate and rich carvings, presenting a three-dimensional artistic visual sense. The partial flowing gold lines outline the delicate and elegant, and the guide table design in the middle increases the storage and also becomes the finishing touch of the kitchen, so that the space reflects humanities and art in the bits and pieces, forming a luxurious and elegant space.
When the solemnity of the day gradually recedes, the style of life will also begin to play out from here, and the restaurant continues the design style of the kitchen, using wooden frames and textured background walls, which are rich in changes on the basis of overall harmony. It brings a strong visual impact, but there is no lack of luxury, making the space extremely penetrating.
03AISLE 过道
Every inch of the aisle parapet wall is made with ingenuity, the choice of wood material, the interpretation of the shape, the setting of the style and the mature painting process, every detail echoes the overall space. The painted paint as thin as a cicada’s wings brings out the natural and noble red cherry wood grain texture.
The antique crystal lamp hanging on the wall of the corridor, the light is elegant and harmonious, a large number of metal materials with wooden handrails, its spiraling line design, giving the static space a dynamic feeling, giving people extraordinary visual enjoyment, metal fretwork flowers seem to be a flower competing to open, casual details soothe French elegance, low profile to enjoy quality life.
空间的每一寸都饱含张力,以达到视觉的完美平衡。怀着打造法式精致生活的理念,为您呈现出一场设计与艺术美学相互碰撞的经典之旅。Every inch of space is full of tension, to achieve the perfect balance of vision. With the concept of creating a French exquisite life, Presenting you with a design and artistic aesthetics, A classic journey that collides.
设计师:见素室内设计 孙晋昌
SACUCCI 案例赏析|演绎经典 优雅美式(下)
SACUCCI 案例赏析|演绎经典 优雅美式(上)