『人与物・乐园』展览是由林宇贤设计事务所为三大知名国际品牌 Knights Craft、Ultrasuede 及 RugStar 全新系列作品展示。本次群展以“乐园”为核心,探索设计与互动在当代环境下的应用,或将材料与家具之间的共存于不同场景当中。空间是经由玩乐的元素串连。这是一场对当代家具展的感知与相遇。
The Exhibition 『The Playground Between people & Object』 present by Yuhsien Design Studio for three world furniture and material brands Knights Craft, Ultrasuede and RugStar by new product collection. With 『Playground』 as the core, the group exhibition explores the design and interactive in the contemporary context. It integrates both material and design into different scenarios, with a series of independent brand space connected through playful element. This is a perception and connection of the present time and furniture fair.
Maze 迷宮
Knights Craft 爵士工坊
Knights Craft 爵士工坊®是个年轻的新生品牌,始终坚持以底蕴深厚的东方传统文化与工艺,去呈现具有当代面貌的考究家具。以丝绸之路为灵感,品牌将兼容并蓄的精神理念融入到产品设计之中。
Now, KNIGHTS CRAFT hope to return to this famous trade route in the spirit of Knights, bring you a series of unique and highly compatible furniture. We integrate innovative elements into classic designs and use advanced technology to constantly strive for excellence as traditional craftsmanship.
In a darker dramatic setting, each object is presented in a way that captures its uniqueness. In the open route, the visitors can intuitively relate to the work without the use of words.
Angle Bar stool by Yuhsien Lin
Harmonychair Smoo thly chair by Yuhsien Lin Swing 秋千 X Ultrasuede®奥司维® 柔软的质地、高端麂皮般的触感。诞生于 1970 年的 Ultrasuede®奥司维®,是集结了日本东丽尖端技术的一款无纺布结构的超纤绒面人造革材料。Ultrasuede®奥司维®作为一款向着“美的无限可能性”不断升级进化的材料,东丽正积极地致力于向植物提取的聚酯等低环境负荷的原材料转变,为支持构建可持续发展、低碳环保社会的世界努力做着自己的贡献,使得 Ultrasuede®成为了一种极富潜在价值的美妙材料。
The soft texture and feel of premium suede. Unparalleled quality and functionality. This highly tactile and versatile material was developed through Toray’s advanced fiber research and development. At Toray, we are dedicated to supporting global efforts toward building a sustainable, low-carbon society. Recycling and advanced technologies, like incorporating plant-based polymer materials, help make Ultrasuede® one of the world’s beautiful possibilities.
Ultrasuede 科学面料表面的关键在于其独特的科学技术。我们决定利用这一特点创建一系列帐篷游乐场,并用 Ultrasuede 完成了帐篷和秋千与旋转隔断。当坐着秋千来回摆动时,圆顶内的独特景观会取代天空的景色,但在这种情况下,参观者感觉就像圆顶“揭示”了天空,使它的体验独特而难忘。
The key to Ultrasuede’s Chemistry fabric is its unique texture. We decided to create a series of tent playground that took advantage of this characteristic, and finished both the tent and a swing & rotating divider with Ultrasuede fabric. The dome replace the view of the sky when in you are swing, however in this case, the visitor feels as if the skies are “revealed” by the dome, making the experience of using it, unique and memorable.
by Yuhsien Lin
Giant Garden 花園
錦地坊 Rug Star
The Ginat Garden retains the spirit of modernism and abstract expression discovered by classical garden, the installation introduces a new rhythm of rug and sculpture to the overall visitor experience. The installation piece comprises numerous Giant rug flowers that ‘bloom’ across the garden. The flowers are shaped like petals. Swaying in the wind, they produce a space that has a vague sense of movement amid the garden’s stillness.
The Ginat Garden retaining the spirit of modernism and abstract expression discovered by classical garden, the installation introduces a new rhythm of rug and sculpture to the overall visitor experience. The installation piece comprises numerous Giant rug flowers that ‘bloom’ across the garden. The flowers are shaped like petals. Swaying in the wind, they produce a space that has a vague sense of movement amid the garden’s stillness.
Brush by Yuhsien Lin
by Yuhsien Lin
展览资讯 / Info:
Knights Craft(中国)
錦地坊 Rug Star(德国)
时间 / Time:
2022/7 月 25-28 号
摊位 / Booth :
地址 / Address :
Instagram@Yuhsien Design Studio
FacebookYuhsien Design Studio
Yuhsien Design Studio