

| New Project |
Project Infromation | 项目信息
项目地址 / Project address
台州.江南墅 / Taizhou Jiangnan Villa
项目类型 / Project type
设计施工 / Design And Construction
项目面积 / Project area
143m² / 143m²
设计风格 / Design style
现代 / modern times
Chief designer
王宁 / WangNing
//项目视频 Project Video 本案是江南墅的火热户型结构,6 米多宽的大横厅是这个户型的特色,客厅的采光和视野极佳。全屋无线智能让整个房子的设计拥有了便捷感和仪式感。Plane Color Map | 平面彩图▂
Drawing Room | 客厅
考虑到客厅的间距较大,设计了一个多功能的水吧台,采用平板与格栅相结合,更为精致的一种表现形式,在满足需求的同时又兼顾了美观。DiningRoom | 餐厅
Kitchen | 厨房
穿过长虹玻璃的移门就是厨房区域。白色的柜体搭配灰色的岩板台面,相辅相成,互为显色,达到一种质的体现。Master Room | 主卧。▂
Second Bedroom | 次卧
观诺设计成立于 2009 年,目前立足开拓台州市场。我们与海外设计团队合作,结合本土的资深设计师力量,凭借最现代潮流的设计理念,专为满足不同的客户需求,提供多元的设计方案。高水准的设计源于对客户功能性与前瞻性需求的理解,因此以“无限创意 无限精准 无限沟通”为设计原则。我们设计的宗旨在于运用我们的专业知识和设计语言展现客户的独特风格,诠释空间的人文特征,反映居住环境的特点及优势,用创意的力量为客户实现!
Guannuo Design was founded in 2009. At present, based on the development of Taizhou market, we cooperate with overseas design teams, combine with the strength of local senior designers, and rely on the most modern design concepts, specifically to meet the needs of different customers and provide diverse design solutions. High-level design stems from the understanding of customers’ functional and forward-looking needs. Therefore, based on the design principle of "infinite creativity, infinite accuracy and infinite communication", our design purpose is to use our professional knowledge and design language to show customers’ unique style, interpret the humanistic characteristics of space, reflect the characteristics and advantages of living environment, and realize for customers with the power of creativity! Guannuo Design Agency is an international cooperation team composed of a group of high-quality senior designers, specializing in the design of high-end villas, star hotels, headquarters office buildings, high-end model rooms and chain commercial spaces. Guannuo Design Agency is not only famous for high-end villa design and commercial space, but also brings unparalleled overall effect and service experience to customers with its unique positioning of high-end customization in the overall soft decoration design.
Hanyu International Soft Decoration is a soft decoration design organization that focuses on the aesthetics of interior space, and is committed to customized soft decoration services for high-end residential villas, theme homestay model rooms, clubs, and other spaces.
椒江:开发大道 1500 号东泰·万华汇五楼
路桥:银安街 127 号天和壹号商铺
黄岩:西城街道世纪大道 10-4 号
温岭:横湖中路 8 号安颐酒店 3A 楼