

不用华丽的文字来表达项目,平白实在才是真理!!!我是 KOL“勾勾手刘志广”,用“粤语”来写作!看不明白,请多看香港电视或多唱“粤语”歌。。。
No fancy words to express the project, plain is the truth! I am Kol, “gogohands Liu Zhiguang”, to write in “Cantonese”. Do not understand, please watch more Hong Kong TV or sing more “Cantonese” songs.
GogoHands Liu Guangzhi life record
Which Qiang, who specializes in making red wine, has just come back from Qinghai and wants to invest in a homestay camp in Qinghai because he has a friend who is already working there, but has not done the "accommodation" section. Which Qiang is interested in this and wants to ask for my opinion. As a friend, I told Qiang about the current hotel market management situation in Qinghai, but he is still determined to do so. So, I built him to try low-cost products first, and after successful water testing, I will make a big investment!
1927 年,这里是一个渔港,也是当地交通的重要经济枢纽,见证了哈马森最繁荣的时刻。然而,渔业市场的经济功能逐渐被蓬勃发展的近海渔业所取代。为了重振鼓山鱼市昔日的辉煌,设计团队拆除危房,改善周边环境,将其改建为高雄市农产品展销中心。船和大海的意象是这座建筑的特色,玻璃盒子状建筑外的景色是自然的海景。
In 1927, it was a fishing port and an important economic hub for local transportation, witnessing the most prosperous moment of Hamasen. However, the economic function of the fish market was gradually replaced by the booming offshore fishing industry. To revive the former glory of Gushan Fish Market, the design team demolished the dangerous buildings and improved the surrounding environment, transforming it into the Kaohsiung Agricultural and Fishery Products Exhibition and Sales Center. The imagery of boats and the sea are the features of the building, and the view outside the glass box-like building is a natural sea view.
基地面积 7243.64 平方米,建筑面积 2468.38 平方米。在开放期间,它在一天内吸引了超过 30000 名游客。整个场地分为入口处的渔政处、鼓山鱼市和广场。市场内部分为鼓山轮渡站和高雄市农渔产品展销中心。
The base is 7243.64 square meters, and the building area is 2468.38 square meters. During the opening period, it attracted more than 30,000 visitors on a single day. The entire site is divided into the Fishery Office at the entrance, Gushan Fish Market, and the Plaza. Inside the market is divided into Gushan Ferry Station and Kaohsiung Agriculture and Fishery Products Exhibition and Sales Center.
我从现有的蔚来花园、常州项目、桔子小镇、大新文创园、高明商业街项目、正在上马的屋面商业项目中,提出城市商业(商):蔚来房屋、乡村文旅(旅):景墅建筑 IP、新农村住宿(宿):微住宅三种分类作为我们农村地产的核心产品类目,在后面的文章中,我会慢慢地用这 3 个分类来介绍产品,请大家留意了!