

—— 蔡星宇
The concept store of a commercial brand needs to reflect the spirit of the brand
—— Archer.C.Gelu
2M 咖啡立足成都的根本就是咖啡好喝,也就是产品为王的思维。前期接触 2M 运营团队,交流最多的话题就是咖啡的品质如何保障及如何对外宣扬产品为主的精神,其次才是交流空间设计。可见产品思维已经深深的刻在了 2M 的品牌灵魂里。
那么我们 LAE 团队如何通过空间来表达和传达 2M 的产品为王的思维及品牌精神,我开始了思考
So how does our LAE team express and convey 2M’s product-king thinking and brand spirit through space, I began to think.
整个室内空间的色调和格调都是为了突出中间的黑山石。黑山石象征着 2M 的咖啡品质坚如磐石,两圈不锈钢桌椅象征着产品品质对外发声形成的声波,如同 2M 不断向外扩张的良好口碑。顶部的倒喇叭形和不锈钢座椅及黑山石形成的正喇叭形,通过柔和的线型连接,将整个室内空间融合在一起,形成一个浑然天成的内结构,传递出 2M 品牌自然不做作的态度。
The tone and style of the entire interior space is designed to highlight the black mountain stone in the middle. The black mountain stone symbolizes the rock-solid coffee quality of 2M, and the two circles of stainless steel tables and chairs symbolize the sound waves formed by the product quality, just like the good reputation of 2M’s continuous expansion. The inverted trumpet shape on the top and the positive trumpet shape formed by the stainless steel seat and the black mountain stone, through the soft line connection, merge the entire interior space together to form a natural inner structure, conveying the natural and unpretentious attitude of the 2M brand.
顶部造型是为了将光源和音响整合在一个整体里。音乐和光束自上而下流出,声和光落在石头上,飞洒到空中。唤醒了大自然的灵气。The top shape is to integrate the light source and sound into a whole. Music and light beams flowed from top to bottom, sound waves and light waves hit the stones and scattered into the space. Awaken the spirit of nature.
In order to prevent the embarrassment of sitting facing each other, the height of the black mountain stone is designed to be one meter four, which can just cut off the sight of two people.
户外白墙上的霓虹灯是 2M 咖啡的品牌宣言:
When you need someone to listen, Ill be there. When you need a hug, Ill be there. When you need someone to wipe your tears, guess what? Ill be there.
Behind the white wall is the neighborhood next door. In order to make the visual space cleaner, I made a forward-sloping shape with mirror stainless steel on the wall, which not only achieves the effect of blocking the environment of the neighborhood next door, but also adds some visual sense to the outdoor space taste.
The water lily pond in the outdoor garden is inspired by Chanel’s Secret Garden.
The garden block composed of stainless steel pools and mirrored walls presents a clear and lively sense of mystery.
The gold lion head fountain on the mirrored wall is a tribute to the symbol of independent women "Coco Chanel".
Because I think every independent woman is a flower worthy of respect.
A cup of coffee may not bring you warmth. But a coffee brand with soul will bring you different spiritual comfort.
Coffee Shop丨Interior design丨2022
Project Information
Project Complete:May 2022
Space Design :LAE Design
Design in charge:蔡星宇
Design Team:
Photography :ICY
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