

【桥·接 - RMIT 建筑中国展】在重庆有样艺术空间即将落幕,欢迎朋友们现场莅临感受。以下为部分展出作品介绍。希望可以通过作品了解海外留学生的毕业设计作品,从中窥探出一些当下海外建筑中国留学生的思想结晶。
Author :
Zilong Lu
Supervisor :
Jonothan Cowle,
Chris Hayton
Atherton gardens is a social housing estate located in south Fitzroy, developed by the housing commission of Victoria during the slum reclaim movement from mid-60s to the early 70s.
Atherton garden is an experiment of the post war modernism architecture, with the contemporary utopia architectural idea of 4 towers in the garden.
Atherton garden had an optimistic start, but soon the enthusiasm for this radical residential area turned into fear-for-the-unknown. Gentrification becomes as a social barrier between the low income people within Atherton garden and the rest of the city. In all countries post war modernist architecture was about much more than just buildings.
There is a rich social agenda behind it. Architects and policy makers were working hand in hand, to improve the living conditions of the inner suburb slum areas. This mix of pragmatism and idealism emerges in modernist architecture as simplicity of form and modesty.
By superimposed the Chinese micro district planning as my personal position onto the site.
My thesis will be aiming on bringing the public
life and aboriginal culture back to Atherton garden.
Retreat the existing site as a civic park. Linking the 4 existing towers with new housing units. Discovering the value of the existing, using different architectural interventions to reac-
Author:Menghao Yuan
Supervisor:Alisa Andrasek
At the dawn of mass application of artificial intelligence and implementation of 5g communication networks,
approaching architecture from an algorithmic and digital point of view has finally been made possible.
For the first time in history, the capacity for data collection and processing of mankind has started to make the connection between architecture and other fields of society occur at such a fundamental level that has never been possible before.
Hence the project aims at posing a valid example of the process and outcome of such design methodology.
Specifically in this case, the city of chongqing,
china is in everay aspect been turned into a higher status with the mass implementation of 5g networks and construction of more traffic resources and bridges, together with for the first time a giant urban replanning scheme aiming to turn the city from a gross manufacturing model to a service-industry-based model,
i look at how perlin noise together with multi-agent
system can be used as a design tool for generating a pedestrian bridge that spans across the yangzi river of the city providing a wide range of public spaces,
of which the city of chongqing is in dire need due to its mountainous landscape.
因此,方案结合Perlin噪点与multi-agent system的研究与测试,提出了一种新的数字建筑设计算法,设计结果表现为一座连接重庆江北与渝中区的人行桥,其中由Perlin噪点算法带来的随机性与多样性被转译为桥内部多样化流动的空间属性。
Author:Jiejing Du
Supervisor:Simon Drysdale
Focused around the concept of “house” this option is arranged to maximize amenity and privacy within the environment of a specific residential aged care facility.
A built example of Dementia Village in Netherland values this type of aged care facility is a built form attempt at thought leadership.
Comprising only two standard suite houses,
the houses create a comfortable scale
to encourage confident interaction among residents within the environment.
Referencing the familiar triple fronted brick veneer order in the street scape in most Melbourne suburban regions,
the centre piece of the site design (inside and out) conceptualises social spaces
as continu¬ers and smooth.
This technique provides great views out over and through or inboard to the landscaped familiar. Inside views are considered episodic,
sequential and are framed around the internal street.
High quality in experience throughout these well-appointed rooms prioritises the care needs of the residents in a dignified and uplifting environment.
Author:Mengchen Jiang
Supervisor:Vicky Lam
The thesis of the project is to bring the culture from the city to the periphery.
The chosen site is called John Darling and Son Flour Factory adjacent to the Albion Station and the main parts have been abandoned.
The multicultural environment around the site is quite interesting.
There is Turkish Community Centre, Chinese Buddhist Meditation Centre,
War Homes Estate, training institute, Music and Dance Community,
Vietnamese Church, City Club and Maltese culture Association.
To active this abandoned site,
I’m going to amplify the cultural conditions by relocating some of the programs in the site and the left will be provided a specific connection,
in order to attract the community leaking into the site.
Firstly, patterns of modern irrigation are spread on the ground with different scales to differ various areas,
then the factory condition is expanded and some subtraction and
adding between the silo condition and the patterns were made to claim the spaces for different programs.
Considering the special history of the factory, the brick building will be reserved and renovated as the administration of the NGV archive.
However, the ground floor has been cut through to activate more
possibilities of the circulation.
And because of the special traits of silo such as iconic height and inaccessibility,
it becomes the archive of the NGV. At the same time,
a new sgallery was extruded from the patterns
which is going to exhibit some exotic art works.
The gallery is supposed to provide more opportunities for foreign artists and visitors who want to be familiar with foreign culture.
本方案旨在将城市文化从城市中心带向城市外围。场地选址在Albion车站旁边的名为John Darling & SonFlour Factory的厂区。
Author:Zheng Wang
Supervisor:Vicky Lam
This project proposes a new different lifestyle for migrants living in Shen Zhen and It reflects the image of lifestyle of Melbourne in Shenzhen.
The project recreates and merges unique elements of Melbourne and applies them to the site in Shenzhen.
By recreating moments of lifestyle in Melbourne, this project aims to disrupt and intervene the lifestyle in Shenzhen.
The different floors of Melbourne central and the giant lobby of state library were picked for elements to be recreated and combined to form the draft plan of this project.
Based on this plan, the architecture was created according to the narrative drawing.
Visitors should follow a certain rule to step into this architecture.
The first is about the Shenzhen part that is consist of several separated buildings,
it seems as people experience a mini scale city when they walk into this architecture from the supermarket to the huge gate that is consist of the office tower and apartment tower.
Going through the super gate way, humans will experience the image of the Melbourne culture which is reflected via the similar architecture form and cultural programs. people will experience the merged cities through the super pipe shape circulation.
Author:Yuanbo Zhang
Supervisor:Paul Dash & Jane Dash
Four blocks of the Melbourne CBD between Bourke St and Lonsdale St have been known as “Chinatown” for over a century,
one of Melbourne’s most popular commercial precincts,
Asian community gathering places, and tourist attractions.
It bears countless people’s dream,
laughter, and hope.
Facing the pressure from increasing population, aging infrastructure and buildings, and emerging commercial shopping centres nearby,
Chinatown is at great risks of losing its glamorous prosperity.
The current intimate low density,
historical precinct may be replaced by skyscrapers like the rest of the CBD,
and lose its identity forever.
This project is a planning proposal for the Melbourne City Council and community who live and work in Chinatown.
It proposes a new way to develop and outgrow the current problems by amplifying its cultural, economic prosperity and environmental attributes.
In order to achieve this goal, a proposed ‘Super Agency’ will remake Chinatown as a single precinct ‘Superblock’ and offer new centralised infrastructures,
delivery systems, gateways, public space, and public programmes.
Deployment of these in sequenced stages will help revitalise Chinatown,
which will turn it into a pedestrian friendly precinct, attract new investments,
and give the new Chinatown back to Melbourne as source of city pride.
Zemin Yang:Jan van Schaik
This project is an extension of the work of Arakawa and Gins’ in which design is used to simulate the senses through kinetic,
tactile and visual connection with the spaces and objects around us.
In so doing the project questions the conventional calm and relaxing retirement model and proposes a dynamic and challenginliving environment in its place.
Over the next 20 years,
it is projected that China’s population will become
In this context, this project proposal sets in place a retirement model that celebrates the last third of a person’s life as period of dynamism,
adventure and personal empowerment – which the project
achieves through the implementation of a
dynamic and playful symbolic architectural language,
deliberately challenging physical environments and shared use spaces.
The project includes a number of retirement residences and a community centre which services the needs of the residents and the needs of the ageing communities in surrounding areas.
Author:Tian Xie
Supervisor:Graham Crist
Since the traditional farm, occupying a large area, is so far out of the city, it can lead to a series of questions such as all sorts of inefficiency,
single function and food safety problems.
Thus, I propose to introduce the farm into city context and define a kind of future farm hub which is an intensive and valuable farm with multifunction,
catching the eyes of outsiders and blending farm into people’s daily life.
The future farm hub mainly has two functions: the farm and the community.
It can be seen as a mixed-use project, one that provides diversified programs.
Those included programs display the entire food production line,
for instance, growing, selling and distribution of food for local farmers and their community.
At the same time, each program can also individually work well,
such as the library, vegetable farm, animal farm and station.
Of course, this farm hub as a combination of modern and tradition,
can attract people other than farmers.
The community space located within the farm hub provides these people access
to learning and experiencing things related to farming.
Author:Tianbo Zhou
Supervisor:John Doyle
This project is about a collective memory of Public Market and Urbanization, the site located at the car parking area of Queen Victoria Market,
trying to examine the relationship between urban and public market,
architecture and degustation.
The ground level is an extension of the Market and the upper level is an extension of the cityscape, in between the spaces, the main programs are cooking school, restaurants and cinema.
The proposal aims to create a public space to link the market and apartment together. It is talking about the ingredients travel through the spaces and becoming a taste of memory.
It is talking about the spatial quality influences each other and creating new experiences.
When the memories of the surroundings travel into the architecture,
the traits are merged together as well,
so that it can be read the roof typology from the market,
the cityscape from the city.
All of these features bring people together and create new memory of life.
Author:Yang Ren
Supervisor:Simon Drysdale
As the terms ‘retail experience’ and ‘experience economy’ are used by cities aiming to market their once difference on the global stage,
many cities have now cocooned their identities into the familiar and franchised.
This project starts with an early example known generically as ‘Chinatown’.
These global familiars signal often convergent economies.
I`m seeking to learn from these seed franchises as
I explore what constitutes the next city suburb.
I am exploring the urban frontiers edges of a china town to
yield an understanding as to
what the next CHINA-BURB or next CHINA-CITY could be.
It revisions the position of Chinatown in future as a key infrastructure of Melbourne’s global city agenda,
and offer a new possibility of balance to provide a new intersectional identity of Chinatown as a diverse asian public.
This project explores a new architecture spatial possibility across the urban city in a future Uberfication context by the ideas of convergence and immersion.
A ‘merging -program’ thinking steps forward from ‘cross program’ offering a pitch to build a new image of next city image.
Author:Danni Luo
Supervisor:Brent Allpress
This proposal is concerned with gentrification and cultural displacement in melbourne suburbs.It is against the typical developer-driven
negotiating between suburban intensification and local multicultural nature.
The result is a mixed-typology block that hybrids local market, the communal,
the civic and residentials.
Having welcomed wave after wave of immigrants,
Footscray is made up of a collection of vibrant multicultural communities,
which enables
the city to become a hybrid complex of diverse practices.
This narrative is being eroded by the urban renewal projects that discount the fine grain nature and produce exclusionary, homogenous
urban places.
Taking the market laneway as the catalyst of integrating different programs,
a ray of passages running across the site are suggested, which breaks up the scales of buildings to respond to the local fine grain nature,
creating an accessible block where intensity is built upon difference.
The block is experienced and understood as a multi-layered combination of elements,
not as a singular entity.
The market, the civic,
the communal and the residential are mixed up and interact with each other in terms of scales, types,
void connections and material conditions,
thus writing new narratives that talks to the context.
其设计结果表现为一种由当地市场、公共服务、城市居住所融合的新建筑类型。在一波接一波的移民浪潮中, -Footscray地区逐渐形成了多元文化的社区,容纳了各类丰富的文化及生活方式。然而随着各类旧房改造翻新项目的实施,已经浑然一体的多元化社区正在消弭,被趋于同质化的城市建筑类型所替代。
Author:Mengyong Jiang
Supervisor:Ian Nazareth
‘Forget me not’ is about dementia and its relation to the architecture of care environments and the city, concerning both mental and physical aspects.
The world’s elderly people are increasing and with this comes an increase in the proportion of degenerative diseases and mental illness.
The question of how to accommodate the elderly and frail has become increasingly crucial in all societies.
This project explores the nature of the disease and the way in which occupational therapy and treatment theory has influenced the design of dementia facilities.
The process of exploration considers some ways in which elements of theory can be integrated into design to create an environment that mitigates disorientations in time and place, and that reduces the personal impacts of dementia.
The selection of suitable sites has influenced by the idea of a type of therapy known as Reality Orientation(RO),
and by the importance in current theory of maintaining a relationship between dementia sufferers and
real-life context.
Consequently, the architectural focus of this project has become engaged with a design program that proposes the integration of a care facility for dementia patients in urban locations.
Author:Han Chen
Supervisor:Jan Van Schaik
Australian Chinese people acting history could be found from 18th century.
Along with the growing up of
population of Chinese people,
there is no architecture to reflect their history.
This project tries to create a sense of belonging to reflect the long history of Chinese people acting in Australia and create a contemporary Chinese architecture language in Australia.
In the middle of the project is
contemporary ver
tical Chinatown,
starting from ground level to top.
Each functions owns platform to present part of activities along the vertical Chinatown.
From top to bottom is like a story of Chinese people acting in Australia.
The spatial and architectural elements reflect important historic events of Chinese people, such as gold rush,
Buckland Riot and White Australia Policy.
These elements are translated from traditional Chinese architecture.
The continuous roof becomes a part of façade which imitate the Chinese villages.
From ground to top, it intends to create the way back to home.
Author:Ziyu Meng
Supervisor:Anna Jankovic
Healthberg is a proposal for a health and wellness civic spine.
It aims to provide a series of new public offerings that encourage a community focus of health and wellness.
This urban scale intervention moves beyond the current focus on islanded individual health treatment precinct. It is defined by the correlation between wellness,
sense of place, landscape and its community.
Starting with capitalizing on the connection with the existing Yarra River cultural precinct walk track to the hospital and train station,
create the civic corridor that weaves Heidelberg key public transport to the adjacent park-lands.
Learning from the existing site condition,to generate a set of contours and create different walking tracks of the Healthberg spine to acts as the connector between all the wellness and health programs.
This Civic Intervention is an oasis in the middle of Heidelberg,
that does not only act as a green lung to the site health-endorsing project,
but also as a place where it brings together the community as one, as a healthier one.
Author:Zhuxi Yao
Supervisor:Peter Bickle
My proposal begins with the slum I found when I accompanied my aunt to Beijing Cancer Hospital for treatment.
Away from home, people living in this slum have to suffer from the treatment, isolation from the outside world,
horrible living condition and homesick.
Instead of an isolated place, they are more willing to live in a place where they can have a strong connection with the local neighbour,
just like how they did in the villages.
Why should we stay quiet and stagnant when we get sick?
Is a life in a serene sanatorium a really good choice for cancer patients?
Engaging with social activities will actually give patients a sense of belonging,
not just staying there forgotten by society.
In this concern, this project experiments with the feasibility of hybrid topology combing housing, market and temple.
It is challenging the existing healthcare building typology,
trying to bring back the traditional poetic pastoral rural life which has long been lost in the modern Chinese urban context through investigating
into interesting forms and objects that call back the memories of Chinese rural area.