

梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)曾感叹:“如果一个人,能满足于基本生活所需,便可更从容、充实地享受人生。”
Henry David Thoreau once lamented, "If a man is satisfied with the basic needs of life, he can enjoy life more leisurely and fully."
The interface setting of the sitting room is simple and rational to pay attention to the convenience of use, there is no lack of small details of romantic emotional appeal to satisfy occasional wanton... The state of home reflects the ideal pursuit of "people". The existence of "light" gives space infinite reverie. Floor-to-ceiling glass Windows incorporate outdoor skylight into the interior, enabling it to flow freely.
The Renaissance, which was born in Italy, broke through the dark curtain of the Middle Ages with its penetrating power, and thus ushered in an era of shining art of later generations. The birth of the concept of "design" has found the direction for the element arrangement, color combination and material collocation of the interior space interface.
The romantic characteristics of Italian style luxury are carefully blended into the simple outline of the interface. Carefully select the pure and bright cold and black and white colors, embellish the jumping "Bordeaux red", and use the soft lines to outline the furniture posture.
Restaurant area delicate wide wood, soft waxy leathery skin, cold and resolute stone. Using a variety of materials interspersed and reorganized, orderly and orderly creative expression conforms to a certain scale, bringing a distinct rhythmic experience.
The "open" kitchen connects with the dining room and naturally forms a migratory line, making cooking and dining become relaxed and comfortable.
Quiet power, through the concise lines and dark tone, to create a restful atmosphere. The soft texture of natural fibers plays a subtle role in soothing the mood and guiding people to sleep peacefully. Multiple elements interweave with each other to build a different texture space of life and create art dream ripples among intimate lovers.
Black and white, deep and shallow combination of the expression of the attitude, tolerance hard and soft, revealing years of quiet, calm. The vivid touch of cotton and linen conveys a simple feeling, while the vague texture retained by the wood veneer contains a light luxury temperament.
The second bedroom has the furniture combination of modern fashion and traditional retro temperament, which is the unified expression of function and aesthetic feeling. To create a state of convergence and integration of Chinese and Western culture, implying the spiritual interpretation of Italian light luxury design.
项目名称 | 傲旋城
A proud project name | spin city
项目单位 | 杭州卓越*绿城
Project units excellence | hangzhou greentown
项目地址 | 杭州滨江
Hangzhou binjiang | project address
业主团队 | 胡轩昂、张玲玲
Team owner | Hu Xuanang, Linda
硬装设计 | G.ART集艾设计- 义明辉团队
Hard outfit design | G.A RT set - YiMingHui ai design team
软装设计 | G.ART集艾设计- 陆曙琼团队
Soft outfit design | G.A RT set - Lu Shuqiong ai design team
PM 总监 | 徐峰
The director of PM | Stanford
完工日期 | 2022年5月
Completion date | in May 2022
项目摄影 | 瀚墨摄影 壹高
One high photography project | he ink photography
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