石崖湖畔豪宅丨ParaZodchih studio

2021/03/24 22:10:00
石崖湖畔豪宅丨ParaZodchih studio-1
▲项目视频 By Vale n ti n Khomenko
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A lakeside mansion built on a stone cliff
本案来自 Valentin Khomenko 的最新项目,此项目是为一个年轻的家庭打造出一个舒适僻静的地方,远离城市的喧嚣。Valentin Khomenko 遵循建筑与环境相协调可持续的理念,采用天然的材料把建筑的和环境结合起来。
This case comes from Valentin Khomenko’s latest project, which is to create a comfortable and secluded place for a young family, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Valentin Khomenko follows the harmonious and sustainable concept of architecture and environment, and uses natural materials to combine architecture and environment.
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在建筑界,无数创意正另辟蹊径,打破被混凝土与玻璃框在平地上的传统思想。在经历了思想的激荡后,设计团队 Valentin Khomenko 和你一起落实创意,见证湖边石崖的岁月静好。
In the field of architecture, countless ideas are blazing new trails, breaking the traditional idea of being framed by concrete and glass on the flat ground. After experiencing the turmoil of thoughts, the design team Valentin Khomenko will work with you to implement the ideas and witness the peacefulness of the stone cliffs by the lake.
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Between water and rocks, build an eternal home
当湖水邂逅石山,温柔与粗犷便在生活中无缝融合。视线穿透水面,山的基底清晰可见,似乎向人们展示稳固且永恒的地貌特征,Stone House 就坐落于此。
When the lake meets Shishan, gentleness and roughness blend seamlessly in life. The line of sight penetrates the water surface, and the base of the mountain is clearly visible, which seems to show people a stable and timeless landform feature. Stone House is located here.
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Concrete, glass and stone walls form multiple volumes. The texture of the stone walls echoes the surrounding natural environment, and the whole building is like a masterpiece carved by nature.
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为了与自然更近一步,Stone House 还向湖水“伸出了手”——缓坡楼梯代替了边缘处的陡峭,以供住户安全到达湖边。
In order to be one step closer to nature, Stone House also "stretched out a hand" to the lake-the gentle slope stairs replaced the steep edges at the edge for residents to reach the lake safely.
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The front side of the house is an open lake, and the rear side is an outdoor garage composed of a wide stone road and a circular flowerbed. The car detoured from the mountain road behind the lake, admiring the lush greenery growing in the cracks of the stone all the way, and finally arrived here.
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Natural material "into the room" Create wild luxury
The outdoor material also penetrates into the interior, and the rough texture and entangled texture allow time to travel through the home while interpreting the wild luxury. The living room eliminates the sense of distance between the house and the lake, making people seem to be floating on the lake.
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地毯虽为灰色却拥有细腻的纹路,在原始感十足的地面,强调客厅区域的精致感。灰色 L 型沙发与原木茶几在外形上互为呼应,一冷一暖的色调相互补充。
Although the carpet is gray, it has delicate lines. On the original ground, it emphasizes the exquisiteness of the living room area. The gray L-shaped sofa and the log coffee table echo each other in appearance, and the cool and warm colors complement each other.
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The shelf on the side uses a concrete wall as the base plate, and collections such as vases and books bring warmth to the interior dominated by cool colors.
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A fireplace is embedded in the stone wall on the side of the living room, and flames emerge from it, simulating a real cave scene, making people feel warm.
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The kitchen is backed by a stone wall, and woven baskets, fire sticks and slightly faded bottles are placed on the ground. The silver cooking table has a strong sense of gloss, which establishes a dialogue between the original ecological environment and modern fashion.
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The black dining table and dining chair connect the living room and the kitchen, and the position facing the windows on both sides allows the outdoor lake view and the gathering time to accompany forever.
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Walking down the small steps, the ground has been transformed from smooth concrete to a block-shaped spliced stone road, and the bedroom surrounded by stone walls is in front of you.
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The bedroom is located on one side of the building, and the glass windows on both sides respectively contain the dual views of the lake and the hillside. Here, the natural stone cave landscape is restored more realistically than the kitchen, and the sense of security and warmth gradually spread in it.
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You can open the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of the bed and walk to the "balcony" gifted by nature, allowing the body and mind to return to tranquility.
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夜晚,整个室内呈现暖黄色的灯光,极具童话感。从外部看,Stone House 仿佛一盏灯,照亮了一片湖。
At night, the whole interior presents warm yellow lights, which is very fairy tale. From the outside, Stone House is like a lamp, illuminating a lake.
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Stone House 是一个年轻家庭远离喧嚣的最终目的地。在这里,风吹叶响与水流涌动代替了车笛和呐喊,湖面、高山和绿植成为了交心的邻居。从日出到日落,从走入城市到重回平静,Stone House 始终静伫于此,装载着人们梦寐以求的生活本真。
Stone House is the ultimate destination for a young family away from the hustle and bustle. Here, the sound of the wind and the surging of the water replace the car whistle and the shout, and the lake, the mountains and the green plants have become close neighbors. From sunrise to sunset, from walking into the city to returning to peace, Stone House has always been here, loaded with the life truth that people dream of.
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Year: 2021
Location: Europe
Architecture and visualization: ParaZodchih studio (@valikhomenko, @kartinka_ua)
Construction and drawing: Yevgeniy Berezhnyi (@arch_bird)
Soft: 3ds max, corona renderer, adobe photoshop, revit.
Images copyright from the official website.
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10 分钟解析南京金鹰世界 G 酒店
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