

La Diana公寓原是一栋商住混合的建筑,因此公寓整体在视觉、体量和功能上都给人两个独立空间的感觉。设计师以激活两层建筑的关系为主要策略,打通了两层楼间的楼板,创建了一个足够大的开口,并在此处放置楼梯。同时采用2.20米高的金属平台作为中间层,将生活区和厨房分开。整体楼梯被设计为两种不同类型以区分空间,为居住者带来更为人性化的感觉。
▼公寓外部一览,exterior overview
La Diana is the exercise of linking visually, volumetrically and functionally two independent and alienated entities: a commercial space on the ground floor and an apartment on the first floor. The architectural strategy was based on drilling the existing slab to create a large enough opening that would activate the relationship in section between the two floors, and in which the stairs are placed.This stairway is fragmented into two parts to offer a more human scale on the ground floor thanks to a 2,20 m high metal platform that acts as an intermediate landing and simultaneously segments the living area and the kitchen.
▼整体楼梯被打造成两个种形式,this stairway is fragmented into two parts
▼2.20米高的金属平台作为中间层,将生活区和厨房分开,a 2,20 m high metal platform that acts as an intermediate landing and simultaneously segments the living area and the kitchen
▼楼梯下的室内客厅一览,indoor living room under the staircase
The intimacy issue given by the “ground floorness” was approached by generating a semi-exterior patio that would act as a filter between the street and the interior.On the first floor, the night areas are organized around the void of the double space. The partitions are solved with equipped walls that include storage, room doors and upper glass panels that allow natural light from the façades into the inners of the house.
▼从客厅远望玄关,the patio from the living room
▼玄关旁的厨房,the kitchen beside the patio
▼半室外的玄关来实现不同地面结构间的过渡, a semi-exterior patio that would act as a filter between the street and the interior
▼客厅旁的别致庭院,chic courtyard next to the living room
The materiality is responding to the will to recover and/or emphasize the original condition of traditional architecture. A piece of natural terracotta is placed as the pavement and the walls are stripped to expose the original brickwork with all its imperfections and textures. On the first floor, a concrete strip draws the perimeter of the outer walls and solves the intersection with the ceiling. Again, this strip divides the wall into two heights, adding domesticity to the space, making architecture react to the human scale.
▼混凝土作为外墙的饰面,并与天花板相交叉,a concrete strip draws the perimeter of the outer walls and solves the intersection with the ceiling
▼从二层俯看楼梯空间,looking down the stairs from the second floor
▼墙壁现有外皮被剥离,使原始砖砌纹理显露出来,the walls are stripped to expose the original brickwork with all its imperfections and textures
▼卧室,the bedroom
▼卫生间空间,the bathroom
▼庭院夜间效果,the courtyard at night
▼场地图,the site plan
▼一层平面,the 1st floor plan
▼二层平面,the 2rd floor plan
▼立面图,the elevation
▼剖面图,the section
Project Name: La Diana
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Area: Gracia
Completion Date: November 2017
Design: CRÜ studio
Photography: Adria Goula
Client: Salas Habitatge, S.L.