Project Statement
喀山的卡班湖总体规划以“弹性带”作为主要设计概念,目标是沿着卡班湖打造一个连续的景观网络系统,它不但唤起了原有的生态及文化的记忆,并预言了未来喀山城市的发展方向。 这套绿色的基础设施,可以每个公民和沿湖开发都依赖于这个基础设施,在这里水作为喀山市的一个新的生态遗产联系了伏尔加河和喀山卡河。传说里,卡班湖底部隐藏着神秘的宝藏,而这条“弹性带”是一个新时代的宝藏,将开启我们传奇的新篇章,延续当地人关于家园和梦想的记忆。 它也将成为一个永恒的传说,一个可爱的故事,将持续在喀山的过去,现在和未来之间,让人们超越自己同时与自然产生联系。
▼由喀山剧院向南鸟瞰上卡班湖景色,Aerial view of Kaban Lake from the Kazan Theater
The Kaban Lakes Overall Embankment Master Plan in Kazan focuses on the idea of creating “The Resilient Ribbon”, a continuous landscape network system along the Kaban Lakes that demarcates the memory and designates the prophecy of Kazan. It is a natural infrastructure, which every citizen and development will depend on, by making water as a new living legacy for the City of Kazan along with the Volga River and the Kazanka River. Besides the hidden treasure at the bottom of the Kaban Lakes, the Resilient Ribbon of Kazan is a new living treasure that opens up a new chapter of our legend where we can continue to build our memories, our homes, and our dreams. The Resilient Ribbon will become a timeless legend, an endearing story that will last for people to transcend themselves between the past, present and future of Kazan at the same time with nature.
▼卡班湖景观,Kaban Lakes landscape
Project Narratives
▼鸟瞰作为水上运动中心的中卡班湖,Bird’s-eye view of Lake Cabanas as a water sports center
Rather than seeing the Lower, Middle, and Upper Kaban Lakes as individual water bodies and separated cauldrons, the Resilient Ribbon envisions tying all three lakes together and the city together forming a blue-green network, which meanders along the lake embankment and woven a new public realm that create numerous potential and penetrates into different districts of the city. These naturalized waterways are slowly dissolved into the city, acting as the common denominator of nature, culture, living, social, tourism, and transport developments of Kazan. The Resilient Ribbon is a resilient solution for the city to adapt, which water can be absorbed and released through its pores and channels system. This multilayer and multicellular system, like strains of sponge, controls wholly and partially water flows and regulates the environment of the Kaban Lakes embankment area and the City of Kazan over time.
The Resilient Ribbon is playing an important role for the City of Kazan, the current Kaban Lakes are facing multiple challenges. These issues includes:
1. polluted water and fragile ecology
2. multi-culture and diverse ethnic background
3. private owned land parcels versus public realm,
4. inaccessible water edge and disconnected embankment,
5. limited support facilities and developed amenities spaces,
6. lack of evidence and explanation about the history of the lake and neighborhoods.
▼周边居民在湖边漫步、做瑜伽,The surrounding residents stroll and do yoga along the lake
Design Strategy: Quilting the terrain
The Resilient Ribbon proposes to use water as the main driving force. Three key strategies have been established in the masterplan to unfold the full potentials of the Kaban Lakes along the embankment areas, and provide multiple urban ecosystem services to the adjacent land plots and the surrounding districts of the Kazan City at varies scale.
▼夜晚节庆时分的克拉克河,一条联系克林姆林宫与卡班湖的活力带,The Clark River at night time festivals, a band of vitality that links the Kremlin and Lake Kaban
▼“活力带”滨水空间夜景,a band of vitality nightview
让水引导,配置城市发展的空间战略|Letting Water to Lead the Way, A Spatial Strategy to Configure Urbanism
1. 以水促进城市生态:发展蓝绿色网络以重新激发自然过程,为城市发展创造一个自然的环境。将灰色基础设施转化为绿色基础设施,使自然恢复活力,并以最低的影响力开展人类活动。
2. 以水张扬文化积淀:利用滨水生态带重新将上、中、下卡班湖沿岸的历史遗迹和文化地标与喀山市区,布拉克运河,喀山卡河联系在一起。
▼增加了水生植物,柔化了原有的硬质岸线,同时增加了小型的水上咖啡吧等服务性建筑,aquatic plants were added to soften the original hard shoreline and at the same time add service buildings such as miniature water coffee bars.
At the macro scale, the Kaban Lake and the water system configures a new urbanism of Kazan City as the spatial strategy. The objective is to develop an ecological and cultural backbone guiding the growing pattern.
1. Using water to enhance urban ecologies: A Blue-Green network is developed to stimulate natural processes and create a natural setting for the city development. Transforming grey infrastructure into green infrastructure enabling nature to rejuvenate itself and allow human activities to take place with the lowest impact.
2. Using water to honor cultures: Linking historical heritages and cultural landmarks along Upper, Middle and Lower Kaban Lakes with the Kazan downtown district, the Bulak Canal, the Kazanka River
▼亲水栈道,hydrophilic path
创建以水的问题为核心的设计干预,应用地方化的设计策略|Creating Water-Oriented Design Interventions, A Local Strategy to Transform Sites
▼中卡班湖周边增加了沙滩、健身场地及慢行系统等,打造滨水运动休闲场所,In the vicinity of Lake Kaban added beaches, fitness venues and slow system, to create a waterfront sports and leisure venues
At medium scale, the Kaban Lakes embankment transformation follows the drainage, flow and level of water. Interventions will be designed based on the performance, potentials and programs of water to determine the outcome. The objective is to be water sensitive and actively engage design with water.
3. Using water to drive land development: An Integrated Development defining a new lakefront development model and establish a new relationship between building, water, urban openspace and natural environment symbiotically.
4. Using water to gather people: An Inclusive Public Realm where the lakefront is not only exclusive to private sectors but also allow public to access for leisure anytime. Different sizes of open spaces are created through the meandering of landscape, creating an everyone lakefront with plazas with intimate places for someone to stay.
5. Using water to link the city: A Continuous Commute System is developed all along the three lakes, where new connectors and crossings are extended seamlessly through defined naturalized waterways and green corridors. An uninterrupted journey is created with accessible pedestrian and bike friendly circulation system.
▼滨水慢行体验系统,slow waterfront experience system
▼从滨水慢行体验系统看湖中喷泉,looking at the fountain in the lake from slow waterfront experience system
用水讲故事,解读未知的内容策略|Telling Stories with Water, A Content Strategy to Interpret Unknowns
▼湖边原有的工业厂房,经过功能置换后,成为新的文化创意展示区,The lake’s original industrial plant, after the functional replacement, became a new cultural and creative display area
At micro scale, the numerous legends and stories of the Kazan will be revealed along the lake embankment and on the lake. The objective is to appreciate the ordinary value of the tangible heritage and brings the intangible from the invisible to visible.
6. Using water to tell the story: Through a comprehensive interpretation system, fixtures and boat tour, different historical, industrial and living culture and stories will be explained respectively at Lower, Middle, and Upper Kaban Lake based on their indigenous character.
▼湖边座椅装置细部,seat details at the side of the lake
Hereinafter, the Kaban Lakes will not only contain sunken treasures which remain as a mystery to be discovered. The Resilient Ribbon is a living treasure which unfolds the memory and unveils the future of Kazan. With water, the City of Kazan will not be based on legends anymore but with a true legendary story transcending itself from the past millennium and leading its prosperity towards the future millenniums. The Resilient Ribbon is an eco-cultural agent where community activities continue to take place on water, new settlement continue to develop along water, and the city continue to expand around water, connecting ponds, streams, and rivers together and safeguarding the natural, cultural and social landscape.The New Kaban Lakes Masterplan raises the City of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan to become a world class multiculturalism capital where different religions, ethnic groups, and citizens could live safely, peacefully and proudly together.
▼喀山卡班湖群总平面图,The master plan of the Lake Kaban
项目标题:俄罗斯喀山市卡班湖群滨水区 Development of the Kaban Lakes System’s Embankments Master Plan and Landscape Design
委托方:俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦共和国喀山市 Kazan City Government, Republic of Tartarstan, Russian Federation
项目地点:俄罗斯 鞑靼斯坦共和国 喀山市 Kazan City, Republic of Tartarstan, Russian Federation
规划面积:1138.52公顷; 景观面积:19.08公顷
设计时间:2013年2月 至2013年12月
所获奖项:俄罗斯喀山市卡班湖群滨水规划设计公开竞赛 国际第一名