柳州是一座美丽的千年古城,碧玉般的柳江在广西喀斯特大地上冲刷出一块几十平方公 里舟状岛屿,岛内外奇峰兀起,景色绝佳。奇石展览馆选址马鹿山公园东南角,背依山峦,前景开阔。园内有两座遥相呼应高百余米的奇峰,当地百姓形象地将高者呼为公马鹿山和矮者母马鹿山,最为逗趣地是母马鹿山西侧还有一座低矮浑圆的小山包被顺理成章地称之为马鹿蛋山。两山一高耸一低矮,一陡峭一浑圆,依偎在一起奇趣天成,和谐共生又对比强烈,大自然鬼斧神工的杰作。我将这种新概念的原型称之为“流形”,一个从头至尾充满运动变化的并有两个或多个不同表现形式端头的形体,该形体表现的不是一个结果而是一个过程,一个包含有从线性到非线性变化的几何构成,兼具拓扑与分形的特征。
▼建筑鸟瞰,aerial view
▼建筑外观,exterior view
Liuzhou city in Guangxi province is a beautiful ancient town. Liujiang River washed out an island of dozens of square kilometers which shapes like a boat in Guangxi karst land, offers great views which is far better than Guilin. Liuzhou Suiseki hall is located in the southeast of Deer Hill Park. I call it ” manifold “, a movement variation from begin-ning to end and filled with two or more different forms in one body, the body is not a result but a process, a Continuous changes from linear to nonlinear geometric composition, with both topological and fractal char-acteristics.
▼从广场远望建筑,looking far from the square to the building
▼表皮细部,facade details
从文化角度来看,中国的山水文化中,高山流水从来就不是一个对立的概念,它是一种阴阳和合的世界观、哲学观和美学观。高山流水是世界万物的两面性的表现,二者之间是对立又统一并且可以互相转化。马鹿山奇石展览馆的空间形体通过一系列的拓扑变换和分形几何的无规自相似与自仿射的变化,曲——水的典型特征,折 ——山的典型特征在一个形体中互不矛盾的和谐统一在一起,具有丰富惊奇的视觉效果。根据笔者的研究,建筑的流形与数学的流形在几何的本质上是一致的,学科不同,关注点不一样。区别在于一个是数学,一个是美学。
▼一层走廊空间,corridor on first floor
▼从二层俯瞰一层大堂,overlooking the lobby from second floor
▼二层展厅,exhibition hall on second floor
▼展厅细部,exhibition hall details
From the cultural point view of, in Chinese landscape cul-ture, a mountain and a stream are not opposite, but a harmony worldview , philosophy and aesthetics view . Mountain and Flowing Water like “yin” and “yang” are the performance of all things ‘ two sides , is a unity of opposites and can transform into each other between the two.The form of Liuzhou Suiseki hall is composed by a series of topological transfor-mation and fractal geometry of self-similar and self-affine random varia-tion, one elevation is composed by water-like curve while the other one is composed by rock-like polyline, but they look harmony in one building and perform an amazing view. According to the author’s study, architec-ture and mathematics manifold are similar in geometry, different disci-plines, different focus . The difference is that one is mathematics, one is aesthetics.
▼首层平面图,first floor plan
项目名称: 柳州奇石馆
主创建筑师: 张华
项目详细地址: 广西省柳州市
建筑面积(平方米): 12392