

工作与生活惯被视作不可兼得的两样东西,但人的本质决定了二者难以被完全剥离开。王韦航室内设计打破常规将家的理念融入办公空间,为时装品牌TKSTYLE BOUTIQUE搭建了一座开放复合的生活体验场所。入口处几簇枯玉米杆依墙面而立,夹带着乡土的沁香铺垫出入自然的步履。可360度旋转的大木门延续草木的物境,厚重而有温度的材质也中和了水泥质感为主的空间气质。
It is commonly considered that people cannot enjoy work and life at the same time, although they are hardly separated from each other completely. Through breaking the routines and bringing a “home” into the workspace, JACKY.W DESIGN created an open and multifunctional living experience space for the fashion brand TKSTYLE BOUTIQUE.At the entrance, several clusters of dry corn stalks are placed by the wall, bringing nature into the space. The large 360-degree revolving door neutralizes the space temperament dominated by cement with its warm wooden texture.
▼大厅概览,lobby overview
▼360度旋转门,The large 360-degree revolving door
▼旋转门细部,大厅与接待厅的交界,revolving door details,junction of the lobby and reception hall
The designers gave full play to the structure and height (8 meters) of the original space, and ingeniously integrated functional areas for working, reception, fitness and conference, etc. into the two-story space without rigid partitions. There are windows in each wall, which ensures sufficient natural lights to penetrate to the space, thereby resulting in a bright and airy environment. The open layout of the space made it possible for the designers to apply the concept of co-living and cooperative working. Integrating household settings with the workspace in a harmonious way requires quality execution of design and sensibility to details. The design features a industrial style, combined with the exquisite upholstered furniture and adornments, making the overall space rough, simple yet delicate.The flourishing plants highlight the original beauty of the concrete extensively exposed on the floor, walls, beams and pillars. The designers tried nine times for the testing and proofing of cast-in-place cement slabs, so as to ensure the stability of the texture. The strict selection and utilization of materials is also manifested in the ultra -white glass and ultra-thin marble slabs with white patterns exported from Spain. With ingenious application of colors and lines, the designers optimized the spatial texture and experience.
▼接待厅概览,通透敞亮的整体氛围,reception hall overview,a bright and airy environment
▼工业风格的空间,The design features a industrial style
▼接待厅细部,reception hall details
▼布艺家具及饰品的精致点缀,the exquisite upholstered furniture and adornments
▼接待厅靠窗植物景观,the plant landscape near the windows of reception hall
▼绿植旁的卫生间入口,restroom entrance near the plant landscape
▼二层办公区,office area on first floor
▼办公区细部,office area details
▼健身空间,Fitness space
If we’re lucky enough to be engaged in a industry that interests us, work will become a joy. Perhaps this is the reason that the TKSTYLE Office came into being, which improves work to a new level — “life is work”.
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
Design company: JACKY.W DESIGN
Design team: Jacky Wang, Jammie Lu
Project location: Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China
Area: 700㎡
Completion date: 2018.02.02
Main Materials: White and gray TECHSIZE marble slabs, cast-in-place cement bricks, ashtree-made wooden boards
Photography: Wenyao Photography