

The northern coastal city of Dalian, with its harmonious blend of mountains, sea, and sky, welcomes the first masterpiece of the “MIXC Series” that transcends urban and lifestyle boundaries. This architectural marvel features multiple levels, corners, and intersections that seamlessly converge, allowing inhabitants to traverse between indoor and outdoor spaces. The distinction between cityscape and edifice becomes blurred, mutually complementing each other, as commerce and experiential elements intertwine, creating a tapestry of continuous delight.
▼远眺项目,overlook of the project © IAM岸木摄影
多首层设计:建筑从负一层到三层提供四个人行,两个人车混行的入口,便捷接驳城市各种到达。 转角引入:不同转角入口都因地制宜的处理出独特的景象,带来迥然不同的空间体验和进入方式。 室内外穿梭融合:建筑景观一体化设计将室内和室外空间融合,流线整合,内外环境交叠穿越,流连忘返。 城市景观融入:屋顶空间,建筑与景观共创的独特商业屋顶花园,三层台地空间在东南角内部打开,将城市的景观融入到建筑内部,让商业和生活完全展示于城市界面,成为本案的重要亮点。
▼景观空间概念图,landscape space diagram © PLAND博度景观设计
Dalian MIXC, located at the northern core of South China Square, is the premier commercial complex established by China Resources Land in Dalian. It aims to go beyond catering to the expanding consumption demands of the surrounding region, creating an ideal living space that integrates quality, amusement, and innovation. In terms of design, it endeavors to break free from the confines of traditional architecture and urban planning, forging an open spatial experience.
Multilevel Design: Spanning from the basement level to the third floor, the architecture offers four pedestrian entrances and two mixed-use entrances for both pedestrians and vehicles, conveniently connecting various parts of the city. Corner Introductions: Different corner entrances are tactfully designed to present unique perspectives, resulting in distinctly diverse spatial experiences and entry points. Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Integration: Through integrated architectural landscaping, the indoor and outdoor spaces blend harmoniously, with streamlined pathways weaving between overlapping internal and external environments, creating an immersive and unforgettable experience. Incorporating Urban Landscape: The rooftop space features a unique commercial rooftop garden co-created by the building and the surrounding landscape. The three-level terrace opens within the southeastern corner, seamlessly integrating the urban landscape into the interior of the building, where commerce and life are presented within the urban interface, showcasing a significant highlight of this project.
▼空间概览,space overview © IAM岸木摄影
The building is situated on the northwest slope of Hunan Plaza, where the varying elevations offer the potential for multi-level and three-dimensional commercial entrances. The landscape design seamlessly integrates with the municipal and architectural elevation changes, establishing four entrance plazas on the east, west, south, and north sides, each offering distinct functionalities and experiences within the shopping complex. In terms of landscape experience, the surrounding and interwoven curves introduce a sense of unity and functional diversity across various scenes. This includes the introduction of pedestrian flows through broad curves, handling elevation changes with stacked curves, creating three-dimensional focal points through curved enclosures, and crafting exploratory and playful spaces through combined curves.
▼流线结构,streamline structure © IAM岸木摄影
▼环绕和交织的曲线, the surrounding and interwoven curves © IAM岸木摄影
The crescent-shaped mirrored water pool and the circular island of greenery are designed to harmonize with each other, seamlessly connecting the main plaza and the urban interface, creating a substantial image display area. The semi-circular entrance plaza is also fully integrated into pedestrian flows, leading them to the main commercial entrance. This spatial arrangement also reserves potential for commercial promotions and events.
▼入口空间变化图,changing entrance space © IAM岸木摄影
▼入口空间,entrance space © IAM岸木摄影
The sunken plaza, serving as the open space for the underground commercial entrance and subway access, offers a place for daily relaxation and as an active theater for commercial activities. It extends the overall design concept of the site, presenting a leisurely, free, and boundless social space.
▼下沉广场,the sunken plaza © IAM岸木摄影
The entrances at the northeast and southeast corners are formed by a large structural connecting bridge, creating a two-level entrance plaza. The entrance at the northeast corner features a circular plaza with a central solitary cherry blossom tree, serving as a shared focal point for both the plaza and the underground vehicle access, providing a distinctive arrival experience.
▼东北角入口,the entrance at the northeast corner © IAM岸木摄影
The rooftop garden connects the commercial rooftops from the third to the fifth floors spatially, corresponding to the commercial layout of each floor. It allocates outdoor functional zones for commercial purposes and forms a continuous outdoor rooftop garden system that integrates commercial functions, sightseeing, experiences, and connectivity through a system of outdoor grand steps.
▼屋顶花园施工照片,rooftop under construction
▼屋顶景观概念,landspcape concept of the rooftop
▼屋顶花园,roof garden © IAM岸木摄影
▼屋顶花园细节,detial of the roof garden © IAM岸木摄影
▼互通连续的户外屋顶花园体系,a continuous outdoor rooftop garden system © IAM岸木摄影
蛋壳花园的景观概念从形式上提供新韵独特的到达体验,在功能上结合具体空间设置停留露台,打卡互动,还有年轻人和孩童都喜爱的活动区域、 空间、植物、以及灯效都共同去实现一个独特并让到访者记忆深刻,沉浸体验并拍照分享的屋顶花园目的地。
The landscape concept of the Eggshell Garden provides a novel and distinctive arrival experience in its form. In terms of functionality, it integrates specific spatial elements such as resting terraces, interactive points of interest, as well as activity zones beloved by young people and children. The combination of spaces, vegetation, and lighting effects collectively creates a unique and memorable rooftop garden destination that immerses visitors in an unforgettable experience, encouraging them to take photos and share their memories.
▼夜景概览,overview at night © IAM岸木摄影
▼平面图,plan © PLAND博度景观设计
项目名称:大连华南万象汇 项目地址:辽宁省大连市 开业时间:2022年12月 占地面积:30800 平方米 景观设计面积:24316 平方米 业主单位:华润置地(大连)有限公司 业主单位:华润置地有限公司 景观设计:PLAND 博度景观设计 (上海)有限公司 景观设计团队:李鹏坤,芦冰,陈博酉,吴佳,欧阳林祥,王林,陈颖欣,胡震 景观施工图:吉林省关东建筑设计院有限责任公司 建筑设计:CallisonRTKL 室内设计:Ippolito Fleitz Group 灯光设计:HDA汉都灯光设计 摄影:岸木摄影 编辑:普伟明,王星桥