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北京89㎡中古风公寓设计丨中国北京丨NOTHING DESIGN

2023/08/22 01:08:00
中古风是 20 世纪中期风行于美国的一种设计风格。在那个大师辈出的年代,中古风格作为现代主义的延伸,以其极简的理念、丰富的形式成为经典。近一个世纪过去,当我们再回看这个年代感鲜明的复古风格时,它依然保持着稳重的厚实感,形式上永不过时、功能上舒适实用。同时它也是一种态度、一种艺术、一种对历史美好的沉淀和再续。
Medieval style is a design style popularized in the United States in the mid-20th century. In that era when there were many masters, the mid-vintage style, as an extension of modernism, became a classic with its minimalist concept and rich forms. Nearly a century later, when we look back at this distinctive retro style, it still maintains a steady sense of solidity, timeless in form, comfortable and practical in function. At the same time, it is also an attitude, an art, a kind of precipitation and renewal of history.
▼主要空间概览,Overall view of main interior space©立明
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这栋 89㎡的公寓位于北京,业主是一对年轻的夫妻,中古风是他们一直以来欣赏和喜爱的风格,有了自己的房子,便可以将这种永恒的经典留驻在家中。公寓是近些年的新楼盘,没有老房子“结构不合理”、“水电需要大改动”之类的弊病,于是设计师尽量避免大拆改,只在原有的基础上规划布局,并通过色彩、陈设以及经典的木色饰面,让这个小户型每一处都散发出浓郁的中古气质。
This 89 square meters apartment is located in Beijing, the owner is a young couple, the Chinese ancient style is the style they have always appreciated and loved, with their own house, they can be this eternal classic in the home. The apartment is a new building in recent years, there is no old house “structure is unreasonable”, “plumbing and electricity need big changes” and other shortcomings, so the designer tries to avoid big demolition and alteration, only in the original basis of the planning and layout, and through the color, furnishings, and the classic wood finish, make this small house every place exude a strong antique atmosphere, and the designers are very pleased to see that the apartment has been designed in this way.
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01. 沉稳的色彩,营造复古格调
Subdued colors for a vintage look
The tone of a space depends largely on the color of its base. Warm neutrals are almost a “must” in nostalgic chinoiserie, and this sophisticated apartment is no exception. The entrance is relatively narrow, in order not to cause more visual burden, the designer tried to unify the color of the space, customized and wall color invisible storage cabinets, the entrance door is also painted a consistent color, through the neat and orderly “visual subtraction”, so that the entrance appears to be open. The customized stainless steel open grid is the only element that jumps out of the space, although the material contrasts greatly, but also has a retro temperament.
▼玄关,The foyer ©立明
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Entering the interior from the foyer, you can feel the atmosphere brought by harmonious warm colors. The walls and ceilings of the house are painted with light beige gray art paint with an understated texture. The flooring is spliced horizontally and vertically to form a small array of squares, with a geometric texture that reveals the artistic aesthetics of the Bauhaus. Subdued dark-toned wood is an indispensable element of the antique style, and the designer used oak veneer panels to customize the cabinets, enhancing the vintage style while also forming a harmonious color gradient with the floor and walls.
▼餐厨空间,Kitchen and dining area©立明
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The kitchen countertops are made of travertine slabs, similar in color to the artfully painted walls and with the same understatedly beautiful texture. Stainless steel siding and sinks, faucets, a few metal elements in the all-wood kitchen, for a large area of deep warm colors injected into some rational sense of cold and sharp.
▼厨房深沉的色调,Dark tones in the kitchen ©立明
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The small square kitchen originally came with two sliding doors that could be closed to form a closed kitchen, but in this apartment where the area was not extravagant, the couple wanted less separation and more intimate exchanges, so the designer removed the sliding doors and blended the kitchen, dining room, and living room into an open, airy space.
▼开放式的厨房,Open kitchen©立明
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02. 经典家具重塑中古时代 Classic Furniture Reinvents the Middle Ages
如果说带有暖调的中性色是中古风格的基础,那么一件件出自大师之手的经典家具,就是中古风格的灵魂。在餐厅空间里,一张由意大利设计师 Vittorio Dassi 设计的餐桌成为视觉焦点,它是从中古家具店中淘来的孤品,天然玉石桌面加上简约的金属支架,带着浓郁的上世纪中叶复古感。
If neutral colors with warm tones are the basis of the antique style, then a piece of classic furniture from the hand of a master is the soul of the antique style. In the dining space, a dining table designed by Italian designer Vittorio Dassi becomes the visual focal point, which is an orphaned piece from a medieval furniture store, with a natural jade tabletop and minimalist metal brackets, carrying a strong sense of mid-century vintage.
▼意大利设计师设计的餐桌,Italian designer dining table ©立明
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吊灯同样是中古时期的作品,在 1970 年代由 Kurt Wiborg 设计,可以说是丹麦经典的吊灯之一。它的纯白色铝制灯罩是餐厅中明度最高的物体之一,让空间的层次丰富起来。
The chandelier, also from the medieval period, was designed by Kurt Wiborg in the 1970s and is arguably one of the classic Danish chandeliers. Its pure white aluminum shade is one of the brightest objects in the dining room, layering the space.
▼Kurt Wiborg 设计的吊灯,The chandelier designed by Kurt Wiborg©立明
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三把餐椅围绕着圆桌摆放,黑色的座椅出自意大利国宝级设计师 Giancarlo Vegni 之手;第二把线条圆润流畅的 Casalino 扶手椅来自德国设计师 Alexander Begge;最后一把白色皮革座椅则是由大名鼎鼎的现代主义大师 Mies Van Der Rohe 设计的。三把座椅如雕塑般安放,仿佛分别代表着三位大师的美学理念,在此对话、碰撞。如此多经典的中古作品汇集在 6㎡的餐厅内,让这里成为上世纪中叶那个设计黄金时代的缩影。
Three dining chairs are placed around the round table, the black one is from Italian national treasure designer Giancarlo Vegni; the second Casalino armchair with round and smooth lines is from German designer Alexander Begge; and the last one with white leather is designed by the famous modernist master Mies Van Der Rohe. The three chairs are placed like sculptures, as if they represent the aesthetic concepts of three masters respectively, dialoguing and colliding here. So many classic and antique works are gathered in the 6㎡ dining room, making this place the epitome of that golden age of design in the middle of the last century.
▼三把餐椅围绕着圆桌摆放,Three dining chairs are placed around the round table ©立明
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The sideboard was custom-made by the designer to keep a uniform color with the wall. It is decorated with paintings from the couple’s collection.
▼餐边柜,The sideboard ©立明
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The sofa divides the two functional areas of the living room and dining room, which has a good view and light thanks to the windows on both sides. Thanks to the open structure of the integrated guest dining and kitchen, the sunlight can pass through the living room and dining room until the kitchen. The structural beauty of the building and the lines of the furniture and lamps complement each other. In order to make the overall visual effect more unified, the designer specially designed a square box in one corner of the roof to hide the air-conditioner into it without destroying the retro atmosphere of the whole space.
▼从餐厅望向客厅,Looking at living room from the kitchen©立明
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沙发来自北欧品牌 Bolia,姜黄色的条绒布艺既契合整个公寓的暖调氛围,又能够稍稍跳出,令人眼前一亮。它正对窗子摆放,坐在上面可以充分享受阳光的沐浴,电视则被安排在客厅的一角,非对称的格局令人感受到随性放松。地毯的抽象图案灵感来自建筑大师勒·柯布西耶,线与面构成的图案如手绘一般写意,进一步为客厅增加了灵动活跃的气氛。
The sofa is from the Scandinavian brand Bolia, and the ginger-colored striped fabric fits the warm atmosphere of the whole apartment, but also can slightly jump out and make a bright impression. It’s placed directly in front of the window, so you can sit on it and enjoy the sunshine, while the TV is arranged in one corner of the living room, in an asymmetrical pattern that makes you feel spontaneous and relaxed. The abstract pattern of the carpet is inspired by the master architect Le Corbusier, and the line and surface composition of the pattern is as hand-painted as the general writing, which further adds a dynamic and active atmosphere to the living room.
▼北欧品牌沙发,Nordic brand sofa ©立明
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设计师用轻薄的麻质窗帘滤掉一部分阳光,窗台定制了软包坐垫,让屋主可以在窗边小憩、阅读。客厅的一角用设计师小众品牌 Artempo 的屏风装点,黑白几何图案错落有致,与包豪斯的美学观念完美融合。窗子之间的立柱被覆上不锈钢表面,与厨房、玄关的不锈钢材质呼应起来,在它前方摆放着一把 Arrben 的中古座椅,不论材质或是形态,二者都形成了极大的反差,但又丝毫没有违和感。
The designer used light linen curtains to filter out some of the sunlight, and customized upholstered cushions on the window sill so that the homeowner can take a nap and read by the window. The corner of the living room is decorated with a screen from Artempo, a niche designer brand, with a staggered black and white geometric pattern that blends perfectly with the Bauhaus aesthetic. The columns between the windows are clad in a stainless steel surface, echoing the stainless steel of the kitchen and foyer, and in front of it sits an Arrben antique chair, both in material and form, a great contrast, yet not at all incongruous.
▼休憩小空间,Small space for rest ©立明
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03. 文艺之家,必备中古书房 Literary home, must-have medieval study
The apartment originally had three bedrooms before remodeling, but since the owner didn’t have the need for family or friends to come and stay with him, he converted the bedroom next to the living room into a study, separated by a pocket door that opens and closes, allowing for privacy and openness at the same time. Pocket door form, so that the door can be completely hidden in the wall and between the cabinet, to achieve the effect of “stealth”, so that when the door is pulled open, will not affect the connectivity of the living room and study.
▼口袋门,Pocket door ©立明
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深木色书架从地面直通天花板,覆盖整面墙壁,上面摆满各式书籍和装饰物,前面摆放一张经典的 Togo 懒人沙发、一盏线条感强烈的落地灯……这样标志性的中古氛围书房,是每个文艺青年都无法抗拒的设计场景。
Dark wood bookshelves from the ground through the ceiling, covering the entire wall, filled with a variety of books and decorative objects, in front of a classic Togo lazy sofa, a strong sense of line of the floor lamp …… such an iconic antique atmosphere of the study, is the design of every literary and artistic youth can not resist the scene.
▼直通天花板的深木色书架,Dark wood bookshelves from the ground through the ceiling ©立明
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书架旁边,设计师为屋主定制了一张 3 米多长的悬浮书桌,供他们家庭办公时使用。书桌造型极为简练,仅用一条 5 厘米厚度的桌板制成,轻盈的形态和厚重的书架、沙发形成对比。
Next to the bookshelf, the designer customized a 3-meter long suspended desk for the homeowners to use in their home office. The desk is extremely simple, made from a single 5-centimeter-thick board, and its light form contrasts with the heavy bookshelves and sofa.
▼悬浮书桌,The suspended desk ©立明
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The stainless steel elements found in other spaces are also carried over into the study. Above the desk, an open stainless steel shelf sits in the center, which can store and display many items, displaying them while complementing the storage function of the desk area.
▼不锈钢搁架,Open stainless steel shelf©立明
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“A study space should be quiet and calm, a space where one can experience a sense of immersion,” the designer elaborates, “so I used as many wood colors as possible to decorate here.” The bookshelves, desk, storage cabinets, and pocket doors all use a uniform oak finish, and even the window coverings for the floating windows are customized to the same wood texture, giving the entire den a warm and calm look.
▼书房安静的氛围,Quiet and calm study©立明
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04. 私密空间合理分配 Reasonable allocation of private space 公寓本身的另外两室被改造成了卧室和衣帽间,位于玄关的另一侧,与生活区分开,更为私密安静。
The other two rooms of the apartment itself have been converted into a bedroom and checkroom, located on the other side of the foyer, separate from the living area for more privacy and quiet.
▼卧室概览,Overall view of bedroom©立明
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卧室选择了没有床头板的床具,只在墙面上做了造型极简的壁龛,搭配内置灯带,既是很有氛围感的装饰,又兼具一定的置物功能。卧室上方的吊顶中也隐藏了灯带,开启时两道光晕交相呼应,在墙壁上留下有趣的光影。床头两侧,是业主淘来的 Peill&Putzler 波浪壁灯,同样是来自上世纪 70 年代的中古作品。墙面上是业主在拍卖会上拍得的心爱之作——近代著名画家常玉的作品。画作的暖黄色调使卧室和客厅拥有同样的配色。
The bedroom Opted for a bed set without a headboard, only a minimalist niche on the wall with a built-in light strip, which is both a very atmospheric decoration and serves a certain function as a placeholder. The light strip is also hidden in the ceiling above the bedroom, and when turned on the two halos of light echo each other, leaving interesting light shadows on the walls.
▼复古的床具,Vintage bedding ©立明
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卧室和衣帽间之间拆除了原有的墙体,仅用柜体分隔,尽可能地利用每一寸收纳空间。入口处极具雕塑感的座椅来自德国设计大师 Karl Friedrich Forster。
The original wall between the bedroom and the checkroom was removed and separated only by cabinets, utilizing every inch of storage space as much as possible. The sculptural seating at the entrance comes from German design master Karl Friedrich Forster.
▼床头的波浪灯,The wave wall light ©立明
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衣帽间内窗前的位置留给了梳妆台,一把北欧著名家具品牌 Fritz Hansen 的 Vicosolo 座椅点亮了空间,即使再日常、再狭小的空间里,也总有惊喜。
The spot in front of the window in the checkroom is reserved for a dressing table, and a Vicosolo chair from the famous Scandinavian furniture brand Frtiz Hansen brightens up the space, so there is always a surprise in even the most everyday and small spaces.
▼衣帽间,The checkroom ©立明
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▼梳妆台,The dressing table ©立明
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The bathroom retains its original structure, with the walls and floor painted with micro-cement to create an integrated visual experience. The material and color scheme of the vanity is consistent with the cabinet, creating a sense of coherence from the inside out.
▼卫生间,The bathroom ©立明
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Simple yet cozy, functional and aesthetically forward-thinking, the Chugoku style has survived the decades and still manages to blend seamlessly into modern life. In this remodel of a small, well-decorated apartment, the Chugoku style perfectly balances visual aesthetics and space utilization, and is as nostalgic as it is trendy.
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项目位置:中国 北京
完成时间:2023 年
Project Information
Location: Beijing, China
Project Area: 89 square meters
Project Type: Residential
Completion date: 2023
Material: oak veneer, art paint, stainless steel
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