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浮光掠影中的纯净一隅·上海NOTHING DESIGN工作室丨中国上海

2023/12/21 22:00:47
Officespace design · Completed 2022
Designer:Liu Chang
Shanghai, China
A pure corner of the floating light
通透的结构、充沛的光线,是一个空间最大的魅力。正因如此,刘畅在第一次来到这里时,就决定将它改造为 nothing design 的第二间工作室,在上海匆匆流逝的繁华之中,营造一个安静、纯粹的艺术支点。
The transparent structure and abundant light are the biggest charms of this space. Therefore, when Liu Chang first came here, he decided to transform it into the second office of Nothing Design, creating a quiet, pure artistic fulcrum in the midst of Shanghai’s rushing bustle.
与北京西店记忆的第一间工作室不同,这个空间位于长宁区定西路一栋改造后的老建筑中,拥有 L 形的两排大窗,引入充足阳光的同时也提供了绝佳的视野。
Unlike the first studio in Beijing Xidian Memory, this space is located in a renovated old building on Dingxi Road in Changning District, with two rows of large L-shaped windows that bring in plenty of sunlight and provide an excellent view. With the addition of light and scenery, the interior decoration can be more simple, like a textured canvas that can be sculpted by light and display.
▼空间概览,interior preview
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Filter out excess color
Everything is only related to the material
250㎡的尺度,一小半留给容纳 8 人的工作区,剩余所有,全部保留原本开放的格局。
Space of 250㎡, a small half is reserved for the work area that accommodates 8 people, and all the remaining, all retain the original open layout.
The base of the space is simple and pure. The long and thin black wooden flooring is used throughout, which has the charm of old Shanghai houses.
▼沙发区,sofa area
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The sofa area is set off with a customized black carpet, which is visually almost integrated with the floor, not breaking the overall sense of the floor, but only adding comfort in the sense of touch, while enriching the layers of materials.
▼沙发区家具,furniture for sofa area
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The windowless walls are covered with stainless steel finishes throughout, including the central door into the studio, which seems to be invisible when the door is closed because the material is identical, making the space an isolated, "no exit" existence.
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The walls and columns on the side of the windows are left white. The white floor-to-ceiling curtains are in a sense an extension of the wall, but they are light and soft, releasing a lazy air that instantly loosens up this hard space full of straight lines.
▼轻盈柔软的氛围,light and soft ambiance
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The wall opposite the sofa area is seamlessly embedded with a large screen, which is very convenient for internal meetings or discussing proposals with clients. The bleak state of the screen, which is normally turned off, is also unobtrusive in this minimalist space composed of black and white and gray.
▼无缝嵌入的屏幕,seamlessly embedded screen
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The unadorned white ceiling echoes the columns and curtains. The beams are "subtracted", the original surface coverings were removed to reveal the stain and roughness of the cement, forming a strong contrast with the delicate texture of the stainless steel walls.
▼斑驳的天花,mottled ceiling
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The black floor, gray walls and white ceiling form a colorless luminance ladder here, from dark to light, from heavy to light, with a natural but clear hierarchy. Filtering out all the mixed colors and keeping only the purity of black, white and gray, the space seems to be outside of time, quiet and constant, untouched by the years.
不锈钢展示墙,stainless steel display wall
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The stainless steel wall also extends two important areas - the material area and the reading area. The stainless steel bookshelves in the reading area display books and materials that designers often need to look through when working. In addition to the display wall, there is also a square table covered with drawers on both sides, also made of stainless steel. Its square shape and minimalist design without handles bring out the beauty of this metal to the extreme.
▼材料区,material area
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The material area is one of Liu Chang’s favorite spaces, where he always finds much inspiration. The clean stainless steel substrate is able to release the qualities of each material to the maximum.
材料区细节,details of material area
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"Stainless steel is a material I really like," Liu Chang explains, "It’s modern, cool and has a very nice texture."
▼办公区入口,office area entrance
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Behind a hidden sliding door next to the material area is a pure black office space. Desks, chairs, custom cabinetry, including all electronic equipment needed on a daily basis, are all black and almost all are designed with square, straight lines, revealing rationality in their minimalism.
▼纯黑色的办公区,pure black office area
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Each object is a design story
Open spaces tend to have higher requirements for display. On top of this base composed of black and white gray, from large furniture to small table lamps and ornaments, each item has its own precise position and meaning of existence.
▼精心挑选的软装陈设,carefully selected soft furnishings
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In addition to their inherent functions, these objects hide many stories. Touching them, using them and walking through them, you will feel that you are constantly communicating with the design and listening to the unique ideas they convey.
▼入口陈设,entrance furnishings
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初入空间,视野中心的三件物品便为这里定下了基调,一张洞石小圆桌、一把方正笔挺的铝制座椅,和一个形态恣意的雕塑。方圆规整,而雕塑不羁,有机的造型仿佛拥有生命,为景致注入活力。座椅来自 Thomas Gayet 的 UNTITLED 无题系列。雕塑出自 95 后艺术家冯杰之手,以粗糙的匣钵泥制成,有机的形态表达着对自然万物的理解。
Enter the space, three objects in the center of your view set the tone: a small travertine table, a square aluminum chair, and a sculpture with a free form. The organic forms seem to come to life, enlivening the landscape. The seat is from Thomas Gayet’s UNTITLED series. The sculpture is from the post-95 artist Feng Jie, made of rough sagger mud, the organic form expresses the understanding of all things in nature.
▼陈设细节,details of the furnishings
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The coldness of metal, the texture of travertine and the roughness and naturalness of sagger mud also create a beauty of a material conflict between the three.
材质的对比,comparison of materials
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圆桌左侧是材料区和一张金属书桌。座椅是瑞士建筑师 Mario Botta 在 1986 年设计的 Latonda Chair。椅子弧形的线条造型中和了书桌的冰冷体块感,也形成了“面”与“线”交织的和谐景象。
To the left of the round table is a material area and a metal desk. The chair is the Latonda Chair designed by Swiss architect Mario Botta in 1986. The curved lines of the chair neutralize the coldness of the desk and create a harmonious interplay of "surface" and "line".
▼材料区陈设,material area furnishings
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台灯是袁媛的作品 Unlock,灵感来自中国传统建筑中的榫卯结构。
The table lamp “Unlock” is the Yuan Yuan’s work, inspired by the mortise and tenon construction in traditional Chinese architecture.
袁媛的 Unlock 台灯,”Unlock” lamp from Yuan Yuan
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By the window, there are seats and side tables designed by Liu Xiao. The seat is called "The Disappearing Ancient City", made of stainless steel, which is loved by Liu Chang, who is also a stainless steel lover.
▼窗边的陈设,furnishings by the window
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The meeting area is a combination of a sofa and two chairs. The sofa is the one that Liu Chang liked at first glance in the Chinese antique furniture store, the staggered square shape is very sculptural, and the looped velvet fabric piles up natural folds on the surface, which is stylish and not dull.
▼雕塑感的沙发,sculptural sofa
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两把休闲椅都是上世纪 Space Age 的作品。沙发背后是艺术家陈星宇的落地灯,高耸的造型犹如尖塔里的小宇宙。
The two lounge chairs are both from Space Age in the last century. Behind the sofa is a floor lamp by artist Chen Xingyu, with a towering shape like a small universe in a minaret.
▼不同时代作品的碰撞,collision of works from different eras
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Space Age 时期的家具与当代先锋作品,跨越近一个世纪的设计在此碰撞,一下子拉宽了时间的维度,身处其中,恍若隔世。有趣的是,这些横贯东西、相差百年的作品,似乎都在阐述着同一个主题——对未来的探索。
The collision of Space Age furniture and contemporary pioneering works, which span nearly a century, instantly widens the dimension of time and makes it seem like being in a different world.Interestingly, these works, which span a century between East and West, seem to be articulating the same theme - the exploration of the future.
▼几何感的洞石茶几,geometric travertine coffee table
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Travertine coffee table and side table are designed by Liu Chang for this space, the geometric shape changes and reorganizes, echoing the sculptural sense of the sofa.
▼茶几细节,details of coffee table
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阳光最好的区域是 L 形窗转角的位置,这里放置着一张洞石长桌,四把造型迥异的座椅分立两侧。桌子上方悬挂着蔡烈超的马扎灯,纤细的线条纵横交错,灵感来自于城市中的建筑工地手脚架。
The sunniest area is at the corner of the L-shaped window, where a long travertine table is placed, with four seats of very different shapes standing on either side. Above the table hangs Mario Tsai’s Mazha Lighting, with its slender lines crisscrossing the floor, inspired by the scaffolding of a construction site in the city.
▼转角区陈设,corner area furnishings
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Each of the four chairs has its own personality. "Choose the one you like the most to sit" is the psychology of each person in this area, and it is also an interesting interaction between people and furniture.
陈设细节,details of furnishings
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每一件家具、每一个物品,都有趣到可以引发一个话题。设计师们甚至为植物 DIY 了装饰围栏,富有肌理的白色表面完美融入空间。
Every piece of furniture and every object is interesting enough to spark a conversation. The designers even made DIY decorative fences for the plants, and the textured white surfaces blend perfectly into the space.
▼每一件物品都在叙说故事,each object tells a story
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From renting this place to finalizing the design, Liu Chang spent only one night, perhaps there is also a wonderful destiny between people and space. For him, this office is not just a place to work or a place to settle in a busy city, but a place where the thinking and ideas of the moment are cohesive and the emotional value is above all.
项目位置:中国 上海
完成时间:2022 年
Project Info
Designer:Chang Liu
Completion Time:2022
Materials:Stainless Steel,Wooden Floor,Travertine,Glass
Photography:WM STUDIO
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