

Orionis 天文馆和观测台是法国北部杜埃市的一处新文化景点,其设计灵感源于星体的椭圆形运动轨迹。
The planetarium and observatory named Orionis is a new cultural destination in the city of Douai in northern France, inspired by the elliptical and continuous movement of the stars.
▼项目外观,Exterior view © Jad Sylla
项目坐落在一个绝佳的地点,介于附近的斯卡尔普河、Arkéos 考古博物馆和住宅区之间,并致力于将这些元素和谐地连接起来,为游客创造一个无障碍且充满灵感的空间。Snøhetta 提出的方案是,设计一座统一的建筑,并通过其曲线造型将放映室和观测台的两个穹顶包围并统一起来。
Situated on a remarkable site, between the adjacent Scarpe river, the archaeological museum Arkéos and a nearby residential complex, the project aims to harmoniously connect these elements and create an accessible and inspiring space for visitors. Snøhetta’s design is a unified building with curves that wrap around the two domes of the projection room and the observatory.
“天文馆是首批由 Snøhetta 巴黎办公室完全负责构思、管理和建造的项目之一,我们非常高兴能够在法国展现事物所一贯秉持的高品质文化与教育建筑的设计方法。”——Snøhetta 巴黎办公室负责人 Oliver Page
“The Planetarium is one of the first projects to be completely conceived, managed and built by Snøhetta’s studio in Paris. We are extremely excited to showcase the Snøhetta approach for delivering high-quality cultural and educational buildings in France. ”– Oliver Page, Managing Director of Snøhetta’ studio in Paris
▼鸟瞰,Aerial view© Jad Sylla
▼从北侧望向建筑,View from the north side© Jad Sylla
Snøhetta 与 CET Ingénierie、Impact Conseil et Ingénierie、Cicanord、Studio Dap 和 Atelier Silva Landscaping 等多家公司密切合作,自 2019 年末起一直致力于该建筑的设计,见证了项目从概念到施工的全过程。Orionis 天文馆和观测台已于 2023 年 5 月 13 日向公众开放。
In close collaboration with CET Ingénierie, Impact Conseil et Ingénierie, Cicanord, Studio Dap and Atelier Silva Landscaping, Snøhetta has been working on the building since late 2019, seeing the project through from concept to construction. Orionis opened to the public on the 13th of May 2023.
▼庭院视角,Courtyard© Jad Sylla
椭圆 – 永恒的流动概念
Ellipse – a timeless and fluid concept
“我们希望为杜埃的居民构建一个非同寻常的集会地点和新目的地。项目的建筑和规划理念从星体的椭圆形运行轨迹中汲取灵感,重新诠释了连续、流动和超越时间的概念,不仅体现在外形上,也体现在参观者的实际体验上。在这里,所有的感官都将得到充分调动。”—— Snøhetta 合伙创始人 Kjetil Trædal Thorsen
“We wanted to propose an extraordinary meeting place and a new destination for the inhabitants of Douai. The architectural and urban concept of our project takes its inspiration from the elliptical movement of the stars. Being continuous, fluid and perpetual are notions that we have reinterpreted in the project, not only in terms of the shape but also in the experience that visitors will have of the planetarium, all senses employed” explains Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, co-founder of Snøhetta.
The concept of continuous movement has inspired the project throughout, defining everything from the reception area, the exhibition spaces, the amphitheater, and the domes of the building. The building is linked by a slightly inclined ramp, visible from the outside through the building’s partly translucent façade.
▼微倾斜的坡道连接了建筑的各处空间,The building is linked by a slightly inclined ramp© Jad Sylla
▼从半透明的外立面观察坡道,View to the ramp through the partly translucent façade© Jad Sylla
融入当地环境 Integrated into the local environment。永恒的概念还体现在斯卡尔普河与周围景观的连续运动中,后者与天文馆建筑形成了物理和视觉上的联系。天文馆的设计与 Arkéos 博物馆无缝地衔接在一起,并共享景观和停车场区域,实现了两个文化实体的互联。两个穹顶的设计旨在树立一个视觉标识,使其既能从远处看到,又不会对当地社区构成干扰。Snøhetta 的目标是借助建筑的外部形态去展现建筑内部的功能与活动。
The notion of timelessness is also found in the continuous movement of the Scarpe river and the surrounding landscape that weaves a physical and visual link to the planetarium. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with the Arkéos Museum and shares landscaped areas and parking lots intended to connect these two cultural entities. The two domes aim to be a visual signal that can be seen from afar while not impacting the local neighborhood. Snøhetta’s goal was to reveal the building’s program and function from the exterior through its shapes.
▼沿河视角,View from the river© Jad Sylla
▼从附近草场望向建筑,View from the adjacent grassland© Jad Sylla
将景观连接至周围环境 Linking landscape to its surroundings。户外空间的设计特点体现在周围景观和椭圆形的内部庭院。二者有助于打造一个连贯且与环境背景密切关联的文化目的地,在利用场地特征的同时保持与周围景观的无缝融合。
The design of the outdoor spaces has two distinct characters: the surrounding landscape and an elliptical interior courtyard. Both help to create a coherent and contextualized cultural destination that takes advantage of the outstanding features of the site while integrating seamlessly with the surrounding landscape.
▼庭院和屋顶花园,Courtyard and green roof© Jad Sylla
▼俯瞰椭圆形庭院,Overlook to the elliptical courtyard© Jad Sylla
The landscape is designed to promote biodiversity and integrates the materials present on the site. The garden has a continuous pathway that connects various outdoor spaces and the building. The path is paved with natural bluestone from Belgium, providing an additional layer of texture and visual expression. Also, plants and trees are strategically placed to integrate the parking spaces and the forecourt.
▼围绕庭院的游览路径,The gallery surrounding the courtyard© Jad Sylla
▼庭院景观,Landscape© Jad Sylla
The roof is planted with wild grass, creating a natural and organic visual element that is highly visible inside the building. Once inside the building, the planted and glazed patio is visible from all interior spaces and works as a calm outdoor space, providing a connection to the natural landscape outside.
▼从室内可以望见庭院,A glance to the courtyard from inside© Jad Sylla
以用户为核心 Users at the heart of the project
The design of the building addresses the needs of the many users maintaining a sense of coherence and continuity with the overall theme of the planetarium.
The visitor circuit flows smoothly from the entrance, through the gift shop and exhibition space, all the way to the immersive room. Then, the ramp gently brings the audience back down to the ground floor and towards the exit.
Specific areas have dedicated access to ensure that the flows do not intersect, such as the observatory area and offices on the first floor.
▼首层参观路径,Visiting road on the ground floor© Jad Sylla
▼入口区域,Entrance© Jad Sylla
▼观测台,Observatory© Jad Sylla
▼天文馆放映室,The screening room© Jad Sylla
材料的重要性 Materiality a key element
天文馆外墙的设计灵感源于周边地区和附近建筑(例如 Arkéos 博物馆和砖砌的住宅)所使用的材料。项目主要包含来自三种材料的色彩:白杨树不断变化的木色、钢制百叶窗的铁锈色以及放映室穹顶的 PVC 薄膜的灰色。位于主立面幕墙前方的钢板的颜色,还有木制护墙板的颜色均受到 Arkéos 博物馆的启发,有助于实现与环境相融合的整体设计。
The planetarium’s exterior envelope is inspired by the surrounding region and the materials used in nearby buildings such as the Arkéos Museum and brick houses. The project is composed of three main colors: the evolving wood color of the poplar, the rust color of the steel brise-soleils, and the light gray PVC membrane that covers the dome of the projection room. The color of the steel panels in front of the curtain walls on the main façade and wood siding, both inspired by the Arkéos Museum, contribute to a cohesive design that blends with the environment.
▼立面近景:三种材料的色彩,Facade:three main colors© Jad Sylla
靠近附近地块的低层建筑设置了绿化屋顶,为建筑增添了自然的气息,并帮助其融入既有的场地景观。放映厅的穹顶上覆盖着一层浅灰色的 PVC 薄膜,降低了对周围环境的视觉影响,同时也凸显出环绕于外立面的坡道路径。
The roof of the lower level near the neighboring parcels is vegetated, adding a natural element that helps integrate the project into the existing site landscape. The screening room dome is covered with a light gray PVC membrane, reducing its visual impact and enhancing the path of the ramp that winds around the façade.
▼天文馆与周边建筑,The planetarium and the adjacent buildings© Jad Sylla
▼放映厅的穹顶上覆盖着浅灰色 PVC 薄膜,The screening room dome is covered with a light gray PVC membrane© Jad Sylla
可持续发展计划 Sustainability ambitions
Sustainability played an important role in the design of the project. The heating for the showroom’s floor is supplied by geothermal energy, and it provides heating for the building during the winter and cooling during the summer. Additionally, sensors are installed on multiple openings to allow for intelligent natural ventilation. Finally, the sunshades and the green roof also contribute to a responsible regulation of the building’s temperature and rainwater. Locally sourced materials were preferred to limit the carbon footprint and allow for a low environmental impact construction site.
▼远观天文馆和观测台© Jad Sylla
A distant view tothePlanetarium and Observatory
▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan© Snøhetta
▼二层平面图,First floor plan© Snøhetta
▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan© Snøhetta
▼剖面图,Section© Snøhetta
Location: Douai, northern France
Client: Douasis Agglomeration
Timeline: September 2019 – May 2023
Size: 2000 m2
Architecture and Interior Architecture: Snøhetta
Building engineer: CET Ingénierie
Environnemental engineer: Impact Conseil et Ingénierie
OPC: Cicanord
Acoustic engineer: Studio Dap
Landscape: Atelier Silva Landscaping and Snøhetta