

2022 年初,在沈阳的咖啡品牌 Ticle Coffee 联系到大观建筑设计,委托了一系列的 Ticle 线下店,并通过打磨,形成了属于 Ticle 的空间特性,硬朗、简洁、明亮和一点超现实幻想。
▼Ticle Coffee 六间线下店设计方案,Design of 6stores for Ticle Coffee© 大观建筑
01. TICLE COFFEE 秘洞-太原街店 2022.02 TICLE COFFEE The Mysterious Opening – Taiyuan Street Store (Feb 2022)
“Ticle Coffee 的品牌定位是什么?”成为我们与 Ticle Coffee 首次合作最先思考的问题。
The first question we considered in our first collaboration with Ticle Coffee was, “What is the brand positioning of Ticle Coffee?”
Ticle 首家店选址于沈阳万达广场太原街,希望可以通过立面一系列的神秘窗洞吸引行人驻足探索。整体空间分为三部分:吧台、客座区、露营区。外立面设计与室内三大分区紧密结合,吧台区域位于中心区域,保证两侧客座区到达吧台区的流线最短且无交叉。
The first Ticle store is located on Taiyuan Street in Wanda Plaza, Shenyang. It aims to attract pedestrians through a series of window openings on the facade. The overall space is divided into three parts: the bar area, seating area, and camping area. The facade design is closely integrated with the three main zones inside. The bar area is positioned in the central zone to ensure the shortest and non-crossing flow lines from both sides of the seating area to the bar area.
▼门店外观,Exterior view ©刘承徭
The overall facade material primarily consists of texture paint with a strong gray texture. The design principle of close integration of indoor and outdoor spaces employs a frame-like design technique, where each window opening is like a mystery painting. Two semi-circular wall surfaces were designed on the facade facing the bar. One is for display purposes and the other, facing outward, serves as a booth. The combination of these semi-circular walls creates a division of space, merging reality and illusion.
The indoor and outdoor interconnected camping seating area creates a relaxed and leisurely outdoor atmosphere. The entrance area is defined by the use of white pebbles on the ground, stone stools, and camping tables and chairs, creating an outdoor camping atmosphere. In terms of spatial layout, a sales window is opened on the facing wall, serving as both a take-out window and a visual echo with the bar counter, also becoming a transitional area between the indoor and outdoor spaces of the store.
▼吧台区作为中心区域,空间设计延续整体氛围不做过多修饰,以展现金属原始质感为主,The bar area, as the central zone, continues the overall atmosphere without excessive embellishments. It primarily showcases the original metallic texture©刘承徭
▼室内客座区,Interior seating area©刘承徭
室内客座区设计保留原生条件基础。客座区背景墙采用半透明亚克力材质围合出弧形,Ticle coffee 标识与原生墙面肌理若隐若现,好似野外迷雾重重透出的点点亮光,使人不知觉的想要走进窥探。
The interior seating area retains the original conditions. The background wall of the seating area is enclosed with semi-transparent acrylic material, and the Ticle Coffee logo and the original wall texture are subtly revealed. It’s like tiny specks of light shining through thick mist in the wilderness, making one unconsciously want to step in and explore.
▼结合原有墙面肌理设计周边展示©刘承徭 Incorporating the original wall texture, the surrounding display is designed
02. TICLE CFFEE 月球工作室-鞍山店 2022.04 TICLE COFFEE Moon Studio – Anshan Store (Apr 2022)
本店位于鞍山万象汇,秉承着以超现实幻想概念出发,空间设计的主题“联通月球的时空输送仓——TICLE CFFEE 月球工作室”。
This store is located in Wanda Plaza, Anshan. Upholding the concept of surreal fantasy, the spatial design theme is “Space-Time Transfer Hub Connecting the Moon – TICLE COFFEE Moon Studio”.
3022 年在月球开发了能源公司 TICLE,乘坐着时空输送器运回地球的咖啡,要来喝一杯吗?
In 3022, an energy company was developed on the moon. TICLE takes a time-space shuttle back to Earth to make coffee. Would you like a cup?
▼设计师门店立面造型灵感来源《moon》电影场景,科技舱门入口非常具有吸引力。The design of the storefront is inspired by the scenes from the movie “Moon”, and the technological entrance door is very attractive©刘承徭
The original wall texture is retained at the entrance, respecting the design location. At the same time, the rough brick wall resembles the surface of the moon. Combined with the digital screens explaining the moon, one is instantly transported into the magnetic field of the moon.
▼空间概览,General view©刘承徭
▼墙面数字屏幕,Digital screens©刘承徭
The booth area is inspired by the space capsule seats. The original color stainless steel metal is combined with light gray leather seats, providing a rich visual design and a realistic tactile experience, as if in a moon space capsule.
▼卡座区,Booth area©刘承徭
▼座位细节,Detailed view©刘承徭
The overall spatial design mainly emphasizes the use of pure and simple metal materials. At the same time, attention is paid to the coordination between lighting and metal. The reflection of light on the metal surface injects rich, delicate, and dynamic temperament into the space, emphasizing the surreal theme of the moon while enriching the visual experience.
▼灯光与金属呼应,The coordination between lighting and metal©刘承徭
▼左:厨房门采用富有科技感的贴膜造型;右:数字标识 Left: the kitchen door is shaped with a high-tech film; Right: sign©刘承徭
03. TICLE COFFEE 钢铁之心-铁西店 2022.04 TICLE COFFEE Heart of Steel -Tiexi Store (Apr 2022)
沈阳铁西区国内最大、历史最悠久的工业中心,名副其实的钢铁城市,每一座城市都有一个巨大的钢铁之心,每日运转,不曾停止。TICLE CFFEE 铁西店以“钢铁之心”为空间主题,是品牌概念的延伸,也是对铁西的尊重和致敬。
Shenyang Tiexi District is the largest and oldest industrial center in China. Every city has a huge heart of steel that operates daily without stopping. TICLE COFFEE Tiexi Store takes “Heart of Steel” as the theme of the space, extending the brand concept, as well as showing respect and tribute to Tiexi, the city of steel.
▼TICLE CFFEE 钢铁心脏装置,Steel Heart Installation©刘承徭
▼结合原有结构柱设计钢铁机械装置,Combining the original structural columns with the design of steel mechanical devices©刘承徭
▼咖啡吧台,Coffee bar©刘承徭
▼工业风桌椅座凳,渲染空间氛围,加强工业风主题,Industrial-style tables, chairs, and seats, rendering the atmosphere of the space and enhancing the industrial theme©刘承徭
04. TICLE COFFEE 城市会客厅-汇锦店 2022.05 TICLE COFFEE The Drawing-Room In The City – Huijin Store (May 2022)
This store is located in the lobby of Shenyang Huijin Financial Center. The design needs to enclose an independent coffee space while also being open, transparent, and interconnected. It must not only conform to the spatial tone of the old lobby but also showcase the brand’s distinctive style.
▼门店外观,Exterior view©刘承徭
▼咖啡吧台设计顶棚采用发光灯膜,浮于吧台上方,Coffee bar design with a luminous film ceiling, floating above the bar©刘承徭
本店的客群主体是汇锦金融中心工作的人,设计希望为他们提供一个工作间隙与好友放松聊天会客的场所——“城市会客厅”。设计师通过咖啡吧台方盒子与 Ticle 品牌标识字母“T”空间穿插组合,围合成品牌标识字母“T”,从人视角看是咖啡会客区,从大堂高层向下眺望会是平躺的字母“T”,从多种视线角度展示品牌形象。
The main customer group of this store is the people who work in Huijin Financial Center. The design hopes to provide them with a place to relax and chat with friends during work breaks — “urban living room”. The designer interlaces the coffee bar box with the Ticle brand letter “T” in the space. When viewed from a human perspective, the letter “T” is the coffee reception area. When viewed from a high point in the lobby, it forms a reclining letter “T”. From various perspectives, the brand image is displayed.
▼卡座区——平躺的字母“T”,Booth area – Reclining letter “T”©刘承徭
05. TICLE COFFEE 太空盒子-华府天地店 2022.08 TICLE COFFEE Space Capsule – Huafu Tiandi Store (Aug 2022)
本案选址于沈阳华府天地,空间概念依旧是超现实幻想,整个立面设计简洁、纯粹,像一个“太空坠落”的神秘盒子插入到大厦建筑。因此 Ticle Coffee 作为一个完整的体块具有很高的辨识度,同时又很好的融入建筑整体。盒子沿街的正面掏了个方形的咖啡窗口,体块造型特点贯穿整体。
This project is located in Shenyang Huafu Tiandi. The conceptual theme of the space is still based on surreal fantasy. The overall facade design is simple and pure, resembling a mysterious box “fallen from space” inserted into the building. Therefore, Ticle Coffee, as a complete entity, has a high degree of recognition while also blending seamlessly into the overall architecture. A square coffee window was hollowed out on the street-facing facade. The characteristics of the volume run through the entire entity.
▼店铺外观,Exterior view©刘承徭
The overall facade material primarily consists of dark-colored waterbrushed stone with a prominent uneven texture. The black stainless steel metal window exudes a mysterious temperament, making passersby unable to resist stopping to explore.
▼立面上的咖啡窗口,Coffee window©刘承徭
Inside the window, original stainless steel metal, wave boards, and a luminous film are used. The overall space is pure, bright, and forms a vivid contrast with the dark waterbrushed stone facade.
▼立面和室内材料细节,Facade and interior materials©刘承徭
▼伸出墙面的咖啡杯金属托板,丰富立面细节,Metal trays in the shape of coffee cups protrude from the wall, enriching the facade details©刘承徭
06. TICLE COFFEE 时空之门-长峰店 2022.09 TICLE COFFEE The Door Of Time And Space – Changfeng Store (Sep 2022)
This store is located in Shenyang Changfeng Building. The space design upholds the concept of surreal fantasy, and the design theme is “the Door of time and space”. The design integrates the open entrance display area of the venue, with light design converging at the bar counter. Upon entering, it feels like stepping into a time and space tunnel entrance. The overall design emphasizes the use of original stainless steel metal, wave boards, and linear light strips to highlight the brand’s symbol, creating a simple, pure, and bright spatial atmosphere.
▼外观,Exterior view©刘承徭
The facade integrates the original columns of the site, dividing the space with simple geometric forms, resembling the entrance of a time and space tunnel.
▼入口处结合立面空间设计座凳,At the entrance, seating is integrated into the facade space design©刘承徭
The top of the space uses an aluminum mesh ceiling to preserve the original fire protection (smoke detection and sprinklers) within the building.Embedded with LED strips, it emphasizes the spatial visual center converging at the bar, creating a surreal space with time flow.
▼空间采用铝拉网吊顶,Aluminum mesh ceiling©刘承徭
咖啡吧台设计延续 Ticle 传统的风格,吧台背景墙上做了一点突破,加入木饰面元素,即丰富了设计细节又平衡了与整体空间色调。
The coffee bar design follows Ticle’s traditional style. There is a slight breakthrough in the background wall of the bar, incorporating wood veneer elements, enriching the design details and balancing with the overall space tone.
▼吧台区域,Coffee bar©刘承徭
▼吧台和周边展示墙,Coffee bar & surrounding display walls©刘承徭
▼家具细节,Furniture details©刘承徭