WMY 新办公空间设计丨WBS 里外工作室

2023/11/20 12:46:21
▼主要空间概览,Overall view of main interior space© UKstudio
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现状与挑战 Current Situation and Challenges
The current state of the site is a dark-toned industrial-style office space, previously designed by us. Our initial approach was to preserve the essence of the place to the maximum extent. At that time, the owner was in the early stages of their business, aiming to integrate their unique self-expression into the rustic atmosphere of an industrial factory. For this transformation, the owner’s request was to create a vibrant, simple, and employee-experience-focused office space with minimal changes in the shortest time possible, while also preserving traces of the previous space.
▼外立面现状,Current status of facade © UKstudio
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▼内部空间现状,Current status of interior space © UKstudio
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设计策略 Design Strategy
▼改造逻辑,transform logic © WBS 里外工作室
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Similar to the last transformation of this space, we once again based our design on the spirit of the original space. Through spatial manipulations, recreation of focal points, and adjustments in layout and materials, we aimed to create a completely refreshed space without major structural changes.
▼入口处,Entrance© UKstudio
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空间 Space
▼轴测空间分析图,axonometric spatial analysis © WBS 里外工作室
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Due to constraints, significant modifications to existing walls were not feasible. We transformed the original concrete and black elements into white using paint and wet-applied wall covering, creating a bright base color. The layout removed the black metal mesh enclosing workstations, creating an open or partially enclosed space. Metal mesh was replaced with heavier hollow bricks, enhancing the rhythm of spatial expansion and contraction.
▼门厅处的水吧,The pantry © UKstudio
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▼门厅改造分析图,lobbyrenovation analysis © WBS 里外工作室
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The original entrance hall featured activities around a suspended metal mesh, and a cement wall beneath partially separated the entrance hall from the pantry. One side of the meeting room was elevated on a platform, with the platform system extending through the entrance hall and pantry. We retained this spatial layout, preserving the framework of the metal mesh while opening the “skin” to envelop both sides of the public space. This operation unified the upper facade of the public space, creating a more expansive entrance hall image. The “skin” transitioned from a black metal mesh to a white floating panel, enhancing the brightness of the upper space.
▼被抬升的会议室,Elevated conference room © UKstudio
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▼金属网,Metal mesh © UKstudio
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▼水泥隔墙,Cement partition wall © UKstudio
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Given the abundance of black elements in the original space and the company’s cool attitude, we transformed the screen facing the entrance hall into a curved wall with a black rammed earth texture. This wall serves to delineate the space and act as a statement of intent. The curved treatment softens the seriousness conveyed by the black color, and the pantry space is further expanded through slight adjustments in the angles of the corridor’s end room facades, creating a better interactive posture.
▼走廊休闲空间,Relaxing space at corridor© UKstudio
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▼形体变化分析,analysis ofscalechanges © WBS 里外工作室
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Within the overall white-toned space, we created a purely black area in the open office. Opposite to this, a culture wall was painted white but retained the original wall texture. Past engraved slogans on the culture wall were covered with cement, leaving a fresh white surface against the existing texture. The newly created black engages in a silent dialogue with the existing white.
▼黑色与白色的碰撞,The collision of black and white © UKstudio
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▼保留原始墙面肌理的文化墙,Retained the original wall texture © UKstudio
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▼墙面的尺度处理,Wall scaling © UKstudio
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▼墙面的尺度处理,A glimpse of the work area © UKstudio
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By adjusting the number of workstations, we added more individual spaces for employees. Through scale adjustments, we created flexible usage scenarios. Semi-enclosed forms alleviated the oppressive feel of small spaces, and the interweaving of plane positions ensured visual separation. By incorporating small ladders, individuals can access the upper parts of these small rooms, experiencing the space from a different perspective and contributing to an engaging office experience.
▼拓展区,Expansion area © UKstudio
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▼拓展区细部,Details of expansion area © UKstudio
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扩建 Expansion
为了增加员工共享交流休憩的空间,业主扩建出了一片被命名为“the nonsense space”的区域。办公区域的黑白色调可以使人快速进入紧张的工作状态,我们希望“the nonsense space”可以让人从这个状态里完全跳脱出来。于是暖色成了这里的主角。
▼“the nonsense space”分析图,analysis of“the nonsense space”© WBS 里外工作室
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▼过渡空间分析图,transition space analysis © WBS 里外工作室
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To increase shared communication and relaxation spaces for employees, the owner expanded an area named “the nonsense space.” The black-and-white theme of the office area quickly induces a focused working state. “The nonsense space” is designed to provide an escape from this state, with warm colors taking center stage.
▼“the nonsense space”区域,“the nonsense space” © UKstudio
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▼“the nonsense space”区域的弧墙,Arc wall of the“the nonsense space”© UKstudio
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We created a transition between the two styles of space through winding pathways and partially obscured walls. Blank walls serve as prologues to the next space, and the entrance wall’s corner is slightly bent, resembling a welcoming curtain guiding people inside.
▼“the nonsense space”区域内部空间,Interior space of “the nonsense space” © UKstudio
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▼空间材料细部,Materials details© UKstudio
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Elevated with wooden flooring, this area features a wooden step system, echoing the entrance hall’s platform system. Serving as a space for relaxation and sharing, these steps also become freely definable “seats.” Walls and fixed furniture use unfinished materials, creating a relaxed atmosphere through the exposure of natural material textures and simple construction methods.
▼外观夜览,Night view© UKstudio
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▼平面图,plan© WBS 里外工作室
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▼立面图,elevation© WBS 里外工作室
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▼立面细节图,elevationdetails© WBS 里外工作室
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▼细节大样图,construction details© WBS 里外工作室
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