该项目距离Albacete市仅几公里,坐落于西班牙国家殖民研究所于1960年代建造的村庄之一,这一独特的作品是当前Aguas Nuevas幼儿园的附属建筑。
▼城市立面,Urban elevation ©David Zarzoso
Just a few kilometers from the city of Albacete, in one of the villages built in the 1960s by the Spanish National Institute of Colonization, this distinctive work serves as an annex to the current nursery school in Aguas Nuevas.
▼入口空间与村落街道融洽相连 The entrance space is harmoniously connected with the village street ©David Zarzoso
▼室内概览,Overall view of the interior ©David Zarzoso
An essential building which forms are primarily driven by the few spaces it hosts. Therefore, only two volumes are involved in the composition: the first, narrower and elongated, connects to the existing building and houses the entrance and service areas, while the second, the main volume, rises above the rest with the sole purpose of providing children with a new type of space. An original, unexpected, and undiscovered place for them to engage in their activities.
▼孩子们在简洁明亮的教室中玩耍,Children enjoying the concise and simple classroom space ©David Zarzoso
▼透过落地窗欣赏一天中变化的光影 Enjoying the ever-changing light and shadow through the large window ©David Zarzoso
Hence, it is natural that, from a spatial perspective, this classroom becomes the most representative space of the project. That´s why its position on the floor plan is set back from the façade line, located in between two courtyards: one at the rear, facing south, for the children to play, and one at the front, opening onto the street, allowing vegetation to grow. Its exceptional height, on the other hand, gives special prominence to the interior volume of this space.
▼落地窗与庭院特写,Close-up of the window and the courtyard ©David Zarzoso
▼孩子们在教室内外玩耍,Children playing in and out of the classroom ©David Zarzoso
▼教室与庭院细部,Details of the classroom and the courtyard ©David Zarzoso
A large area flooded with light, where children, almost unconsciously, can also observe the play of shadows cast by the building on its surfaces. This can be witnessed through the two large windows that precisely capture the ever-changing patterns of the day.
▼卫生间等服务空间,Serving spaces ©David Zarzoso
▼后庭院概览,Overall view of the rear courtyard ©David Zarzoso
▼墙体细部,Details of the walls ©David Zarzoso
On the façade, in compliance with the setback required by code, the building also creates a new seating area for the village’s residents. A sort of public bench where passersby can rest and parents can wait for their children.
▼平面图,Plan ©Iterare arquitectos
▼屋顶平面,Roof plan ©Iterare arquitectos
▼立面图,Elevation ©Iterare arquitectos
▼庭院平面图,Courtyard elevation ©Iterare arquitectos
▼剖面1,Section 1 ©Iterare arquitectos
▼剖面2,Section 2 ©Iterare arquitectos