绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼

2020/12/02 18:23:20
项目坐落于路易斯安那州新奥尔良,是一栋占地172,000平方英尺(约15979平方米)的七层住宅楼。项目灵感来自于该市历史悠久的法式街区内院建筑。与典型的仅对居民开放的住宅庭院相比,The Beacon公寓楼的庭院直接向Girod街开放。这种设置,不仅为公寓楼中的居民提供了良好的居住环境,同时使建筑与周边环境形成一个统一的整体。126个住宅单元围合出一个宛若绿洲的独特城市公共空间,在这里,人们可以躲避城市的喧嚣与浮躁的商业气息,享受宁静安详的生活。此外,公寓楼的底层还设有20,000平方英尺(约1858平方米)的零售空间,在最大程度上方便了居民的日常生活。
The Beacon is a 172,000-square-foot, seven-story residential building that takes it’s inspiration from the city’s historic French Quarter courtyard buildings. In contrast to the typical residential courtyard block accessible only to the residents of the building, this courtyard opens directly onto Girod Street; creating an amenity not only for the building, but the neighborhood and new development as a whole. This provides a calming oasis for the 126 residential units and a unique public space in which to live and escape the hustle and bustle of a thriving commercial corridor. The development is enhanced by 20,000 square feet of ground-floor retail which is integrated into the project.
▼项目与周边城市环境,project and the surrounding environment © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-3
Expanding upon the reinterpretation of New Orleans’ reputation as a “hidden gem,” the themes throughout this space are rooted in the imagery and textures of a geode–a vibrant array of colors throughout the interior in contrast to the subdued, austere exterior grays, and metallic features.
▼分析图,diagram © Eskew+Dumez+Ripple
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-7
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-8
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-9
Where the street facing façade is composed of dark brick, the inward-facing courtyard walls are clad in light metal panels to reflect sunlight into the space, creating a warm, welcoming experience. Shadow boxes along the windows create an articulated exterior that can be seen from both intersecting streets. Throughout the day, shadows stretch across the subdued grey brick, creating an ever-evolving, multi-textured skin. The varied banding is laid out in a staggering pattern that produces an austere, but animated façade.
▼沿街立面由深色的饰面砖墙构成,street facing façade is composed of dark brick © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-13
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-14
▼立面细部,details of the facade © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-16
The entry stairs are carved out and set at an angle, creating a fissure that separates the public and private entrances from one another. While guests are directed up and into the courtyard, residents are able to bypass the stairs and access the lobby without interference.
▼项目主入口,main entrance © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-20
▼入口楼梯将公共与私人入口彼此隔开,The entry stairs separates the public and private entrances © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-22
The procession up through the building leads guests and residents off the hustle of a thriving commercial corridor into a tranquil elevated courtyard, and provides a connection to the rooftop terrace that offers views back over the city they just escaped. Unlike the traditional New Orleans French Quarter courtyard, built as an exclusive space reserved for private gatherings, the interior courtyard within this building is designed to be open and inclusive; a way to seamlessly experience the entire space from street entrance to rooftop terrace.
▼与屋顶露台相连的高架庭院,elevated courtyard provides a connection to the rooftop terrace © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-26
▼由庭院看建筑,viewing the project from the inner yard © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-28
▼俯瞰庭院与露台,overlook the inner yard and the terrace © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-30
The fourth-floor terrace provides an enclosed space for guests and residents to relax, eat, and drink in a more intimate setting. Serving as the pinnacle of the resident experience, this rooftop terrace includes a lounge area, wood-paneled bar, and expansive seating areas. Surrounded by calming grey tones and tasteful vegetation, this area offers a quiet lounge with a modern aesthetic.
▼四层屋顶露台,the fourth-floor terrace © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-34
▼夜景,night view  © Timothy Hursley
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-36
Offering contemporary, loft-inspired and spacious one- and two-bedroom floor plans, the interior blends contemporary style with eclectic taste. The design sought to provide a neutral palette of grays and whites for residents to customize while keeping with the overall building design; a clean and welcoming space enhanced by a focus on detail and texture. Additional attention was paid to items like kitchen islands, walk-in closets, and full size bathrooms to give the space a larger feel while maintaining a compact unit footprint.
▼区位图,location plan © EskewDumezRipple
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-40
▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © EskewDumezRipple
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-42
▼四层平面图,fourth floor plan © EskewDumezRipple
绿洲中的城市家园·新奥尔良“The Beacon”公寓楼-44
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
EskewDumezRipple project team: Steve Dumez, FAIA Jose Alvarez, AIA, LEED AP Hussein Alayyan, LEED AP BD+C Wendy Kerrigan, AIA
Project consultant team: EskewDumezRipple (Architecture and Interiors) Spackman Mossop+Michaels (Landscape Architect) Woodward Engineering Group (Civil & Structural Engineering) Pontchartrain Mechanical (Mechanical Engineering) Northside Electric Inc. (Electrical Engineering) Woodward Design+Build (General Contractor)
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