

Nex事务所近日为其客户British Land地产公司完成了英国首个采取循环经济原则的A级办公空间翻新项目。该项目旨在通过重新利用和改造既有装潢来创造一种与过去截然不同的环境。
Nex and British Land have recently completed the first UK Grade ‘A’ office refurbishment that uses the principles of the circular economy. The project re-used and remanufactured inherited fitout to create a fully refurbished and furnished space.
▼入口接待区域,ground floor reception ©Modus Space
The project covers 4,400m2 workspace for 1080 people arranged on 9 floors with views over Regents Park and a ground floor reception, the project pioneers a new approach to office fitout that offers fully-fitted high-quality workspace based on circular-economy principles to reduce carbon and energy impact, reduce cost and enhance financial value.
▼办公层公共区域,office floor social area ©Modus Space
设计团队与客户就各种方案进行了探讨,最终得出能够让项目的独特性最大程度发挥出来的两个相关概念:“Circular Fitted”,即循环式翻修。
‘Fitted’旨在提供全面和完备的办公空间解决方案。业主负责完成办公楼层的全面装修,并以楼层为单位进行出租,通过更加简单和灵活的空间来适应租户不断变化的需求。进一步讲,“Circular Fitted”是指有意识地对既有的装潢进行再利用和再制造,而非在将其剥离后置入新的装修。Nex的设计方法是通过重新改造前租户留下的现成材料、设备和家具,来打造一个全新的室内空间。
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©Nex
As we explored options and iterations with the client, it became apparent to us that the uniqueness of the project lay within two related notions that we came to call ‘Circular Fitted’
‘Fitted’ refers to a workspace solution that provides a fully fitted out space where the landlord completes the full interior fitout of office floors, which can be let on a floor by floor basis. This offers tenants simpler and more flexible access to space to suit their changing needs. Taking this approach further, ‘Circular Fitted’ means a fitted refurbishment that consciously reuses, remakes and re-manufactures existing fit-out rather than strip out and install a new one. Nex’s design approach refashioned existing materials, fittings and furniture left behind by an outgoing tenant to create an entirely new interior space.
▼循环式翻修:通过重新改造前租户留下的现成材料、设备和家具来打造一个全新的室内空间 ©Modus Space ‘Circular Fitted: Nex’s design approach refashioned existing materials, fittings and furniture left behind by an outgoing tenant to create an entirely new interior space
▼吸声绿墙,acoustic green wall ©Nex
On the ground floor, the centrepiece of the project is a new ten metre tall (100m2) living green wall facing onto Euston Road. This is made up of large tropical plants interspersed with curving bamboo acoustic panels that enhance people’s comfort within the space. All 38 plant species used in the wall were selected from a NASA research whitepaper for their positive enhancement of indoor air quality.
▼绿墙由大型的热带植物与弧形的竹制吸声板编织而成,the green wall is made up of large tropical plants interspersed with curving bamboo acoustic panels ©Modus Space
▼大堂休息空间,lounge area in the lobby ©Modus Space
▼材料组合,material palette ©Nex
On the upper floors, the new workspaces extensively re-use previous materials to dramatically reduce waste and the project’s carbon impact. Existing meeting rooms were refurbished or rearranged, while raised floors and lighting were repaired and recommissioned. We carefully dismantled large quantities of old fit-out made from douglas fir. This material was remade into new fitted kitchens and social spaces, fitted work desks, joinery and furniture. All were stained with a transparent white oil. New carpet was made from recycled PET.
▼厨房和会议区,kitchen and meeting space ©Modus Space
Loose work desks and task chairs were taken off-site and fully refurbished with the table tops recycled and replaced. Over 75% of the breakout and meeting room furniture was refurbished and reused.
▼家具细节,furniture details ©Modus Space
Project size: 7200 m2 Completion date: 2020 Building levels: 10 Project team: Architect & Interior Designer: Nex Client: British Land MEP consultant: Cundalls Contractor: Modus