知末案例   /   Sasaki


2020/10/10 17:19:30
“中央公园的洁净空气和静谧氛围是嘉定作为上海卫星城市的一个关键性的“卖点”。公园占地70公顷,将湿地与森林栖息地与休闲空间相结合,成为附近以交通为导向的开发区域中的一道绿肺。通过减少穿越公园的道路数量,在保留道路的地方建立人行桥或下穿通道,约12.8公里长的非机动车道得以保持整体性与连续性。景观设计师还采取了为土地分级和重新种植本地物种的策略,使曾经被藻华堵塞的运河变成具有生物多样性的清澈水道。” – 2020年评审委员会
“The cleaner air and restorative tranquility of Jiading’s Central Park are crucial selling points for this satellite city of nearby Shanghai. Combining wetland and woodland habitats with areas for recreation and respite across a 70-hectare site, Jiading Park functions as a green lung for the adjacent transit-oriented development. A careful reduction in the number of transverse roadways, and incorporation of pedestrian bridges, allow for overall continuity along roughly eight miles of pathways for non-motorized use. The landscape architects’ strategies of regrading terrain and replanting native species have led canals once clogged with algal bloom to become clear waterways brimming with biodiversity.” – 2020 Awards Jury
Urban expansion is impacting nearly every city in Asia. When limits of density and space are reached, planners and designers are confronted with the question of how peri-urban areas can be co-opted to augment the city center. Jiading, a high-density mixed-use district on the outskirts of Shanghai with a population of 155,000 people, is a prime example. The satellite of a major metropolis, it is marketed as a neighborhood with fewer crowds, better amenities, and a healthier environment. Bolstering its case for livability is the 70 hectare (173 acre) Jiading Park, which was envisioned as the catalyst for the district’s growth and built prior to the surrounding development. Today, Jiading Park is a beloved open space in this rapidly expanding precinct and is at the core of Jiading District’s identity and ethos.
▲从公园中诞生的新城区:嘉定公园在周边城区开始建设之前便已建成,它将作为城市开发的催化剂,为该地区赋予更加独特的身份特征与气质。A NEW URBAN DISTRICT BORNE FROM A PARK: Built prior to beginning construction on the surrounding urban district, Jiading Park was a catalyst for new development and informed the district’s larger identity and ethos. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲景观引领城市设计决策:最初的城市设计策略是为公园置入9条道路,横跨公园的宽度。在经过景观设计师发起的交通研究工作之后得出,取消5个原先构想的交叉口并不会对交通产生影响。LANDSCAPE LEADING URBAN DESIGN DECISIONS: The City’s initial urban design strategy segmented the park with 9 roads cutting across its width. A transportation study initiated by the landscape architect concluded that there would be no significant impact to traffic from eliminating five proposed crossings. ©Sasaki
▲从计划变为现实:嘉定公园分3个阶段建设,附近的城区开发反映着开放空间的修建进度。如今的公园已经成为区域内公共空间和社交生活的中心地带。EVOLUTION FROM PLAN TO REALITY: Jiading Park was built in three phases, with adjacent urban development mirroring the construction timeline of the open space. The park is now the epicenter of public space and social life in the district. ©Sasaki
▲公园规划为相邻的土地使用提供指导:公园内部的规划要素推动了附近土地利用方面的决策。新的住宅被规划在公园的核心休闲区和社区附近,市政建筑则被设置在靠近公园文化设施的位置。PARK PROGRAMMING GUIDES ADJACENT LAND USE: Programmatic elements within the park drove decision making of the land uses surrounding it. New housing was planned adjacent to the park’s core recreational and community, while the district’s civic buildings were sited closer to the park’s cultural facilities. ©Sasaki
▲通达性与连接性:嘉定公园与区域公交网络形成便利的连接,市民可乘坐地铁11号线从公园附近的白银路站到达上海市中心,耗时约45分钟。ACCESSIBILITY AND CONNECTIVITY: Jiading Park is conveniently connected to the regional public transit network, with the Baiyin Road station of the Shanghai metro linking the park to downtown Shanghai in approximately 45 minutes via subway Line 11. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲公共空间和社交生活的中心:由新加坡国立大学进行的社会调查显示,嘉定公园的游客通常喜欢在2公里的半径范围内散步或骑车,除了使用公园中的既有设施外,还有不少人喜欢在运河钓鱼。THE EPICENTER OF PUBLIC SPACE AND SOCIAL LIFE: A social survey conducted by the National University of Singapore documented that Jiading Park’s visitors walk or bike from less than a 2 kilometer radius, and many enjoy fishing in the canal in addition to the park’s programmed amenities. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲公共集会和活动广场:公园内共设有17公里长的小路和栈道,通过多个交汇点与附近的居民区相连接,十分方便人们进出。多个广场沿着道路分布,为节日、音乐会和农贸市场提供了场地。PLAZAS FOR PUBLIC GATHERINGS AND EVENTS: There are 17 kilometers of paths and boardwalks throughout the park, with links from adjacent residential neighborhoods at multiple points to facilitate accessibility. Plazas along the paths provide opportunities for festivals, concerts, and farmers’ markets. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲在相对孤立的环境下创造文化场所:公园6500平方米的开发场地包含餐厅、茶馆、书店、艺术画廊和其他市民项目,形成一个文化集群。驻场艺术家住宅项目还将为公园提供工作室空间,以支持当地新兴人才的发展。BUILDING CULTURE WITHOUT IMMEDIATE CONTEXT: 6,500 square meters of development within the park features restaurants, teahouses, bookstores, art galleries, and other civic program to create a cultural cluster. An artist-in-residence program provides studio space in the park to create visibility for local emerging talent. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲人与动物共同的公园:一条3.2公里长的自然形成的运河构成了公园的骨架。沿线的湿地改善了水质,并为河岸的栖息地提供了支撑。绿色植被密布的口袋空间部分不允许人类进入,成为野生动物的庇护所。A PARK FOR PEOPLE AND WILDLIFE: A 3.2 linear kilometer naturalized canal forms the backbone of the park. Here, wetlands improve water quality and support riparian habitats. Pockets of dense green cover, some inaccessible to humans, create refuge for wildlife. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲多样的土地景观类型:公园中的水道和湿地占25.6%,林地占14.4%,小树林占17%,草地和草坪占5%。公园中引入的植被均为当地的原生植物。约2500棵既有树木被保留下来,此外还新种植了11474棵植物。A DIVERSITY OF LANDSCAPE TYPOLOGIES: Waterways and wetlands comprise 25.6% of the site, woodlands comprise 14.4%, tree groves comprise 17%, and meadows/lawns 5%. All vegetation introduced into the park is native to the region. Approximately 2,500 existing trees were retained, with another 11,474 newly planted. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲原生态和有意为之的狂野感: 中国的许多公园均为刻意修饰且具有文化单一性。相比之下,嘉定公园在外观上显得十分“原生态”,并有意地强调了狂野的感觉。设计团队通过投入政治资本对相关利益方进行生态系统服务的教育。这一建立信任的过程也成为了项目获得成功的关键。 UNTAMED AND INTENTIONALLY COMPLEX: Many Chinese parks are manicured and monocultural. By comparison, Jiading is untamed in appearance and intentionally complex. The design team invested political capital educating stakeholders on ecosystem services. This trust-building process was pivotal in the success of the project. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲舒适的微气候:公园的建成减缓了嘉定区的城市热岛效应,使地表温度平均下降了1.9摄氏度。根据预计,公园每年的固碳量可达到167吨,远超于未开发时期39吨的基准。A COMFORTABLE MICROCLIMATE: The park has had an impact on Jiading District’s urban heat island, with a reduction of surface temperatures averaging 1.9 degrees Celsius. Estimates also suggest that 167 tons of carbon are sequestered annually over the pre-development baseline of 39 tons. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲水质的彻底转变:60,700平方米湿地能够处理高达10,900立方米的径流量,超过了场地加上周边道路和开发区域在遇上第95百分位数的暴雨事件的情况下,将会排入运河的径流量。A RADICAL TRANSFORMATION IN WATER QUALITY: 60,700 square meters of constructed wetlands were created with a capacity to treat 10,900 cubic meters of stormwater, exceeding the runoff volume from the site and surrounding roadways during a 95th percentile storm event. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
▲重塑栖息地:在施工结束后,动物群开始以惊人的速度回归场地。传粉物种在公园中大量繁殖,鱼类和两栖动物群落也开始茁壮生长。HABITAT REGENERATION: Upon completion, fauna returned to the site at a remarkable rate. Pollinator species have bloomed and fish and amphibian communities have begun to thrive. ©Sasaki
▲使用后的评估:由华东师范大学进行的使用后评估显示,场地中的水质得到了显著改善。从多个位置采集的样本显示,在一年多的时间里,水的总含氮量减少了66%,总磷含量减少了97% 。POST OCCUPANCY EVALUATION: A post-occupancy evaluation conducted by East China Normal University recorded significant improvements in water quality. Samples taken at multiple points over the course of a year demonstrated a 66% reduction of total nitrogen, and a 97% reduction of total phosphorous. ©Sasaki, East China Normal University
▲景观为新城区提供价值定位:如今的嘉定公园已经成为迅速扩张的城区中最受欢迎的开放空间,同时也是嘉定区身份与气质的核心所在。LANDSCAPE AS THE VALUE PROPOSITION FOR A NEW URBAN DISTRICT: Today, Jiading Park is a beloved open space in this rapidly expanding precinct, driving real estate values, attracting residents, and serving as the symbolic center of the district. ©Sasaki, Qianxi Zhang, Hengzhong Lv, Xiaotao Gao
The initial design brief for Jiading Park called for a radical transformation. In its existing state, the site was comprised of factories, warehouses, and fallow agricultural fields. Canals showed signs of eutrophication – the presence of excessive amounts of nutrients – causing an explosion of algal blooms and posing a public health hazard. The new park would have to not only reverse the negatives, but in turn reposition the site into a significant recreational space and lifestyle amenity. To do this, the landscape architects expanded the agenda to include an in depth review of the urban design of the entire district, as well as a comprehensive study of the site’s ecological systems. The goal was to conceive an immersive biophilic experience where natural capital could be restored.
The City’s initial urban design strategy for Jiading District identified an open space reserved for the new park that was segmented into 10 sections with 9 roads cutting across its width. A thorough traffic study initiated by the landscape architect analyzed vehicular flow throughout the entire district and concluded that there would be no significant impact to traffic from eliminating five proposed crossings. Three of the bisecting roadways remain at grade, with one creatively manipulating topography to lower the road slightly to allow for a land bridge. The result was minimized fragmentation of the park, an uninterrupted pedestrian experience, and better connectivity of ecological systems and wildlife corridors.
A 3.2 linear kilometer naturalized canal forms the backbone of the park. Here, wetlands improve water quality and support riparian habitats. Pockets of dense green cover, some inaccessible to humans, create refuge for wildlife. In total, water bodies make up 16.4% of the park while wetlands constitute some 9.2%. Pedestrian and cycling networks are overlaid onto this blue-green canvas, offering visitors options including secluded trails and broad promenades. These two big moves – altering the roadway grid and focusing on its ecological contribution – allowed the park to guide major urban design moves rather than simply reacting to given conditions.
Existing canals on the site were retained, naturalized, and expanded to improve water quality and filter stormwater runoff. 60,700 square meters of constructed wetlands were created with a capacity to treat up to 10,900 cubic meters, exceeding the runoff volume from the site and surrounding roads and development that drain to the canals during a 95th percentile storm event. Biofiltration areas were included along adjacent roads to provide treatment prior to discharge into the park’s canals. A series of vegetated filter strips supplement the wetlands’ cleansing function, and sub-surface rainwater storage cisterns hold water for irrigation. A post-occupancy evaluation conducted by East China Normal University’s Urban & Rural Ecological Restoration Lab noted significant improvements in water quality across the site. Samples taken at multiple points along the main canal over the course of a full year demonstrated a 66% reduction of total nitrogen, and a 97% reduction of total phosphorous.
The park offers a range of green cover from woodlands, wetlands, tree groves, and lawn areas. Naturalized woodlands comprise 14.4% of the total site area, tree groves comprise 17%, and lawns only around 5%. All vegetation introduced into the park is native to the lower Yangtze River Delta region. Approximately 2,500 existing trees on site were retained, with another 11,474 newly planted. In the final tally, there are some 62 species of trees throughout the park. The planting strategy focused on creating multiple canopy layers and contiguous forest cover, with varying vegetation density. Human accessibility is restricted in some parts, provided critical space for wildlife refuge.
Upon completion of the park, fauna returned to the site at a remarkable rate. Pollinator species, not observed during initial site inventories, have bloomed and fish and amphibian communities have begun to thrive. Although no formal audit was undertaken, the park is anecdotally known to be home to many species of egrets, frogs, dragonflies, crayfish, birds, and fish. Some appear to have transferred from habitats near Yuanxiang Lake to the east.
Also recorded in the post occupancy study conducted by East China Normal University, the park has had an impact on Jiading District’s urban heat island, with a reduction in park surface temperatures averaging 1.9 degrees Celsius. Estimates also suggest that approximately 167 tons of carbon will be sequestered annually in the park, up from a pre-development baseline of 39 tons. Carbon stored over 25 years will equal roughly 2,410 tons, up from 559 tons.
Jiading Park is the social and recreational hub of the burgeoning district, and is connected to a wider network of pedestrian pathways. In total, about 18 hectares of the park are dedicated to recreational uses. About 6,500 square meters of development area features restaurants, art galleries, and civic program. There are also 17 kilometers of paths and boardwalks throughout the park, with links from adjacent residential neighborhoods at multiple points to facilitate accessibility. As a catalyst for the new development, it is now framed by government, cultural, and civic buildings, mixed-use developments, and residential high-rises. It is also highly connected to the regional public transit network, with the Baiyun Road station of the Shanghai metro linking the park to downtown Shanghai in approximately 45 minutes via subway Line 11.
Four distinct pathways run the length of Jiading Park – the Dynamic Path, the Tranquil Path, the Water Path, and the Tree Path. The Water Path runs alongside the main canal, past wetlands, filtration beds, planted wetland terraces, and waterfront boardwalks. The Dynamic Path links activity nodes with broad promenades and trails that climb topography and frame views of the site and city. The Tranquil Path is narrower and meanders through denser vegetation, allowing for a more immersive experience. Finally, the Tree Path was constructed by recycling the asphalt of a former road and utilizes its existing street trees to provide a shaded promenade. According to a recent social survey conducted by a research team from the National University of Singapore (NUS), most visitors are 25-40 years old and frequent the park with their families. The majority walk or bike to the park from less than a 2 kilometer radius, and many enjoy fishing in the canal in addition to the park’s programmed amenities. NUS researchers also noted that the park is the epicenter of public space and social life in the Jiading neighborhood and acts as a magnet not only for the residents of the area, but also for those considering a move out of Shanghai.
Since its opening, Jiading Park, has become the geographic and symbolic center of Jiading District. It makes suburban living feel more urban, yet promises a better lifestyle and a sustainable environment. More critically, it showcases nature-centric planning as a viable, lucrative model for urban expansion. The design process battled skepticism from the start, as conventional mindsets clashed with forward-thinking outlooks. Typically, Chinese parks are manicured and monocultural. By comparison, Jiading Park is untamed in appearance and intentionally complex. The design team invested their political capital in educating the client and local stakeholders on how the proposed ecosystems approach would be a differentiator. This trust-building process was pivotal in the eventual success of the project.
The goal to decongest cities like Shanghai depends on how satellite districts like Jiading bring nature back into its postindustrial landscapes. Its park was one of the first large developments of its kind in China to adopt an ecological approach to landscape design, before policies on “Sponge Cities” were adopted. Today, Jiading Park stands as a prime example of the impact restorative strategies can have, particularly on improvements to water quality the proliferation of wildlife habitats.
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