纽约 Red Hook 住区改造 | 防洪弹性设计打造活力社区

2020/08/27 09:35:43
2012年飓风 “Sandy “来袭时,纽约布鲁克林的Red Hook Houses遭受了毁灭性的水灾和停电,社区居民纷纷展开互助。KPF与市议员Carlos Menchaca、Arup、OLIN和当地居民合作,重新评估和改造设计Red Hook Houses,预防日后受灾可能的破坏,改善市民的日常生活的品质和安全性。
When Hurricane Sandy hit in 2012, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Red Hook Houses suffered devastating flooding and power outages, and community members turned to each other for support. KPF is re-evaluating and redesigning the development in collaboration with City Council Member Carlos Menchaca, Arup, OLIN, and the residents themselves to prevent future damages and improve the daily lives and safety of citizens.
2012年10月,超级风暴 “Sandy “登陆,使上万名Red Hook居民在长达两周的时间里失去了电力、食物、物资和医疗援助。Red Hook社区建在靠近水面的填海土地上,附近的基础设施也遭受了巨大的损失,几乎所有的地下室机电室都被摧毁。
KPF联合专项小组为该社区订制了基于弹性设计理念的改造计划,其中包括两座独立的地上能源中心,并且在其中融入了社区配套设施。西区能源中心的特点是带有植被的屋顶,而东区的能源中心采用了透明材质的外幕墙,设置了公共的社交空间。14个分散的”能源设备站 “提供热能和电力,进一步分散了基础设施的布局,降低了大范围公用设施故障的可能性。
▼项目所在地鸟瞰,aerial view of the project site
纽约 Red Hook 住区改造 | 防洪弹性设计打造活力社区-5
Making landfall in October 2012, Superstorm Sandy left thousands of Red Hook residents without power and access to food, supplies, and medical assistance for more than two weeks. Built on reclaimed land near the water, the neighborhood’s infrastructure also suffered dramatically, with virtually all basement mechanical rooms destroyed.
While worked with a specialized team, KPF proposed a plan includes two freestanding buildings for above ground boilers that incorporate community amenities in their design. The West Plant features a planted roof, acting as a continuation of the adjacent public park, while the East Plant includes social spaces in addition to a translucent exterior. Fourteen “utility pods” provide heat and electricity, further decentralizing the infrastructure and decreasing the likelihood of widespread utility failure.
▼东区能源中心,采用透明材质外幕墙,the East Plant with translucent exterior
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纽约 Red Hook 住区改造 | 防洪弹性设计打造活力社区-10
▼西区能源中心,设置绿色屋顶,the West Plant with a green roof
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该项目的 “浮萍 “平台概念,是其中关键的弹性设计部分,为防洪提供了一个完全融入原有建筑环境的景观解决方案。位于住宅群组庭院中心的架高的平台提供了永久性的防洪屏障。作为长椅的低矮防洪墙将在高水位时自动展开。在正常气候条件下,这些元素通过提供充满活力的社交空间来改变居民的体验。
The project’s “lily pad” concept, its major resiliency component, offers a nonobtrusive landscape solution for flood protection. Raised earth at the center of internal courtyards offer permanent flood barriers to support a porous campus. Low floodwalls doubling as benches will automatically deploy in the event of high water. During normal weather, these elements transform the resident experience by providing vibrant, social spaces.
▼设计过程,generation diagram
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KPF’s approach to the project incorporated community input at every phase of design. Focus groups, interviews, surveys, design workshops, and update meetings brought vital, local knowledge into the design process, enabling the development of a successful new vision of success for NYCHA’s largest development in the borough.
▼融合当地特色的社区,community with local knowledge
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▼社区总平面图,master plan of the community
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