

Bridge is a kind of structure built based on the terrain, and also a sort of art that symbolizes connection and communication. Located in Lianzhou, Guangdong Province, the Glass Bridge in Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic Area created by Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University Co., Ltd. (UAD) becomes a local landmark, which seems to “grow” from the natural environment. Through blending the structure into the natural surroundings and deploying innovative construction methods, the design team realized the seamless integration of nature and the artificial.
▼湟川三峡擎天玻璃桥,Glass Bridge in Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic Area ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司
虚实相间 Combination of the solid and void
Known as the “picturesque corridor in Lingnan region”, Huangchuan Three Gorges is the main tributary of the Beijiang River system in the Pearl River Basin and the end of Qianghan Ancient Path. Han Yu, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem to depict its magnificent scenery. The suspended glass bridge spans the cliffs, and overlooks the largest cluster of waterfalls in Northern Guangdong. Like a dragon that soars into the sky, it harmoniously coexists with nature.
▼景区入口,entrance ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司
▼玻璃悬索桥横跨湟川三峡陡崖峭壁,纵览粤北最大瀑布群 ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司 The suspended glass bridge spans the cliffs, and overlooks the largest cluster of waterfalls in Northern Guangdong
▼鸟瞰,aerial view ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司
▼桥塔,bridge tower ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司
▼整座桥铺设以三层超白夹胶钢化玻璃 ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司 The bridge is paved with three layers of ultra-clear tempered laminated glass
The bridge is paved with three layers of 4.5-centimerter-thick ultra-clear tempered laminated glass, the visible transmittance of which is 99.15%. The glazing endows the bridge deck with crystal-like luster, high transparency and refractive index. The glass, the guardrails composed of curved stainless steel bars, the bridge tower and red main cables, together form a built landscape that combines the solid and void, the modern and the classical.
▼桥面概览,bridge deck overview ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司
▼桥梁两侧安装不锈钢护栏和红色主缆 ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司 guardrails composed of curved stainless steel bars and red main cables are installed on both sides of the bridge
因应场地 Responding to site conditions
Located in the southeast of China, Guangdong is affected by frequent typhoons in summer. Besides, due to the large span and flexible structural system, this suspension bridge requires excellent wind resistance performance. Based on those considerations, the design team carried out wind tunnel testing and finite elements simulation, analyzed the main frequency and modes of vibration, and identified design parameters such as critical flutter velocity and the reasonable degree of enclosedness of guardrails, which provided strong support for optimizing the design and the maintenance of the bridge in the future.
▼设计过程中进行了节段风洞试验与有限元模拟 ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司 wind tunnel testing and finite elements simulation were carried out during the design process
▼图纸,design drawing ©UAD
Meanwhile, in order to enhance lateral sustainability and wind resistance performance of the bridge, the designers adopted an oblique wind-resistant cable system, which is fixed to concrete anchors. Moreover, considering the adverse influences that karstification and special residual silty clay exerted on the site, they tried the best to ensure the safety performance of the bridge during design and construction phases.
▼桥面两侧采用倾斜反吊抗风拉索体系 ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司 an oblique wind-resistant cable system was adopt on both sides of the bridge
▼拉索体系锚固于混凝土桩锚, the cable system is fixed to concrete anchors ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司
▼桥塔近景,a close view to the bridge tower ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司
创新景观 An innovative built landscape
这座空中天梯净宽8.8 m,桥面标高201.0m,因其526.14米的玻璃全长而加冕“最长玻璃铺装悬索桥”的吉尼斯世界纪录。它的建成见证了奇迹,也吸引了大批游客,已然成为当地新的地标建筑,为那里的旅游发展注入新的动力。
▼吉尼斯世界记录认证 the Guinness World Records certificate
This glass bridge is suspended at a height of 201 meters, with a width of 8.8 meters. Spanning a length of 526.14 meters, it has broken the Guinness World Records as the world’s longest suspension glass bridge. Its completion is a miracle. So far, it has become a new local landmark, and has been attracting a large number of tourists and helping inject vitality into local tourism industry.
▼世界最长玻璃铺装悬索桥,the world’s longest glass-bottomed suspension bridge ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司
Based on respect to the land and nature, clear planning and positioning, creativity, and the courage to push the limits, UAD team reactivated the natural environment and produced an innovative built landscape that contributes to economic development. Creating built landscapes that integrate nature, city and culture has always been a focus of UAD’s design researches and practices.
▼湟川三峡擎天玻璃桥,Glass Bridge in Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic Area ©连州市擎天旅游发展有限公司