
2020/08/04 14:38:36
2016年,在雷恩的维特拉校区举办的展览“城市遐想(Rêveries Urbaines)”中,参展者提出了关于城市发展主题的最初概念和诸多建议。话题集中讨论了植物和水等自然元素如何改善城市空间中的生活质量这一主题。
The exhibition “Rêveries Urbaines” which was showcased in Rennes and on the Vitra Campus in 2016, presented the first concepts and proposals on the subject of urban development. The topics focused on the overarching theme of how natural elements, such as plants and water, can improve quality of life in urban spaces.
▼项目鸟瞰,景观融入自然环境,aerial view, the landscape blending into the natural environment © Julien Lanoo
▼项目俯视,景观包含水渠和座椅,top view, the landscape including a channel and a bench © Julien Lanoo
设计师希望赋予人们散步、聚会和交谈的地方一种新的魔力,设想中的场景既实用又富有诗意。沿着Alvaro Siza长廊,设计师将两个景观布置在北维特拉校区的公共区域。这组景观中,Ruisseau是在大理石基座上刻下的细水渠,水在其中不断流淌。Ring则是一个由镀锌钢制成的环形平台,仿佛悬浮在土地之上,环绕着中间的樱桃树,为人们提供公共座椅。
“Our aim is to give a new sense of magic to the places where we walk, meet and talk.The scenarios we develop should consequently be both pragmatic and poetic.” Both objects are installed in the public area of the northern Vitra Campus, along the Alvaro Siza Promenade. Ruisseau is a narrow channel carved in a marble base, filled with running water. Ring is a circular platform made of galvanised steel, which appears to float above the ground. Encircling a cherry tree, it serves as collective bench.
▼Ring是一个环形座椅,中间有一颗樱桃树,Ring is a circular platform, encircling a cherry tree © Studio Bouroullec
▼Ruisseau是大理石基座上刻下的细水渠,Ruisseau is a narrow channel carved in a marble base © Julien Lanoo
▼Ruisseau细节,大理石沟渠中水不断流淌,details of Ruisseau, running water in the marble channel © Studio Bouroullec
Project Name: Ring & Ruisseau Designer: Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec Project Year: 2018
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