

▼建筑顶部的附加小径,additional footpath on top of the building © Iwan Baan
▼面向城市的入口,an entrance to the city © Iwan Baan
Beeline is an architectural intervention that might trigger insight into our perception of space as well as time. An additional pathway dissects the MAAT building both in plan and section. This shortcut connects the entrance from the quayside directly with a new access point facing the city. This gesture not only transforms the way visitors enter and experience the museum, but it also links the formal entry to a new, ‘clandestine’ entrance through the loading dock. As such, this transformation not only opens up the building to new perspectives but it also challenges the implied hierarchies of spaces in a traditional museum.
▼平面图,plan © SO-IL Architects
▼空间概览,overview © Iwan Baan
▼二层空间,the second floor space © Iwan Baan
Apart from new relationships, Beeline introduces a series of spaces and experiences in its midst, that transforms the museum space into a polyfunctional civic arena. At the heart of the building, the pathway splits apart into brackets that frame spaces for gathering, over two levels, connected by a stair. By wrapping the structure in a filigree of membranes, the installation takes on a luminous aura. The various layers offer a soft enclosure between new spaces for exchange while allowing its skin to be projected upon.
▼装置内部,inside the installation © Iwan Baan
▼充满层次感的空间,a space full of layers © Iwan Baan
The installation is complemented by a series of screens, objects, art-carts, and seatings, that can be rearranged on an as need basis, producing an ever-evolving organization.
▼咨询台,information desk © Iwan Baan
▼薄膜细节,membranes detail © Iwan Baan
▼空间中一系列可调整的屏幕和座椅,a series of adjustable screens and seats in the space © Iwan Baan
Name: beeline Location: MAAT, Lisbon, Portugal Architecture: SO — IL SO — IL team: Florian idenburg, Martina baratta, Summer liu Engineering: Clanet e Brito (Edgar Brito) Construction and installation: ArtWorks (José miguel pinto, Francisca marques, Valentim neves) Technical support: Versátil Partilha, Campus Fundação EDP Security plan: Paulo Cardoso Image credit: Iwan Baan