

在名为“创造新历史”的第二届芝加哥建筑双年展中,事务所受邀与艺术家Ana Prvački合作,完成于开幕周展出的特殊项目。该项目名为“空气对空气(L’air Pour L’air)”,旨在城市空气污染日益严重的当下,保护音乐家的演出环境。
In conjunction with Making New History, the second edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial, we collaborated with artist Ana Prvački to debut a special project during the Biennial’s opening week. Titled L’air pour l’air, the project aims to ensure the continued legacy of musicians as our cities’ atmospheres grow more polluted.
▼装置概览,overview © SO-IL
Inspired by the abundant plant life in the Garfield Park Conservatory, along with Prvački we have created an ensemble of air-filtering mesh enclosures, designed to clean the air through breathing. Part mask, part shelter.
▼四个不同的空气过滤网罩,four different air-filtering mesh enclosures © SO-IL
展出时,装置由来自芝加哥小型交响乐队的音乐家们穿戴,其中包括萨克斯管,长笛,长号和人声表演者。音乐家们演奏来自作曲家Veronika Krausas的原创音乐“关于空气(De Aere)”。装置和表演都是为了鼓励观众去思考生活中一些复杂的问题,例如整洁与污染的关系,又比如自我,身体,事物及自然间的区别。
▼演奏者穿戴装置在温室中演出,musicians wearing the enclosures performing in the greenhouse © Iwan Baan
▼演奏者与观众互动,performers interact with the audience © Laurian Ghinitoiu
The enclosures will be worn by an ensemble of saxophone, flute, trombone, and vocals from the Chicago Sinfonietta. Through performing an original composition, De Aere (concerning the air), by composer Veronika Krausas, the musicians will “clean the air that produces the music.” The installation and performance encourage its viewers to meditate upon the complex notions such as the relationship between purity and pollution, and the distinctions between self, body, objects, and nature.
▼演奏者穿梭于葱郁的植被中,引导观众思考自身与自然的关系,players shuttle through the lush vegetation, encouraging the audience to think about their relationship with nature © Laurian Ghinitoiu
▼音乐家穿戴装置演奏乐曲,musician wears enclosures to play music © Iwan Baan
▼装置细部,detail of the enclosures © SO-IL
▼概念图,concept drawing © SO-IL
▼结构模型,structure model © SO-IL
Client: Chicago Architecture Biennial Location: Chicago Program: Installation, art performance Completed: 2017 Design Team: Florian Idenburg, Jing Liu, Ilias Papageorgiou, Seunghyun Kang, Anna Margit, Diandra Rendradjaja, Yan Ma, Qionglu Lei, Sophie Nichols Collaborator: Ana Prvački, Veronika Krausas, Chicago Sinfonietta