

“A designed space is mostly created for user experience, yet a small portion of it evokes deeper thoughts, which could possibly be the most brilliant portion of the design.”
Located in Futian District, Shenzhen, CEEC covers 7 floors with total 40,000 sqm GFA. Each floor showcases different hi-tech consumer electronic products in their latest models. CEEC is different from a conventional consumer electronics mall where products are simply displayed and sold, but an innovation centre officially endorsed by national R&D institutions and intended to gather the most top-notch technology enterprises and products across the whole country. The purpose is not only to exhibit the latest technological achievements, but also to promote mutual communication between hi-tech industry and the general public.
▼建筑外观,立面反射城市环境,external view of the building, city environment reflected on the facade of the building ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
The design of CEEC is a kind of subtraction. It is to eliminate all the overly complex and decorative juxtaposition of design elements which is currently a very common design methodology. Instead, we choose to use aluminium as the single major material to bind and unite a small amount of other basic materials such as GRC, stone, glass and stainless steel. Simple material palette can bring out the focus of original design intent.
▼室内空间,去除复杂的装饰,interior space without decoration ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
▼简单的材料展现出设计的重点,simple materials bringing out the focus of the design ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
“A designer gives the materials meaning, while an artisan embodies them with life.”
The focus of material use is not the matching effect of cement, stones and metals, but to explore and expand the possibilities the materials’ inherited properties, and then put them in the most appropriate applications and to celebrate their unique characteristics. That is, to push the envelope of possibility of the same material in its physical and aesthetical forms. For example, variety of finish treatments of the aluminium are applied for different locations to express our intended purposes. It sparkles when we aim for it to stand out, to be low-key when serving as background, strong and sturdy when it becomes a structure, soft and mouldable when making into practically any shapes. Each stage of the material presents its unique self, depending on its functions and the ways they are manufactured, processed and connected. They give the materials different characters in the changing spaces and functions, and create relationships with each other. All together they act as a cohesive whole that represents the spirit of CEEC.
▼以不同方式处理的铝合金,aluminum treated by different method ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
The play of light and shadow is a prominent factor is our design. Light enhances the different characters and feelings of these materials. The most important purpose of the use of light and material is to create an atmosphere for the space. This atmosphere is the abstract expression of the design and the designer’s values on the project.
▼光影加强材料的表达,light and shadow enhancing the expression of the materials ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
This is harmonized expression of idealistic and rational, the “Realistic Romanticism”
Most people contemplate interior design as end result, a spatial object; however, we also like to tell the story behind the project. The storyline of CEEC is: “New electronic technologies emerge all the time, why don’t we explore new aesthetics and spatial experiences in this project?” In the CEEC, hi-tech products are rationally the focus, but in fact no product can fully represent the entire spectrum of electronic technology. Our design objective is to complete this story about people and technology. Products and environments are telling the same story in different languages and perspectives, where the product is the result and the interior design is the reason. They carry the contrast of strength, structure, colour, proportion and density. Products are loudly reciting the latest technological achievements whilst the space is gently whispering the original intent of linking technology and design.
▼材料的反射创造奇妙的空间效果,reflection of the materials creating unique space experience ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
▼富有科技感的电梯区,escalator area with a sense of science and technology ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
▼空间中的科技成果展示,technology products exhibited in the space ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
▼模块化的展示架,modular exhibition shelves ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
“预制及自由组合建造模式” ,是把所有的室内元素都根据一组标准的尺寸进行模块化,达到室内大部份的平面及立面都可以基于一个网格系统(Grid System)进行规划,自由组合及改动。每次店铺或公区需要更改时,可根据网格随意改动。只需拆改小部分个别商户的形象装饰和陈列饰面即可,而绝大部分的室内元素可保留,或换一个地方重组。设计目的是想达到用最少的物料,最少的损耗,最大的变化,最弹性的组合,最容易的安装,最便利的运输,最简单的保修,最大的循环再用。
We employ a free combination design approach, namely “Prefabricated Kit of Parts System”, to respond to the short life cycles of the hi-tech electronics industry. In a very short span of time, good enterprises may expand stores, weak businesses move out and make their space available for the next one. Therefore, we designed all our spatial design components into modular sizes so that they fit into the space planning grid used throughout the project, including all floors, walls, ceilings, signage and display units, etc. All designed components have built-in flexibility to be freely assembled and modified. Every time when there is a need to modify a space, whether a store or common area, you can simply dissemble the existing components, reconfigure them, add the new tenant’s identity features, plug them back into the grid and the reconfigured new space would be ready to operate.
▼可以自由组合的网格系统,grid system providing flexibility to the space ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
Unlike the common build-demolish-rebuild approach that results in major resource wastage including time, materials, construction and operation costs, most of the spatial components of our kit-of-parts system can be retained, reorganized and reused to achieve minimal material loss and maintenance, maximum variation, flexible combination, easy installation and convenient transportation, and thus the long lasting sustainability. All the shops, public area and pedestrian flow can be reconfigured according to the specific needs. In extreme scenario, the entire 7-story CEEC can be re-planned with the existing system.
▼可以自由组合的元素调整空间划分,flexible elements changing the layout of the floor ©深圳市科之谷投资有限公司,Becky Tsang
Project Name: CEEC, China International Consumer Electronics Exchange/ Exhibition Centre Name of Client: Shenzhen Science Valley Investment Co., Ltd. Location: Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China| Lead Design Consultant: Design Systems Limited Design Team: Lam Wai Ming, William Yip Chun Man, Raymond Chan Wai Man, Zhang Xing, Simon Wang Ji, Mandy Lu Chuman, Jada Zheng Jinglu, Kent Wong Wing Kin, Kurt Chung Kin Lung, Sylva Chung Siu Yin, Isa Au Tsui, Yu Kit Ying, Fang Huan Huan, Zhang Gang, Gao Xing Fan Local Design Institute: SDCIC Construction Group Co., Ltd. M&E Consultant: Shenzhen Capol International & Associates Co., Ltd. Lighting Consultant: Brandston Partnership Inc. Photography: Shenzhen Science Valley Investment Co., Ltd., Becky Tsang