

Shinbashi is a Japanese restaurant on Lygon Street in Carlton. It is a fusion of Japanese tradition translated into modern times focussing on the celebration of food. The brief was to create a modern influenced Japanese restaurant. Aspects and details from traditional Japanese architecture were used throughout.
▼餐厅概览,Shinbashi Restaurant ©Jana Langhorst
▼抬高的用餐区和发光的吧台,the raised seating platform & the illuminated bar ©Jana Langhorst
A white illuminated bar with a timber slatted ceiling is the focal point of the space. A solid glass brick wall acts a divider between spaces. Raised seating platforms clad in a dark timber and with illuminated shadowlines are hovering and inviting customers to a very special dining experience. Here, the food is a celebration, the cooking of the high quality meats and vegetables is part of the experience.
▼玻璃墙细节,glass brick wall ©Jana Langhorst
Brushed brass bars, a modern interpretation of traditional bamboo, are used to screen and define separate spaces. Low hanging pendant lights create the dining atmosphere shifting the focus to the food on offer but also allowing the illuminated bar to stand out and ground the space.
▼黄铜材质的栅格呼应了传统竹木,brushed brass bars were used as a modern interpretation of traditional bamboo ©Jana Langhorst
▼餐厅细部,details ©Jana Langhorst
After our completion of the original Shinbashi Restaurant, we were delighted to work again with the same client on a new extension in the upstairs Sake Bar. The design continues the concept created originally to express a modern take on traditional Japanese details. The dark, moody addition creates an ambience for an intimate sake bar and function venue.
▼位于二层的清酒吧,Shinbashi Sake Bar ©Jana Langhorst
Upon entering the space, the customer is greeted by a full height storage wall with movable timber screens, stained in a dark rich colour. The sake bottles are only minimally illuminated to not distract from the overall ambience.
▼带有可移动木制屏风的储物墙,a full height storage wall with movable timber screens ©Jana Langhorst
▼酒架细节,detailed view ©Jana Langhorst
However, the centre piece is the illuminated grid table, a linear LED pendant hovers above and sets the atmosphere for the room. There is an illuminated sake shelving unit showcasing the most premium and rarest Japanese sake behind the table, and concealing a storage room with back of house facilities. A dark curtain at the back wall is adding softness to the dark and moody interior.
▼被照亮的栅格酒桌,the illuminated grid table ©Jana Langhorst
▼酒吧细节,detailed view ©Jana Langhorst
The design plays with architectural styles, i.e. traditional Japanese architecture adapted into the Australian setting. It’s an innovative design while remaining respectful to the heritage.
▼楼梯,staircase ©Jana Langhorst