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2020/05/08 09:58:41
Kunming Joy City Ucommune is the second project done by DAGA Architects in Kunming. It is located in Kunming’s traditional commercial district- Laoluoshi Bay and is built on the bank of the Kunming’s mother river Panlong River, occupying one or more sections of Kunming City. Ucommune is located on the eleventh and twelfth floors of Joy City. DAGA works closely with the Ucommune team to explore and create a diversified workspace in line with the modern cultural environment and office style by analyzing the local characteristics of Kunming.
▼项目概览,project overall view ©小枝@ICYWORKS
In Kunming and even the whole Yunnan region, there are very distinct ethnic, regional and cultural characteristics, and they are all well preserved. The reason why Yunnan retains its unique regional atmosphere is that it is not been changed by the background of urbanization. In the city, there is never a lack of modern buildings, but in the process of uniform development, they are gradually converging. Urban space needs to reflect the regionality, not only a kind of protection of tradition and culture but also an embodiment of the diversification of urban development.
▼竹材与现代材料的结合 ©小枝@ICYWORKS Combination of bamboo and modern materials
The unique natural conditions of Yunnan have formed many unique terraces and bamboo buildings here, and nearby villages are distributed around the terraces, forming an aggregated layout. We combine these elements with the functions of the modern community in the co-working office to form a regional-based spatial layout pattern around the middle shared space and surrounded by various functions. At the same time, the function of co-working also creates a community-based office mode, breaking the negative impact of traditional office buildings on people.
▼办公区域中庭置入竹材结构,其他空间环绕布局 ©小枝@ICYWORKS A wooden structure is placed in the atrium of the office area, and other spaces are surrounded by the layout
▼中庭区域剖面图,Section of atrium area ©大观建筑
▼空中竹楼,Bamboo tower in the sky ©大观建筑
The project is located on the top floor of the whole building. We designed these two floors and the roof as a whole, and planted a sky bamboo building in the center, creating a huge enclosed space in the building and eliminating the building. The uniform texture of the rectangular column net. The bamboo tower is a symbolic residential house of the Dai family in Yunnan. We extended this element in the public area, combined with regional materials, so that the entire design can convey the personality and characteristics of the city to the people.
▼悬浮于两层之间的圆形竹楼 ©小枝@ICYWORKS Circular bamboo tower suspended between two floors
云南省的天然竹林面积有380万亩,竹林类型共有 30 多种,天然竹林类型及面积居全国第一位,是我国乃至世界公认的竹类来源大省。竹子作为一种建筑材料,已经在许多地域建筑中运用,竹材质的柔性与刚性性质也给空间提供了更多的可能性。
The area of natural bamboo forest in Yunnan Province is 3.8 million mu, and there are more than 30 types of bamboo forest. the type and area of natural bamboo forest ranks first in the country, and it is recognized as a major bamboo source province in China and even in the world. As a kind of building material, bamboo has been used in many regional buildings, and the flexible and rigid nature of bamboo material also provides more possibilities for space.
▼中庭竹筒结构分析(gif) Analysis of additional structure of atrium ©大观建筑
The design does not start with a certain style but combines the factors such as site information, architectural vision, traffic circulation, building structure, and building facade to put each space module in the right position in the way of planning and reverse derivation from the outside to the inside, to discover the space problem and solve the problem through the design technique. This reverse method not only makes the interior and the building itself close together, so that the architectural layout is full of logic, but also enriches the interior space.
▼竹结构构件细节,Details of bamboo structural ©小枝@ICYWORKS
▼空间布局分析,Spatial layout analysis ©大观建筑
The spatial form comes from the local bamboo building structure and terrace field form in Yunnan, which strengthens the local characteristics through the intervention of bamboo materials and the integration of Yunnan traditional bamboo weaving technology. The flexibility of bamboo makes the interior space of the building more flexible, and the whole color also makes the interior softer and comfortable, creating a comfortable office environment.
▼会议室,Meeting area ©小枝@ICYWORKS
The spatial layout is carried out around the atrium road performance area, and the shared function modules are arranged in the center of the building geometry to make the space ratio relatively balanced. Through the addition of stairs connecting each floor and the roof garden, the boundaries of each floor are broken and the relevance of the space is enhanced. The daylight skylight increases the exposure of sunlight so that there can be natural light in every corner of the room, creating a good atmosphere for office workers.
▼路演厅,Road show area  ©田涛
The establishment of a mute book office space with a sense of encirclement in the atrium is reminiscent of the self-study room of the university library. With comfortable leisure office furniture, the whole area is full of natural light and softwood, brightness and color temperature are suitable for long hours of office or reading. So that this is not a traditional office space to kill time, but a space that can enhance personal value, which is also the key to the difference between joint office and traditional office.
▼中庭空间,Atrium space ©小枝@ICYWORKS
▼通向屋顶的楼梯 A staircase leading to the roof ©小枝@ICYWORKS
▼走廊,Corridor ©小枝@ICYWORKS
▼公共休息区,Public rest area ©小枝@ICYWORKS
▼展示区,Exhibition area ©小枝@ICYWORKS
▼展示区和天窗细节 ©小枝@ICYWORKS Detailed view of the exhibition area and the skylight
▼家具细节,Furniture details ©小枝@ICYWORKS
▼施工现场,Construction Site ©大观建筑
▼十一层平面,plan F11 ©大观建筑
▼十二层平面,plan F12 ©大观建筑
▼剖面图,Section ©大观建筑
项目名称:昆明大悦城优客工场 设计公司:DAGA Architects大观建筑设计+优客工场 设计团队:申江海 刘宇哲 黄达 刘昂 刘晓青 邹念龙 黄冶平 软装设计:余小雨 张志婷 项目类型:室内设计与改造 建筑面积:约8000㎡ 设计时间:2019年 建造时间:2019年4月-2019年10月 摄影师:小枝@ICYWORKS,田涛
Project name: Kunming Joy-City Ucommune Design company: DAGA Architects+Ucommune Design team: Shen Jianghai,Liu Yuzhe, Huang Da, Liu Ang, Liu Xiaoqing,Zou Nianlong, Huang Yeping
Soft loading design: Yu Xiaoyu, Zhang Zhiting Project type: Interior design & renovation Covered area: about 8000㎡ Date of design: 2019 Date of construction: April-October 2019 Photographer: Rami@ICYWORKS, Tian Tao
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