

根据估计,每年都有成百上千颗大大小小的陨石坠落在地球表面,自古以来,陨石就一直引发着人们的好奇心。在数千年后的今天,它们成为了ENORME Studio的实验对象:借助FINSA品牌的最新材料“Fibracolour”(一种中密度纤维板)打造出一系列具有丰富色彩、纹理和表面的“星体”。此外,Vitamin工作室还为该项目设计了沉浸式的交互体验。
It is estimated that hundreds of meteorites of different sizes enter the Earth’s surface every year. Since ancient times they have generated admiration and curiosity in equal parts … Thousands of years later, these meteorites are the subject of experimentation by ENORME Studio through FINSA’s new material, Fibracolour. MDF coloured boards covered with the most exuberant colours, textures and finishes that have shaped the Astral Bodies project. The immersive experience of this project has been created by Vitamin.
▼展览概况,ASTRAL BODIES overview ©ENORME Studio
Fibracolour offers new possibilities in decoration and interior design world. This DM coloured in mass provides aesthetic and functional novelties. It can be covered with natural veneer or melamine, and allows the application of textures on the surface. The treatment of its surface with lacquers, waxes and varnishes is also a new posibility to work with this new material. Since it is mass coloured allows pantography, mechanization and leaves the board core as an aesthetic value.
▼“Fibracolour”中密度纤维板打造出一系列具有丰富色彩、纹理和表面的“星体”, MDF coloured boards covered with the most exuberant colours, textures and finishes that have shaped the Astral Bodies project ©ENORME Studio
地球上的陨石往往会以其降落的地点命名,“星体”项目也是如此,它们分别对应着降落在加利西亚(西班牙)领土上的陨石名称:Auria, Baroña, Cervo, Ézaro, Allariz, Herbón, Elviña, Sálvora和Trevinca。星体的构成以细致入微的方式呈现出来,吸引观者去思考每个星体的组装方式,同时观察星体中所包含的不同材料。
▼星体的构成以细致入微的方式呈现出来,the composition of each of the astral bodies is detailed ©ENORME Studio
▼“星体”细部,detailed view ©ENORME Studio
When a meteorite touches earth it is baptized with the name where it was found. This is the case of Auria, Baroña, Cervo, Ézaro, Allariz, Herbón, Elviña, Sálvora and Trevinca. They represent the places of Galician geography where the astral bodies landed on their arrival to earth. The composition of each of the astral bodies is detailed so that the viewer can contemplate that each of the pieces are formed. Each meteor tells the story that has brought it to earth, in addition, we can contemplate the type of material that is in each of them.
▼沉浸式的观展体验,the immersive experience ©ENORME Studio