

ADU/Garage Conversion is a complete remodel of a large capacity garage. It is a space that mutates quickly and constantly and designed to address strategies for innovation, flexibility and possibility of future changes.
▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Modern Granny Flat
来自圣地亚哥的业主为他的父母和另外一位亲戚购置了一栋大型住宅,并决定将既有的车库改造为住宅附属空间。设计的主要要求包含三点:1. 可以灵活地改变空间配置,使其可以适应单人或多人使用,并且可以在未来根据家庭结构进行调整。2.包含充足的工作空间。3.节水。
The client purchased a large house in San Diego for his parents and another relative to live in with the idea of remodeling the existing garage into an ADU for themselves. The space is the result of the client’s three requirements: 1.Flexibility to change the configuration of the space to accommodate one or several people at a time, and to allow for different family structures in the future. 2.Work space with ample storage. 3.Water savings.
▼室内概览,interior view ©Modern Granny Flat
The project was conceived to meet the dynamic needs of different moments using “tools” including operable panels to divide the bedroom into two spaces; a bed integrated into a bookcase to convert the living room into a guest bedroom; a mobile island to allow for different configurations of the kitchen; a sliding shoe cabinet to save space; and a folding table to deploy a workstation.
▼入口和厨房区域,entrance and kitchen area ©Modern Granny Flat
▼厨房配置变化示意,kitchen configuration ©Modern Granny Flat
▼可移动的中岛,the mobile island ©Modern Granny Flat
▼客厅和卧室配置示意,living room & bedroom configuration ©Modern Granny Flat
▼与书柜相结合的床,the bed integrated into a bookcase ©Modern Granny Flat
▼轴测图,axon ©Modern Granny Flat
The architectural solution that was provided took the shape of a box which houses the plumbing for the kitchen, part of the storage areas and the bathroom with three skylights. This box is located central to the floor plan for better distribution of different spaces and to allow for flexibility and change.
▼盒子体量帮助不同空间灵活地运作,the box located central makes better distribution of different spaces ©Modern Granny Flat
▼走廊,corridor ©Modern Granny Flat
▼带有天窗的浴室,the bathroom with three skylights ©Modern Granny Flat
Rainwater is collected in containers outside and the shower, sink and laundry water is treated with a grey water system to reuse in the garden.
▼收集雨水的容器, the containers for rainwater collecting ©Modern Granny Flat
▼平面图,floor plans ©Modern Granny Flat