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2019/12/24 11:37:00
在全球化大趋势影响下,信息的交流与共享变得日益频繁,不同区域之间文化相互影响且建筑的地域性似乎也随之削弱。因此营造区域场所的归宿感、对建筑在地性的研究近几十年也越来越被人所重视。受气候、建造技术、历史事件等因素影响,川西传统民居整体呈现出一种素雅、有机、极具生活气息的建筑形态,这在工业化、追求效率、模块化的当下显得极其可贵。发展与新技术的本身并无过错,而单纯仿古建筑也存在着与现代生活方式的冲突性,如何延续其地域性并对川西传统民居建筑风格特征进行现代转译,是本文所探索的方向。 键词:融合共生;现代转译;在地性;场所精神
Under the influence of the general trend of globalization, the exchange and sharing of information become more and more frequent. Different cultures influence each other among different regions, and the regionalism of architecture seems to weaken accordingly. Therefore, in recent decades, more and more attention has been paid to the research on the sense of belonging of regional places and the localization of buildings. Influenced by climate, construction technology, historical events and other factors, the traditional dwellings in western Sichuan present a simple but elegant, organic and life-like architectural form, which is extremely valuable at the moment of industrialization, efficiency and modularization. There is nothing wrong with the development and the new technology, but the simple archaized architecture also has the conflict with the modern life style, how to continue its regional and modern translation of the characteristics of the traditional residential architecture in western Sichuan is the direction explored in this paper. Integration and symbiosis; Genius loci; Modern translation; locality
Key words: Integration and symbiosis; modern translation; locality; genius loci
农科基地展示中心为整个项目的农业技术的研发与展示中心,也是传统川西民居田园生活的一种标志。项目用面积为 1544.45m²,总建筑面积为 967.91,容积率约为 0.63。建筑密度约为 30%。[1]
The “local character” of architecture is a topic that is often discussed by people, while a large number of new buildings are under the banner of “historical heritage”, only to extract some surface elements of traditional historical buildings. How to make new buildings grow out of the site is a topic worth pondering. Through the analysis of the design and creation of the exhibition center of the agricultural science base, we try to put forward a principle and method of the integration and symbiosis of architecture and site, and the modern translation of the architectural style characteristics of Western Sichuan folk houses, which provides certain reference value for the inheritance and development of western Sichuan traditional folk houses.
This case is located in Tianfu rural resort in the east of Dayi, Chengdu. Under the background of national rural revitalization, breaking the dual structure of urban and rural areas, and tracing the city to the rural roots, it aims to build a rural complex with rural hotels (homestays) as the core, popular science parents and children, theme parks, and healthy cultural experience as the active content. The exhibition center of agricultural science base is the R & D and Exhibition Center of agricultural technology of the whole project, and it is also a symbol of traditional rural life of Western Sichuan residential buildings. The project covers an area of 1544.45m2, with a total construction area of 967.91 and a plot ratio of about 0.63. The building density is about 30%. [1]▼农科基地展示中心外观,exterior view of the exhibition center of Dayi agricultural science base ©聂欣
形成川西传统民居建筑特征的因素有很多,气候、历史事件等都对其有着极大的影响。川西平原地势平坦且气候宜人,为亚热带湿润季风气候,年平均温度约为 18°C,同时因为降雨量较多,又有“雨都”之称,同时川西平原历史上也是一个移民非常频繁的地区,本土文化与外来文化持续的产生碰撞、沟通与融会,这些都不断对其建筑风格产生影响,逐渐形成今天的川西民居。
As a space carrying collective memory, it is related to the resonance of emotion and memory of residents living here for generations. There are many elements that make up the architectural features of traditional residential buildings in Western Sichuan. They are superficial, deep, positive and negative. Instead of simply imitating the tradition, we do in-depth research and Analysis on their architectural features, extract the most important elements and carry out modern translation in the design process, so as to achieve the reconstruction of collective memory of residents in Western Sichuan. How to continue the collective memory in the process of abstract translation is a process that needs to be studied over and over again.
There are many factors that form the characteristics of traditional residential buildings in Western Sichuan, and climate and historical events have a great impact on them. Western Sichuan Plain is a subtropical humid monsoon climate with a flat terrain and pleasant climate, with an annual average temperature of about 18 ° C. At the same time, it is also known as the “rain capital” due to the large amount of rainfall. At the same time, Western Sichuan Plain is also a region with frequent immigrants in history. The continuous collision, communication and integration of local culture and foreign culture have an impact on its architectural style, Gradually formed today’s western Sichuan dwellings.
▼干栏式建筑示意图,diagram of the dry column building form ©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
Western Sichuan’s traditional architectural form, tracing back to the source, has to mention the dry column architecture. Due to climate and functional requirements and other factors, the ground floor of dry fence building is generally overhead, and the floor is occupied by people. The enclosure structure is arranged in the form of wooden columns. On the one hand, the bottom layer is overhead and meets the moisture-proof requirements of rainy and humid areas in Western Sichuan. On the other hand, it can also be used for breeding and planting to meet the convenience of functions. In the design process, we have continued this architectural form to a certain extent. The ground floor is overhead as an open planting exhibition space. The second floor building facade is composed of glass curtain wall and steel structural members. Its construction form has been consciously designed to meet the mechanical rationality, while also echoing the architectural characteristics of the traditional West Sichuan residential Facade “through the bucket lattice wall”.
本案对干栏式建筑的转译,the translation of dry column building form©聂欣
▼建筑底层架空作为开放式的种植展览空间,the first floor is elevated to serve as an open display area©聂欣
▼川西传统民居屋顶形式示意图,diagram of the roofs of the traditional dwellings inwestern Sichuan©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
The traditional houses in Western Sichuan mostly adopt the building form of double slope roof, which is connected vertically and horizontally. The undulating big roof forms a tiny world full of life atmosphere for the residents in Western Sichuan to shuttle under the eaves. There are two kinds of roof forms: suspended hill and hard hill. The roof is generally paved with small green tiles and there are complex ornaments at the ridge of the roof. In the design process, we use the design method of abstract treatment, only extract the basic roof symbols of the double slope roof, and reconstruct them through multi-level and organic folding changes. Combined with modern construction technology, through modern translation, we hope that It is hoped that while retaining the collective life memory of “big roof covering” of traditional buildings in Western Sichuan, it also fully embodies the sense of science and technology that the Agricultural Research Exhibition base should embody.
本案对川西传统民居屋顶形式的现代转译,the translation of continuous roof©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
▼川西传统民居场景图片像素化色彩元素的提取,theextraction of the color elements of the traditional dwellings in western Sichuan©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
项目结构及材料详解,material and structure details©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
本案采用的纤维水泥板节点示意图,details of the fiber cement boards used in the project©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
本案采用的纤维水泥板示意图,diagram of the fiber cement boards used in the project©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
Influenced by the regional factors of construction technology and materials, the architectural color of traditional houses in Western Sichuan presents a kind of elegant and natural style as a whole. We have done a lot of pattern collection and Research on the local houses in the early stage, and then through the pixel extraction of the image color elements, we get the principles for modern translation. The simple imitation of tradition means the absence of the current era. We try to inherit the traditional architectural form of Western Sichuan on the basis of the times, and choose the light-sensitive high-density cement fiberboard as the material of the building roof and part of the facade. Some of the walls choose the ash white volcanic rock and wood grain veneer, which not only continues the sense of simplicity of the traditional houses, but also plays a role in the sense of simplicity Advantages of modern science and technology in environmental protection and energy conservation.
本案对川西传统民居色彩元素的现代转译,the translation ofthe color elements©宋浅深/唐衫衫(摄影底图),成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)(分析图)
▼建筑外观局部,墙面材料选择光敏高密度水泥纤维板、灰白色火山岩与木纹贴面等,partial exterior view of the exhibition center,walls are made ofphotosensitive high-density cement fiberboards,off-whitevolcanic and wooden veneer©聂欣
▼川西传统民居檐廊空间示意图,the cornice and veranda of the traditional dwellings in western Sichuan©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
Most of the traditional houses in Western Sichuan have cornices and porches, which are of great significance in space experience and function use. On the one hand, cornice and eaves Gallery form the transition gray space between indoor and outdoor, enriching the space experience; on the other hand, they play a role of sun shading and rain shelter in the hot and rainy Western Sichuan area, and also play a certain role in protecting the wall. In this case, the steel structure system is adopted, and the modern construction technology is used to create an overhead floor, a large area of gray space under the eaves and an extended cantilever platform. The architectural form of ground view at the bottom makes the space scale under the eaves more flexible, rich and three-dimensional. People who come and go freely shuttle and stay in the “outdoor space” – “semi outdoor space” – “semi indoor space” – “indoor space”, with the embedding of natural greening into the space, a pleasant space is constructed.
本案对川西传统民居檐廊空间的现代转译,thetranslation ofthe cornice and veranda©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
▼檐下的大面积灰空间及外延挑台,the transition space and terrace under thecornice©聂欣(上),©宋浅深/唐衫衫(下)
In the process of design, we always hold a critical attitude of nostalgia, which is not only the inheritance of surface image level, but also the deep excavation of the architectural characteristics of traditional residential buildings in Western Sichuan. In the process of design, we reconstruct the collective memory place of traditional residents in Western Sichuan by means of “Deconstruction” such as migration, reorganization and abstraction. At the same time, we also combine the present with the present New generation of construction technology and objective needs to be reshaped. It may be a more appropriate idea and trend in the current rural construction to reconstruct the traditional elements with the contemporary formal language and realize the scene expression in the place with the contemporary construction way.
诺伯舒兹①提出“场所是出发点也是我们探讨结构的目标,一开始场所是以一种既有的且透过自发性经验的整体性显现出来,最后经过对空间及特性的观点分析之后便像是一个结构世界。”[3] 这里涉及到人为场所与自然场所的关系,我们在设计过程中充分建筑与自然之间的对话,试图营造的空间为自然景观的一种延伸。
农科基地功能分为展示与办公两块,为整个项目的农业技术的研发与展示中心。为体现田园生活的标志性,农科基地充分贯彻与场地融合共生的理念,强调建筑空间与田园景观的延续性,在展示的这一块有别于传统的参观者被动的接受信息的模式,而是采用“开放式” “游览式” “参与式”等多层次的展示形式。其功能不再为单纯的相对封闭的陈列展示,而是强调空间与场地的对话以及参观者的参与性,使之更为深刻的体验田园生活文化。
▼开放式、游览式展示空间示意图,diagram of the open and tour-formed display space©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
▼室内展示与研发办公空间示意图,diagram of the indoor exhibition center and R & D office©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
Norbert Schutz (1) put forward that “place is the starting point and the goal of our discussion of structure. At first, place appears as a kind of existing integrity through spontaneous experience, and at last, after the analysis of space and characteristics, it looks like a structural world.” [3] This involves the relationship between man-made places and natural places. In the process of design, we should make full use of the dialogue between architecture and nature, and try to create a space that is an extension of natural landscape.
The function of agricultural science base is divided into display and office, which is the R & D and display center of agricultural technology of the whole project. In order to reflect the landmark of rural life, the agricultural science base fully implements the concept of integration and symbiosis with the site, and emphasizes the continuity of architectural space and rural landscape. In this part of the exhibition, different from the traditional visitors’ passive mode of receiving information, it adopts multi-level display forms such as “open”, “tour” and “participation”. Its function is no longer a simple relatively closed display, but emphasizes the dialogue between the space and the venue as well as the participation of visitors, so that it can experience the rural life culture more profoundly.
The ground floor of agricultural science base is overhead for the exhibition area of agricultural planting, which adopts the semi outdoor open display form, which is a continuation of the rural landscape to the building space. The landscape architecture forms a relaxed and pleasant communication platform. Along the flow line from the ground floor exhibition hall to the second floor, there are activity platforms and plant display stands, which not only show a new planting technology, but also a continuation of rural landscape to the second floor building, creating a kind of sightseeing exhibition space, in which the building, as a medium, links people and nature.
The second floor function of agricultural science base is R & D office and indoor exhibition center, which has office, leisure, multimedia display and related supporting functions. The building adopts the form of “cross”, and the facade adopts the glass curtain wall in a large area, which makes the building present an “open dialogue” attitude to the rural landscape, and can enjoy the rural landscape vision in all directions and to the greatest extent.设有办公、休闲、多媒体展示与相关配套功能,the second floor of the exhibition center with office, leisure, multimedia display and related supporting functions © 聂欣
本方案采用全装配式钢结构,结构系统由钢(构)件构成,钢结构、围护系统、设备与管线系统和内装系统做到和谐统一的装配式建筑,具有以下优点:(图表 11)(一)、装配率高,易拼装(二)、抗震性能好(三)、建筑总重轻(四) 、环保效果好(可回收、再利用、 低浪费) (五) 、基本无湿作业(六)、减少工地建筑垃圾, 尘减少(七)、施工速度快,现场噪音小(八)、无需夜间施工,减少夜间照明
The scheme adopts fully assembled steel structure, and the structural system is composed of steel (members). The steel structure, enclosure system, equipment and pipeline system, and the interior decoration system are harmonious and unified. It has the following advantages: (Figure 11) (1) High assembly rate, easy to assemble (2) Good seismic performance (3) Total weight of building (4) Good environmental protection effect (recyclable, reused and waste reduction) (5) Basically no wet operation (6) Reduce construction waste and dust (7) Fast construction speed and low noise on site (8) No need for night construction, reduce night lighting.
本项目采用 100% 无石棉、绿色安全环保的纤维水泥板,材料具有以下优点:(图表 12、图表 13) (一)、不产生毒气,无放射污染,环保生态(二)、不燃性 A 级,遇火无毒气释放,烟指数为零(三)、质轻高强,降低建筑结构成本(四)、优质纤维和特制水泥合成,性能稳定性卓绝,受潮度影响小(五)、保温隔热性能好,降低能耗
The project adopts 100% asbestos free, green, safe and environmental friendly fiber cement board, with the following advantages: (Fig. 12, 13)(1) No toxic gas, no radiation pollution, environmental protection and ecology(2) Incombustible class A, no toxic gas release in case of fire, zero smoke index(3) Light weight and high strength, reducing the cost of building structure(4) High quality fiber and special cement, excellent performance and stability, little affected by humidity(5) Good heat preservation and insulation performance, reduce energy consumption
Nowadays, more and more attention has been paid to green building. In the design process, the exhibition center of agricultural science base has fully considered the application of new materials and technologies under the concept of ecological and green environmental protection, implemented the principles of reducing consumption and saving resources of green building, and maintained the balance between the construction technology, the construction style of “new” and the “old” of traditional residential buildings in Western Sichuan.
Through the vicissitudes of modern Chinese history and the influence of western architectural culture in recent decades, Chinese traditional architectural culture has been greatly impacted. While some Chinese architects often only use the form of simple retro to express the regional feelings of architecture, there are some conflicts between modern living methods and cultural concepts and traditional architectural forms. Architecture is the place where the life scene takes place rather than the simple “Museum”. How to express the “authenticity” of architecture and let people find a sense of belonging is a problem worthy of our deep thinking. This paper makes an in-depth study on the architectural forms of traditional folk houses in Western Sichuan, and makes a detailed analysis on the principles and methods of their modern translation. If it can provide some reference value for the regional creative methods of contemporary architectural design, it is the greatest significance of this paper.
一层平面图,1F plan©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
二层平面图,2F plan©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
▼东北立面图,northeast elevation©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
▼西北立面图,northwest elevation©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
▼1-1 剖面图,1-1 section©成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)
[1][中国] 阮国诗。稻香渔歌”田园综合体系列 2:农科基地展示中心,XXL 建筑研习社 10/2019[2][中国] 孟凡浩、丁倩琳。乡村公共空间营造东梓关实践再思考——杭州富阳东梓关村民活动中心,新建筑 4/2019[3][挪威] 诺伯舒兹。场所精神——迈向建筑现象学。施植明译,武汉:华中科技大学出版社。2010 项目名称:农科基地展示中心设计方:成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司(杭州 XXL 设计团队)设计时间(起迄年月):2019.05-2019.07 建设时间(起迄年月):2019.08-2019.10 主创建筑师:谢晓璐、柳春玮、阮国诗设计团队完整名单:张欢涛、刘艺瑶、李旭飞、储威施工图:华优建筑设计院有限责任公司景观:上海胤秀景观设计公司室内设计:四川创视达建筑装饰设计有限公司项目地址:成都市大邑县董杨镇建筑面积:967.91㎡摄影:聂欣、宋浅深、唐衫衫客户:朗基建设集团作者:阮国诗(ruanguoshi)中国美术学院建筑学士/成都天华西南建筑设计有限公司,谢晓璐(xiexiaolu)国家一级注册建筑师/高级工程师/同济大学建筑学硕士/上海天华建筑设计有限公司
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