“利用废弃塑料网来打造一座花园”的项目是由Green Routes组织的“塔兰托公共空间”活动的一部分。项目旨在通过一种全新的、强调环保意识的艺术装置,来改造圣安东尼奥修道院的古老回廊空间。塔兰托海岸的海洋和景观作为一种公共资源,只有通过更加积极具体的行动才能得到足够保护。
A garden can grow from plastic net wastes. The project is part of the “Public Scape Taranto” event organized by Green Routes. The idea is to transform the space of the renovated ancient Cloister of Sant’ Antonio Monastery , through an artistic installation that claims a new environmental awareness. The sea and the landscape of the Taranto coast are common assets to be safeguarded, and only through more concrete actions can it be protected.
▼一个全新的、强调环保意识的艺术装置,A new, environmentally conscious art installationn ©Ammostro, fabulism
▼由废旧塑料网制作而成的“管状”艺术作品,A “tubular” work of art made from waste plastic mesh ©Ammostro, fabulism
▼装置布置现场,Plant layout siten ©Ammostro, fabulism
▼色彩鲜艳明亮,Bright colors ©Ammostro, fabulism
Tradition and innovation come together through the reinterpretation and reuse of the typical plastic nets, called “reste”, used in the mussels breeding. The development of mussel culture techniques is difficult to date, as they refer to ancient local traditions. The historic modular system, consisting of square chamber cores composed of poles and ropes, delimited the system grid. Materials and complex techniques, developed over time, are a synthesis of local culture and customs, which have transformed the economic and social landscape of Taranto. Today instead of plant and wood fibers, mainly nylon and galvanized iron are used. Technical and management innovation has evolved, ensuring larger production, but on the other hand, the introduction of artificial materials, in addition to the lack of management environmental respect have led to serious consequences for the marine ecosystem.
▼悬挂在空中的色彩缤纷的装置,A colorful device suspended in the air ©Ammostro, fabulism
The plastic nets are essential for the mussels breeding, but they are one of the most polluting waste along the Apulian coasts. Once the nets are harvesting unusable, they are often thrown into the see by the fisherman, falling down in the deep. This process sadly became a common practice and now a huge and continuos plastic carpet stifle the seabed, transforming it into an arid place where the sea fauna creates its own habitat. But not only that, fishes and birds often die suffocated, ingesting the plastics as food mistakenly.
▼人们正在打捞海里的废旧塑料网,People are salvaging old plastic nets from the sea ©Ammostro, fabulism
Hortus Mytilus项目通过将废弃塑料网打造成艺术作品,来呼吁人们重视这一问题。装置通过保持一种诗意和轻松的姿态,吸引并触动着观众。规整的圆柱型塑料网格将回廊空间划分,高3米、宽35厘米的圆柱形金属骨架悬挂在回廊之间延伸的电缆线上以固定塑料网。这些塑料网事先已经过清洗,并且按颜色进行组装和划分。使人联想起“zoche”技术和贻贝养殖场的明亮“管子”在空中漂浮着,创造出一种连续不断的透明感和重叠感。
Hortus Mytilus cries out this problem, starting from a waste material it becomes an artistic work. It attracts attention and sensitizes the viewer, while maintaining a poetic and light attitude. A regular grid of columns punctuates and divides the cloister space. Cylindrical metal skeletons of 3 m high and 35 cm width hang from cables stretched between the cloister arcades. To this structures are opportunely fixed the plastic nets, previously clean, joined and divided by color. The sequence of these light tubes recalls the technique of the “zoche”, the mussel farms, and floats in the air, creating a continuous play of transparencies and overlaps.
▼装置鸟瞰图,Bird-eye’s view of the installation ©Ammostro, fabulism
▼装置细部,Details of the installation ©Ammostro, fabulism
▼孩子们在装置场地嬉戏,Children play at the installation site ©Ammostro, fabulism
▼夜幕下的装置,The installation at night ©Ammostro, fabulism
▼制作过程图,Diagram ©fabulism
▼装置场地平面图,Plan ©fabulism
location: Chiostro di Sant’Antonio, Taranto status: built year: 2018 photos: Ammostro