

随着位于旧金山的新办公室的成立,Riebenbauer事务所将从2019年5月起开展一系列跨国项目。其中包括他们为Cup of Ceremony设计的快闪店——一家结合了日式传统和现代设计元素的多感官空间。
Starting in May 2019, Studio Riebenbauer will make design perceptible far beyond its national borders, with the opening of the Cup of Ceremony pop-up store, an analogue retreat that combines Japanese traditions and modern design, as well as with the expansion of Studio Riebenbauer by its new company location in San Francisco.
Cup of Ceremony最初由谷歌公司的前创意总监Jonathan Chung和他的家人一起创办,旨在将日本茶道带入硅谷,以促进感觉功能的开发。第一家门店以快闪店的形式在旧金山的多帕奇区开业,为顾客在感官的绿洲中创造出博物馆般的体验。Riebenbauer工作室通过该项目书写了关于“体验”的全新篇章。设计的核心主题体在该项目的方方面面。“我们从日常生活中汲取线索和灵感,试图为“虚无”留出宝贵的空间,并为之注入个性与创造力。”创始人Franz Riebenbauer和Almut Becvar如此表示。
▼柜台上的绿植,flower on the counter
▼标识细部,logo and sign detail
Cup of Ceremony was initiated by Google’s Creative Director Jonathan Chung and his family. It brings Japanese tea ceremonies to Silicon Valley to further the development of all your senses. The first shop was opened as a pop-up concept in Dogpatch, San Francisco and provides its customers with a museum experience in a sensual oasis. Studio Riebenbauer writes the next chapter of a holistic story of experience with the conception and implementation of Cup of Ceremony. The conceptual idea’s central theme of perfect imperfection is reflected in every aspect of this project. “We decipher everyday life and provide precious space for emptiness, to fill it with creativity and personality,” say Franz Riebenbauer and Almut Becvar, true to the motto less is more.
▼在感官的绿洲中创造出博物馆般的体验,the store provides its customers with a museum experience in a sensual oasis
▼展示在立柱上的蜡烛,candles displayed on plinths
The idea has its origins in Japanese culture, according to which broken and therefore imperfect objects become something special. For example, porcelain is reassembled and the fractures are even emphasized with golden accentuations. “We show the beauty of broken things. Only if something is broken can we see its subjacent layers.” This concept pervades all aspects, from the interiors to the business cards, which are always torn on one side.
▼“破碎之美”贯穿了整个设计,the beauty of broken things pervades all aspects
这间快闪店将主题放在嗅觉上。店内提供四款香氛蜡烛,由一位韩国调香师根据Jonathan Chung的童年记忆而特别创造。 Wa-和谐,融合了十余种谷物的芳香。 Kei-尊敬,地瓜般的甜香中蕴藏了Jonathan Chung对童年的记忆:“它使我想起黑暗的冬夜里,手中热气腾腾的烤地瓜。” Sei-纯粹,一款抹茶香,代表着重要的时刻与纯粹的传统。 Jaku-宁静,红豆般的香气,融入了韩国传统糖果的甜蜜与多彩。
▼包装好的香氛蜡烛,the packaged candles
The pop-up store focuses on our most developed sense: our sense of smell. Four candles are available, whose scents were created by a Korean perfumer. These scents are based on Jonathan Chung’s childhood memories. Wa-Harmony, incorporates the scents of more than ten different grain varieties Kei-Respect, embodies a particular intense memory from Jonathan Chung’s childhood with its sweet potato scent: “It reminds me of dark winter evenings and holding hot sweet potatoes in my hands.” Sei-Purity, according to Jonathan, stands for intense moments and pure tradition with its scent of matcha. Jaku-Tranquility, smells like read beans and sweet, colorful, traditional Korean sweets.
▼与蜡烛相配的诗句,the poems respond the candles
Concrete molds, which were specially made for Studio Riebenbauer, are used to give the fragrant wax creations appropriate vessels and each candle its individual character.
▼蜡烛细部,candle detailed view
Cup of Ceremony还设立了工作坊,旨在引导顾客体验奇妙的气味世界。 Curated workshops guide visitors through Cup of Ceremony’s olfactory world.
▼店内提供的茶与甜点,tea and dessert served by the store