

Once again I stole the light. Like the story of cunning Prometheus stealing fire from the gods, I stole the light for this little box I built in a cemetery in Venice.
▼墓园中的纪念堂,a little box built in a cemetery
Once again an empty concrete cube, full of shadow, which pierced its corners and filled with the solid light of the moving sun. The rays of the sun, traversing the inside of the cube, convert it into a beautiful luminous space, with a well measured and tempered light. In the center, a tiny white cube of Paros marble (Thassos) suspended in the air will contain the ashes like a Roman cinerary urn. The solid light transfigures it by touching the white cube. It seems that instead of floating it starts to fly.
▼混凝土结构中央悬浮着一个白色大理石体量,an empty concrete cube with a tiny white cube of Paros marble suspended in the air
▼从角落开凿出的窗洞使不断移动的阳光强烈地照射进来,the cube pierced its corners and filled with the solid light of the moving sun
Under Virgil’s advice, we fill the cross carved in the cube with gold. As he recounts in Book I of the Aeneid:“…The marble of Paros surrounded by the yellow glow of gold.”
▼金色的十字架,the golden cross
When we get to the cube from the cemetery path, and look through the hole that is offered at the height of our eyes, we discover the luminous miracle that takes place inside. After opening the powerful door, which is a piece of the same concrete wall, we penetrate the mysterious interior pierced by light. We discover the Lumen of Lumine, which is like the Ianua Coeli that is proposed to us by the Holy Scriptures.
▼从窗洞望向大理石盒子,view to the marble cube through the opening
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼轴测图,axon drawing
Text by Alberto Campo Baeza Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza. Location: San Doná di Piave, Venezia. Client: Adalberto Mestre. Project: 2017. Built: 2018. Area: 9 sqm. Collaborators: Adalberto Mestre, Alejandro Cervilla García, Ignacio Aguirre López, Tommaso Campiotti, María Pérez de Camino Díez, Elena Jiménez Sánchez, Francesc Abajo, Alfonso Guajardo Fajardo, Joan Suñé. Structure: Alessandro Emanuelli (reinforced concrete), Claudio Nadal (concrete and steel door). Quantity surveyor: Adalberto Mestre. Contractor: IMEA (reinforced concrete), Angelo Nadal (inox steel), Zanet Marmi (marble). Photographer: Javier Callejas, Luca Casonato, Luca Faggiotto.