

The Unending Attraction of Nature, a temporary art intervention by Klaus Littmann and Austria’s largest public art installation to date. Bringing together art, nature and architecture in an unprecedented way, this monumental art intervention sees the transformation of Wörthersee football Stadium in Klagenfurt into a native central European forest, with almost 300 trees, some weighing up to six tons each, carefully installed on the existing pitch. FOR FOREST is open daily, free to access and on view until 27 October 2019.
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view ©UNIMO
几乎三十多年前,李特曼发现了奥地利艺术家和建筑师马克斯·潘特纳(Max Peintner)(生于1937年)的反乌托邦绘画艺术作品《自然不倦的魅力》(The Unending Attraction of Nature),并从中获得灵感,最终通过“致森林”真实再现了这张图画里的场景。今天我们面临着环境变化和滥伐森林等紧迫课题,通过这一具有标志性意义的艺术装置作品,李特曼试图挑战我们对于自然的认识,质询关于它的未来。这一项目以一种特殊纪念物的方式提醒我们:被我们经常视为理所当然的自然,也许未来的某一天只能在一些特定地点发现,就像是已经发生的动物园里的动物一样。
▼“致森林”再现了马克斯·潘特纳的绘画艺术作品《自然不倦的魅力》中的场景,FOR FOREST brings the vision of the dystopian drawing by Max Peintner to life ©Max Peintner (pencil drawing, 1970/71)
Inspired by The Unending Attraction of Nature, a dystopian drawing by Austrian artist and architect Max Peintner (b. 1937) that Littmann discovered almost thirty years ago, FOR FOREST finally brings that vision to life. Rallying in support of today’s most pressing issues on climate change and deforestation, FOR FOREST aims to challenge our perception of nature and question its future. It seeks to become a memorial, reminding us that nature, which we so often take for granted, may someday only be found in specially designated spaces, as is already the case with animals in zoos.
▼沃尔特湖足球场变身为本土的欧洲中部森林,the art intervention sees the transformation of Wörthersee football Stadium into a native central European forest ©UNIMO
瑞士叶尼景观建筑事务所(Enea Landscape Architecture)负责将各类不同的树木移植到沃尔特湖体育场。其中包括银桦树、桤木、山杨、白柳、角树、栓皮槭和普通橡树。移植之后,森林会继续生长,并随着季节转换更替颜色,吸引野生生物。
Overseen by Enea Landscape Architecture, the forest is composed of a diverse range of species such as silver birch, alder, aspen, white willow, hornbeam, field maple and common oak. Once transplanted the forest will take on a life of its own, changing colours as the season turns and attract wildlife.
▼各类不同的树木被移植到沃尔特湖体育场,the forest is composed of a diverse range of species © Gerhard Maurer
▼从观众席望向树木,view from the audience area © Gerhard Maurer
Seating up to 30,000 spectators, the surroundings of Wörthersee Stadium will dramatically shape the visitor experience. From 10am until 10pm daily, audiences will experience a unique panorama of trees, day and night, under natural light or by floodlight. Encountering FOR FOREST will trigger a multiplicity of responses and emotions, and depending on the time of day or night the trees will form an ever-changing landscape. This captivating panorama will pave the way for a whole new perspective and understanding of forests.
▼夜间视角,night view © Gerhard Maurer
“致森林”这一项目的最终实现,其实可以追溯到李特曼以往策划和制作的一系列相关展览:比如1982年在瑞士巴塞尔与耶勒( Jehle)合作的“陈列柜里的足球”(Fussball in der Vitrine );2003年瑞士巴塞尔的“体育馆文化”(Kultort Stadion);2008年西班牙比戈的“足球面孔”(Faces of Football);2011年法国里昂的“为了生命的行动”(Move for Life);“真实虚构电影院”(Real Fiction Cinema)(艺术装置巡回展)——2010-2012年(瑞士)/2015-2016年(中国);2018年巴塞尔的“地球花园”( Jardin des Planètes)。李特曼的这些项目跟他很多其他项目一样,都体现了他对于探索流行文化与艺术之间关系的持久兴趣。
After the free art intervention at the stadium ends on 27 October 2019, the forest will be carefully replanted on a public site in close proximity to Wörthersee Stadium at a scale of 1:1 and remain as a living ‘forest sculpture’. Parallel to this, a pavilion is planned in order to document the project for the long-term.
The journey to realising FOR FOREST traces a line back to exhibitions Littmann conceived and produced such as Fussball in der Vitrine with Werner Jehle (Basel, 1982); Kultort Stadion (Basel, 2003); Faces of Football (Vigo & Vitoria, 2008); Move for Life (Basel, Lyon, Paris, 2006-2011); Real Fiction Cinema (Switzerland, 2010-2012 & China, 2015-2016) and Jardin des Planètes (Basel, 2018). These projects among others reveal Littmann’s longstanding interest in the relationship of popular culture with art.
▼整体夜间鸟瞰,aerial view by night ©UNIMO
Visiting | FOR FOREST Wörthersee Stadium Südring 207 9020 Klagenfurt Austria Open daily 10am – 10pm including public holidays. Access Free admission Practical information: forforest.net | Instagram: @forforestklagenfurt | Twitter: @forforest_art | #FORFOREST Publication and film: A documentary about FOR FOREST by Robert Schabus is due to be released at the end of 2019. There will also be a special publication which is due to be published in 2020. Related programming: A satellite programme of art and cultural events coinciding with FOR FOREST is due to take place around Klagenfurt and the full programme is available on the website here. Listings information: FOR FOREST 8 September – 27 October 2019