

在瓦伦西亚旧餐厅的基础上,FRANCESC RIFÉ工作室打造了一个全新的叙事性空间,以展示主厨Miguel Ángel Mayor的烹饪故事。新的设计呼应了服务于历史元素的空间分布,而沉稳的绿色则将客人包裹在柔缓而幽静的氛围之中。
On the basis of an old restaurant designed by the studio in the Carmen district of Valencia, the challenge was to imagine a new spatial narrative to illustrate the cuisine of the chef Miguel Ángel Mayor. The new intervention echoes the memory of the space with a distribution serving the historical elements, while a sober green color envelops the visitor in a slow and deep atmosphere.
▼餐厅入口和过渡区域,entrance of the restaurant
▼餐厅接待处,the reception
With the new image and organization, the guests become actors in a scenario tracing the history of the city. The area of access and transition welcomes you through a composition of furniture with convivial and ergonomic lines followed by a dining room that hosts the first menu’s act, placing tables in front of the chef’s performance bar. With a glazed roof covering a series of black-stained oak slats, the natural light is added to the top floor. The two-level distribution of these first environments is marked by the remains of the old Arab wall of Valencia, which in the 12th century delimited the perimeter of the city. The foundations of its exterior facade and one of its watchtowers now surround one of the rooms, also available for small events and meetings.
▼由玻璃和黑色木条组成的镂空天花板带来良好采光,the ceiling that consists of glass and black wooden strip brings good daylighting
▼用餐空间,the dining room
▼光影细部,details of the shadow
▼从过渡区域向餐厅区域看去,view to the dining area from transition
▼餐厅细部,details of the appetizer dining area
要到达主餐厅,必须穿过一条可以透过灰色烟熏玻璃看到酒窖的走廊。 哥特式的拱门被放在 “Half of Milan Iluminación” 灯具之前,与戏剧性的开口和天窗主导着餐厅的格局,同时让地下室全天都拥有充足的自然光。 为了寻求良好的视听环境,餐桌沿着外围分布,中央只留下一个能够支持厨师制作主菜的操作台。 聚光灯可根据需要照亮不同的桌子;天井的光散漫地投射进餐厅,打在横跨整个空间的历史展示墙上。
▼通向主餐厅的走廊,a corridor leading to the main dining room
▼主用餐区概览,overview of the main dining room
▼主用餐区一角,one corner of the main dining area
▼主用餐区细部,details of the main dining room
To reach the main dining room, you have to cross a corridor that shows the cellar through the translucent gray smoked glass. A Gothic arch, preceded by an important presence of “Half of Milan Iluminación” lamps, presides the room with strategic vertical openings and skylights that give this basement a natural light throughout the day. In search of a good acoustic quality and a spatially wide sensation, the tables are distributed peripherally, leaving in the center a point of support for the chef to operate in front of the guests in the second act of the gastronomic process. Fully integrated spotlight allows the tables to be illuminated according to the needs; without ignoring the great historical wall that crosses the space, an indirect zenith light is projected.
▼用餐区域的灯光设计,lighting design of dining area
A succession of historic Valencian ceramics, dating from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, is organized throughout the space.This choice of traditional elements seeks to reintegrate the archaic, while creating at the same time balance with the greenish monochrome tonality that dresses the space both in walls, ceilings and through a carpet that serves as an instrument of warmth.
▼具有古老元素的餐厅细部,details with ancient elements